Why would you do that? Keep the user in mind please. Basically you want VW to behave differently and that will confuse the user! You should keep VW behaviour consistent (though VW on itself isn't very consistent...)
I don't know which objects you want to change and what behaviour you want them to have, but you can get the insertion point first, then adjust the height and widht, and then move them to their original insertion point.
If you want to have this on your own pio, then this is bad! a pio shouldn't have to know where it is at and shouldn't force it's insertion point. If you think it does, then you have chosen a wrong insertion point.
So please, can you give more info about what you need to do? In programming, there are always different solutions, but which one is better always depends on the context you are in.
EDIT: Sorry if my words come over harsh, English isn't my native language and I really want to help, I'm always happy to help others, but good coding/developing guidelines/rules are also important.