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Everything posted by islandmon

  1. Try goto menu>File>Document Preferences > Dimensions>ASME Dual Stacked>create New Dimension >edit dual stack, as required.
  2. VW 11.5 defaults to the active class. So select 'none' as your active class before grouping.
  3. Me too, Some of my older hybrid symbols have random parts re-oriented as described necessitating a reworking ... after which all is fine again.
  4. And ... so... what would we do without sage advise from Mr. Travis Tolman...???
  5. Industry Series DTM . Just place a bunch of 3d Loci along the 2d contours and let it works it's magic. Then you can modify to your hearts content even tweeking the 3d polys. Once you get your arms around the paradigm it's sweet.
  6. These Class VectorFillPat issues are humbling to say the least. A fix to one part of the code seems to tweek another somewhere. I've just gotten to the point of having 'faith' that everything will work out eventually ... just fix that which is broken and then move on. Currently, the whole Class Attributes structure is bogus. I envision a new PIO Tag similar to that used to designate Textures which is designed specifically to resolve these Class Attribute concerns.
  7. That info is contained in the PIO dialog. The problem is getting it to auto dimension on the object itself like in plan. Also note that in v11.5 Plan dimensions will become 3d in Viewports. A tutorial PDF exists on dimensioning 3d objects.
  8. The HatchName bug was in v11 but v11.5 fixed it really good ...to the point where hatches & Vector FillPat are no longer corrupted but they may be persistently 'locked' into the class structure. Looks like export to DWG may require a middle ground option.
  9. Work Group Referencing..
  10. If you're OSX then the file may not be corrupted at all just the permission to access it or one of the recursive invisible directories. Also one of the recursive .ds-store files may be corrupted. Or the symbolic link to the file location may be broken. Try not to over react to the error message. Run Disk Utilities, etc.
  11. There's also a convenient Rectangle PIO v11.5 "Rectangular Obj" which allows for the resizing of the rect. use WorkSpace Editor to find and place in 2d palette.
  12. It's common place. As long as you have a grid point such as UTM ( Universal Transverse mercator Grid ) or Lambert Grid to start your Northing&Easting. Then set the document Orgin at that point ... where ever it may be in plan space ( not necessary to be on the page space ). Then reference every subsequent point from there. For GPS you need to work in mod60 not mod10 so > 52?36'22" = 52.6061 NOT 52.3622. That's all there is to it. You may also use a GPS Record Field to track the coordinates as a worksheet checksum against the Northing&Easting ( YX). Use DTM 3d Loci elevations at each of the grid points to compute the contours.
  13. Just ran a quick test exportin to EPS with & without Hidden Line render: 1) Converting to 3D Mesh creates double lines ! 2)Hidden Line render then export to EPS then import into Freehand8 ( Classic) produced exactly what you appear to be looking for... just those single lines regardless of Mesh or not . Not the Hidden Lines or the double Mesh lines. Just the outlines of the objects.
  14. EPS is tough no matter what you do. I used to enjoy exporting to EPS & then to PDF so that I could watch the Building itself in realtime line by line ... creates huge files ... but... wow. But expunging all those unwanted 3D lines yet retaining the 3D vectors is , indeed, a real 'boolean' challenge. You've got me thinkin' on this one.
  15. Truth is ... best to just build the Roof like a skilled Carpenter. Start with a basic rect gable then decompose it ... that's when the fun begins. Roofs are one of the best challenges in VW. Creating a perfect roof frame provides great satisfaction. Think like a Builder ! Also, it helps if you begin every design at the roof frame.
  16. HP430 with 8mb ram( from old laserwriter) , Centronix>USB, with GIMP HP430 Driver ... works great ...
  17. I'm not Tiger , yet , but happy to report OSX3.9 & VW11.5 are fine & dandy like sugar & candy!
  18. Don't forget the Gradients & Image Prop options for some kool effects.
  19. http://www.povray.org/redirect/www.povray.org/ftp/pub/povray/Official/Documentation/povdoc-3.6.1-us-pdf.zip This document explanations the issues with RayTracing, etc.
  20. OSX uses recursive directories based on your Permissions & Prefs. You cannot just copy a directory in OSX from elsewhere and expect all the links to work out. There is a process called Re-Binding and one called Lookup which UNIX uses to facilitate finding files. Within the VW directory ( folder) are other directories ( folders) and each as an invisible .ds_store file which helps OSX keep track of the contents of the directory. There are also 2 VW preference files in ~Library directory. >Quit VW >Trash the prefs ( make sure you have your SN# ) >Trash the .ds_store files in VW directories >relaunch VW and enter SN# Then you must tell VW Browser where to find the stuff you want as 'Favorites'. And finally go into the Workspace Editor and check out the palettes.Most likely they will be fine now that the .ds_store has been updated by the re-launch. Yeah ... this is a big hassel ... Also get the utility 'Cocktail' @ versiontracker.com and it will be a great help for the OSX issues.
  21. Totally agree with Mr. Oz. Model set-up sucks and the delta Z/Z is confusing and lacks a dynamic check sum. It's easy to make mistakes and get confused. Before you know it you can have elevations all over the place which is compounded by the layers Z's automatically changing each time you add a new one. Prhaps, a simple PIO/GUI palette for setting up the various Model elevations would solve this issue.It could also notify if errors exist in heights.
  22. Check out the new 11.5 Help menu. It' excellent.
  23. Same thing happens with Parking Space numbers! It may be that the reserved field 'fontsize' has a broken link to the reserved address 'layerscale' and consequently the font is defaulting to 1:1.
  24. In 1990 with the debut of the PPC RISC processor Apple provide both the 68000&PPC6100 chips on the motherboard to avoid compatibility issues. Ever since that 'bold' transition Apple has placed maximum emphasis on backwards compatibilities within the OS ( Fat binary apps ). For example VW11.5 still uses many of the 'legacy' API ( as indicated by the 'old watch' icon and and not the OSX spinning PinWheel). There's no doubt in my mind that Tiger will provide 'major' benefits for both the G5 processors and 64bit aware apps. Typically the vast majority of VW Users will remain un-affected until NNA recodes the entire app. to the required API & compiler standards, and this will depend on Longhorn development. Until that time arrives OSX will continue to run multiple API's simultaneously with virtually no requirements for user participation in the process.
  25. Hot , and I thought that Rottweiler came with the program as a security Plug-in ; ->
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