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Dieter @ DWorks

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Everything posted by Dieter @ DWorks

  1. True, and that's the same shortcoming that walls have. Imho a slab/wall/roof style should be about the kind of components, not about their thickness... But I don't see the problem when changing height levels. A slab shouldn't be determined by two heights, it sits at a height and has a thickness...
  2. I don't know how you bind your walls, but I never have this problem. You have to bind to the correct walls. Know that you can bind to walls on other layers (when you have the option '../modify others' on in the layer options.) Also, if you can't bind your slabs, then it can be that your drawing methodology isn't great and maybe you should revision it. I'm especially talking about flat roof sections from the story below: I draw those top parts of the walls separate, that makes it way easier to work with, and avoid problems like binding to walls...
  3. Why would you do that? Keep the user in mind please. Basically you want VW to behave differently and that will confuse the user! You should keep VW behaviour consistent (though VW on itself isn't very consistent...) I don't know which objects you want to change and what behaviour you want them to have, but you can get the insertion point first, then adjust the height and widht, and then move them to their original insertion point. If you want to have this on your own pio, then this is bad! a pio shouldn't have to know where it is at and shouldn't force it's insertion point. If you think it does, then you have chosen a wrong insertion point. So please, can you give more info about what you need to do? In programming, there are always different solutions, but which one is better always depends on the context you are in. EDIT: Sorry if my words come over harsh, English isn't my native language and I really want to help, I'm always happy to help others, but good coding/developing guidelines/rules are also important.
  4. Lol, I reported this issue years ago.... These two calls just behave differently for polylines and polygons, as they are basically different objects.... It's strange for the last segment, I know. Also Hidden or Closed are two different concepts in VW. Maybe you can wrap these calls in dlibrary dlibrary, so scripters shouldn't worry about that anymore? You can create a pull request if you like, and then we can include it.
  5. You can use http://developer.vectorworks.net/index.php/VS:CreateCustomObjectN to create a plugin instance in yours.
  6. What a discussion, I did not read the whole thing, but I can see what the topic starter wants. But keep in mind that there is a very BIG help in design layer scales, because if you set that scale to one you use a lot for your viewports, you can SEE how things will look in that viewport while designing, so hatches, texts etc... will show better etc....
  7. You can use vs.ValidNumStr("50mm"). Please take a look at dlibrary, where it is used in a much friendlier way. The Units class helps you with converting stuff and doing calculations. I would advice you to convert to inches, do the math, and than convert back to what you need. Because you can start with length units and end up with area units or volume units.
  8. Hi, first of all, make it a menu command, that way you can store parameters like you can do with tools and objects. Each time it is run, you can store the last saved view in a parameter to get it back the next time. second, you could add the menu command to your context menu, and that could act like a next button, no? Or assign a shortcut to it. You'll have no dialog boxes, and the slideshow will just run, like a PowerPoint presentation, just not automatic, but a click or button press isn't that bad imho.
  9. If you want versioning, just write python plugins, which Marionette actually does....
  10. If you do this instead, you won't need to restart VW: import TestPlugin TestPlugin.MainGuy() Only other python files that you reference in that file will acquire a restart if they are changed, but not that main file if you reference it like this.
  11. Well, you can download specific versions from the site. You can place the code where you want and it to the scripting paths in VW. In your script, you can then import the modules to use them. If you use an external editor, you can get syntax highlighting etc. Did you read the readme and manual install files? There is some info in there on how to use it, but I still have to write a good step by step guide on how to use it properly with VW.
  12. Please also consider using dlibrary, which has a Criteria class to easily use this in Python. Dlibrary isn't finished, but everyone is encouraged to contribute to it. So extra criteria can always be added!
  13. You can look at Building like the verb, then it's kind of correct. BIM has just many interpretations....
  14. No section attribute through class?? And what's that alternate section fill for then on roof components?? You know full well the benefits of system wide user controllable sectional graphic attributes. All should be controlled by classes, setting attributes not by class should be gone, it will make life so much simpler both for the developers and the users and will result in better class systems.
  15. And that's my MAIN problem with a lot of features, they are cool, but they always mis some stuff that make them not usable... Like those wall things that can't go at a corner.....
  16. What about X-joins? I really have those a lot! Any improvements?
  17. Yes I am, but it's just that its not officially supported. I know out of own experience (I am a FE developer/designer) that IE9 really has so much problems, but from IE10 it's really working....
  18. No section attribute through class?? And what's that alternate section fill for then on roof components??
  19. This is an issue that goes so many versions.... The only fix you can do is have a good class setup...
  20. LOL, last year was the first time it was that quickly! The years before we had to wait for months! The longest was the end of Februari!
  21. Perhaps adding an option for ribbons would be nice as well, I think it would be easier to jump to the correct 'section' in doors/windows/stairs/spaces etc. by selecting the correct ribbon. Even nicer would be if a little dialog would appear next to the cursor when hovering a door/window etc with these sections to click on. This would mean only one click to go to the correct section in the OIP to edit! Yes, make it more like a ribbon, then you can choose the tab more easily and see all the tabs possible. It could be done like you see in office that you have your normal ribbon sections and then when a certain object is selected, the context related sections are added to edit that object. And better yet, all options/settings that can be set by dragging or by visually set it on the object could be gone from the palette!
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