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Duplicated contour line labels are a problem

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I just turned on the labels for my site model.  There are over 20 labels stacked on top of each other in several locations.  When I say stacked on top of each other, they literally share the same handle point and can not be differentiated when you zoom in very close.  Why does this happen and how is it prevented?

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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

1) what was the site model origin data?

2) is there duplicate geometry?

3) could you post the file or if that is not possible could you PM me the file?


There could be a number of things that cause this, but without seeing the file and understanding how it was generated it is just a shot in the dark.


As for the labels you can select the site model and use the second mode of the reshape tool to move, delete or add labels.

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@bgoff thanks for the reply.


1. DXF contours from point cloud software

2. Not that I am aware of

3. The file is over 20 MB just for the site model.  What is the best way to share it?


I deleted over 100 duplicate labels yesterday.  When I opened the file this morning, they are back.  Huge wasted effort 😞

Thanks for any insights.

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Certain site model edits, maybe any site model edit, causes the contour elevation labels to duplicate. Maybe simply opening the edit contours dialog?  Sorry i can’t remember the specific trigger(s). I will try to test. 


regarding delete then finding them regenerated at reopen. - was there a Save action? did dupe labels propagate in both exist and proposed?  The dupes are vexing (vextorworks!)



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@Benson Shaw I saved the file after deleting contour labels.  Everything looked correct and I closed the file.  The labels magically appeared upon reopening the file.  Vextorworks, Vectorbreaks, Vectorfails.... I’ve been seeing a lot of that lately 😞

I’m losing faith with a lot of these tools and tech support.  Spent a few hours building hardscape styles today while I wait for this contour issue to resolve and because I still haven’t received an explanation for my alpha channel issues here:


Found all kinds of workflow fails with the hardscape styles, like textures changing their mapping by themselves.  It’s getting to the point where I’m wondering why I’m investing so much time in this platform.  Landscape BIM is not trustworthy in Vectorworks and becoming a vast time suck.  Kind of making the case for returning to a 2D CAD approach to stay profitable 😞  when stuff works, it’s fun and excellent.  Unfortunately, these victories are vastly outnumbered by the fails in the past few months.


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@jeff prince Yes I think it is a reasonable call.

There are two things that I do to minimize the issue :

  • I keep an original and clean copy of the site model to use once I am done with my modifications (refer to my workaround just above)
  • I try to avoid setting up a modifier on a a contour line (e.g. top of retaining wall site modifier on 16200 when my contours are every 200mm) unless it is from the Tool Set 'Site Modifier Tools'

I hope it helps

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@Minna  I think the workaround requires several things:

A.  Place all your site modifiers on layer(s) separate from the DTM.

B.  Make a copy of the existing DTM data

C.  Create a new DTM from this data on a new, blank Design Layer.


Lastly, use the DTM settings to apply all the site mods layers  to the new DTM, and update the new DTM. If terrain and contour labels are as expected, delete the original DTM (or, better, the orig DTM layer assuming no other objects present on that layer).  

Any further site mod edits or addition of new site mods will likely create duplicate contour labels. If so, repeat above. 

hope this works for you. 


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1 hour ago, Benson Shaw said:

@Minna  I think the workaround requires several things:

A.  Place all your site modifiers on layer(s) separate from the DTM.

B.  Make a copy of the existing DTM data

C.  Create a new DTM from this data on a new, blank Design Layer.


Lastly, use the DTM settings to apply all the site mods layers  to the new DTM, and update the new DTM. If terrain and contour labels are as expected, delete the original DTM (or, better, the orig DTM layer assuming no other objects present on that layer).  

Any further site mod edits or addition of new site mods will likely create duplicate contour labels. If so, repeat above. 

hope this works for you. 


Unfortunately, that trick doesn’t work.  The second you hit the update button to refresh a texture or graphic mode of the site model, the duplicates will come back even though the site model data has not changed.


This problem has been going on so long and Vectorworks doesn’t seem to be fixing it…. The only reliable way to label contours seems to be doing it manually with annotations in the viewport(s) unfortunately.

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