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by default a worksheet counts all the occurrences no matter where the are. A window on a design layer and in three viewports will count as 4 in a worksheet.

You couldn't make this up.

Why would the default be so counter-intuitive? Why should people need to know how to use the cryptic interface of the appalling worksheet environment just to fix errant behaviours like this?

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I wonder how long we will be required to do scripting ourselves in VWs to make it somewhat intuitive and usable?

I'm in the process of trying to develop a general setup for scheduling windows and doors.

I've so far been forced to only use WinDoor objects (because it's not possible (too difficult for me) to create a worksheet that includes and sorts a mixture of native and WinDoor objects)

With record formats attached (because there are too few User fields in either native (33) and/or WinDoor (22) objects to cover what I need (55)).

All placed in a single long wall on a specially created DL to be able to create live plans and elevations that look correct (this in its turn means that keeping a correct count in worksheets automatically has become incorrect and therefor an extra pain in the butt to get right)

I tell you setting up Worksheets to use as schedules for all window /door objects and get them to show what I need, is one hell of a pain in the ass........clumsy, unintuitive, tedious, illogical, hard to edit or adjust......

-not possible to copy rows or columns

-not possible to duplicate Criteria,

-not possible to hide columns, workaround = column width 0, however if you want to show it again you need to reset the whole worksheet and start again!

-endlessly long lists of Field Values (just try using the custom selection command!)

-no possible connection between 2 criteria rows.

etc, etc......

Edited by Vincent C
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tHANKS for the screenshot...Christian, and Chris D well said. Im returning to vectorworks from other softwares, one was chief architect. I wish VW could become just a bit more automated as im always getting all messed up with classes and what is showing on the sheet.

on teh other side of the coin, chief architect it always seems like you are fighting the automation and the model. there is a big price to pay graphically to have that much automation. The thing that brought me back is that even with the automation, you end up doing a lot of workarounds to get what you want. With VWA you do the "work arounds" in the beginning with all the non-automated and non intuitive struggles but in the end you have a much better graphic and constructed project. Of course, one big part of this is that I could not afford two seats of Revit. hahaha.

but one feature with chief architect is this arrow button that you push and you go up and down as far as floor level.

overall im glad to be back with VW, some of the images we produce with VW (bitmaps with sketch overlaid over the top) are really nice.

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Agreed that worksheets can be "clumsy, unintuitive, tedious, illogical, hard to edit or adjust...." (and everything else)

But you can duplicate criteria (if I understand correctly what you are trying to do). Expose the database headers, select the row header, Command C.

Select a blank row. Command V.


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Right click on the criteria row and select edit criteria.......

Make sure you have the database header row (3. Not 3.1, 3.2, etc. ) visible first. If it is not use the little triangle pull down menu ( above the row labels) to put a check mark next to Database Headers.

Then right click on the row label(ie. 3), and select Edit Criteria..

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Agreed that worksheets can be "clumsy, unintuitive, tedious, illogical, hard to edit or adjust...." (and everything else)

But you can duplicate criteria (if I understand correctly what you are trying to do). Expose the database headers, select the row header, Command C.

Select a blank row. Command V.


OK thanks Mike, at least that's something :grin:

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I realize that this answer just goes further to prove your point, but you can combine the windoor and vw window schedules. See this thread http://techboard.vectorworks.net/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Main=34472&Number=170051#Post170051

These scripts http://techboard.vectorworks.net/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=165997#Post165997 help make formatting worksheets a little more intuitive. Or at least more interactive.

The worksheet interface is frustrating. But I've found them so useful in my drawing process - I use many worksheets for housekeeping and navigation duties - that I can't work without them anymore.


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