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round up to the next whole number

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Pats way is traditionally one of the ways of doing this however it does not necessarily take into account negative numbers if you need to handle them.

If you need to handle negative numbers, then it is slightly more complex. Pascal often has a sgn function that returns -1 or +1 depending on the sign of the number. VS does not have this so if you do need to handle negative numbers, you can either create a function to mimic sgn and use the formula below.

However, your application may require that rounding of negative numbers cannot be accomplished with the round function in a simple formula, you will need to revert to using an if statement for the whole formula that implements the formula slightly differently depending on whether you want a negative number rounded up or down.

i := ROUND( ABS( criteria ) + 0.5 )) * sgn( criteria );



IF n < 0 THEN

sgn := -1


sgn := 1;


You also need to test that the 0.5 added to 1 will not round up to 2. Some Pascal implementations might and it may even be processor specific resulting in rounding errors that mean that the value you see on screen (ie 0.5) is really a slightly different number (ie 0.50000000001) internally. In this case, the 0.5 may need to be 0.49... depending on the potential precision of the input value and floating point number in use.

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thanks for your input guys. I was building a worksheet, So I can't use a script. I wanted to see if there was an easy way to to this in a worksheet. I'm not sure if my way is the most elegant, but it works.

the worksheet is supposed to work out the area of a building, divide it by the carpark ratio and then show how many whole carparks are needed. INT() and ROUND() both do part of the job, and changing the decimal places to 0 would do it, but i want to know that my cell will ALWAYS round up to the next whole number.

I have also used the same formula to calculate how many downpipes I need on a roof. If you go over one downpipe, the worksheet has to show that 2 downpipes are needed.

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  • 5 years later...

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