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Pat Stanford

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Everything posted by Pat Stanford

  1. Just a few comments to pull this thread together. 1. Variable and Constant (and procedure and function) names in vectorscript are NOT case sensative. Foo, FOO and foo are all read exactly the same by the compiler. 2. Begin and End statements are used to group a block of statements into a single logical group. You don't need them unless you have more than one statement between them. 3. If you do not use variable or constants in a vectorscript, you don't have to declare it a procedure. If you followed Petri's advise and specified a constant, you would have to the whole script a procedure and use a Begin/End and a Run statement. 4. If this is the entire script, the END; at the end of the script is not needed. Every End should have a matching Begin, and vice-versa. 5. Note that there is no semi-colon after the end before the Else. It is required to be this way. It is part of how If/Then/Else statements work. 6. If you use better formatting, it is often easier to debug VS. Here is the way I would have layed out the script. Remember, white space is ignored by VS. IF ((GetCVis('In House Info-Activity Zones')) = 0) THEN BEGIN HideClass('in house info-activity zones'); END ELSE ShowClass('in house info-activity zones'); Pat
  2. The roof needs to be on a separate layer for this to work. The command should actually be named Fit Walls to 3D Objects. Since the roof and the walls are on the same layer, the walls are being fit to themselves. Pat
  3. You are not doing anything wrong. Just one of the limitation of the Grey Others code. Until VW12, text was displayed as just outline boxes. Make a submission to the wish list. Pat
  4. Bruce, I was able to to duplicate the problem. Draw a rectangle, Use the 2D Fillet tool to radius the corners to 3/8". Extrude by 1 inch. If you try to use the 3D Fillet tool to put a 3/8" radius on the edge it fails. You can put a .374" (rather than .375") radius. You also can not create a radius larger than 0.374 (or maybe more decimal points) If you do it the other way, it works fine. Create a rectangel and extrude. Use the 3D Fillet tool to radius the extruded edges to 3/8", then to radius the top edges to 3/8" it works fine. You can even go to much large radiuses if necessary. I will submit this as a bug. Pat
  5. If you have the photo on a separate layer and your Layer Options set to anything other than Show/Snap/Modify Others, they you will not be able to select the photo. Pat
  6. If you are using WGRs, then this is not enough. If you just move a single file and the WGR is then updates, you will get a mashup of old and new data. If you are using WGRs then you must duplicate the entire folder and use WGRs that use relative locations. If you are creating stand alone files, then your method is great. Pat
  7. I agree, disk storage is so cheap that file sizes don't matter. My suggestion would be to create a folder for each project. All of the files would be within that folder. Set up any WGRs to be by relative location. That way VW will look in the relative location to the current file for the WGR files. If you have something that will not change (like a title block), that could reference a fixed, but always accessible location. When you release a version, make a copy of the entire project folder and move it to an archive location. Actually, I do something similar as part of my backup procedures. I have a folder for each project called Current Versions. Before I start work for the day I make a copy of the folder and date it. That way I can go back to any date and find where I was on the project. If I get to many copies, you can eventually throw away the backups. If you are on the Mac, you could create a simple AppleScript or Automator action that would move and rename the folder for you. Pat
  8. And if this is something that you will want to be able to go back to, create a Saved View. This will give you a simple way of resetting all of the layer and class visibilities when you need to. Pat
  9. Using Katie's way, you still have to do the add solids in order to get the rounded corners you are looking for and the proper internal rounding at the corners. Katie is just suggesting yet another way of generating rough frame. For a straight piece it probably doesn't make much difference if you use an extrude or extrude along path. But with the extrude along path, you get teh ability to use a non-linear path (for say bowed sides). Pat
  10. How about this: Create a rectangle 2 x 3/4 and extrude to 24" long. Duplicate three times and overlap the ends to create the frame. Add Solids to create a single piece. Use the Fillet tool to round over the 3/4" edge on each corner. Use the fillet tool to round over the outside and inside edges. Use the Split tool to cut the miter at each corner. If you think about it, this is actually quite close to what you would do in the shop. You would assemble the frame and do the machining on the complete piece. The only difference is that you have to do the miters at the end rather than at the beginning. You could also make the frame from a 24x 24 rounded rectangle with the 3/8" roundover on the corners already. that would save one fillet step to make it easier to go back and modify if necessary. Pat
  11. There is an extra criteria you can add to your worksheets called InSymbol. When this is selected, the criteria will look inside of symbols as well as just on the layer. It is always additive, meaning that you will get the doors both inside of symbols and just on the layer. As far as I know, there is no way in a worksheet to get information on only things that are inside symbols. Pat
  12. Dan Jansenson also suggests nor completely closing the room. Put in a window or some kind of an opening to let some of the energy out. Pat
  13. You either need to detache the ends of the cylinder to make three separate objects, or you need to use the extract tool in the extract surface more to get a copy of the face. Move it up a tiny bit (0.1mm, maybe less) to ensure that it does not overlap/interfere with the real end, and then group it all together. Then you can apply the three different textures you need. Pat
  14. On my Mac, when I print from Acrobat, I can go to Page Setup and set a 50% reduction there. Then when I print, I get the correct scale. If you do a batch export to PDF, you can get all of the pages in a a single file, so you only have to do the Page Setup once. Pat
  15. You can only make a red symbol from a Plug-In Object. None of the objects you have shown are PIOs. Insert a door and make a symbol of it. The Convert to Group option will change to Convert to Plug-In Object. Pat
  16. If you are printing from Sheet Layers, you can select multiple sheets in the Organization Dialog box and edit them all at the same time. Ding this, you can change the Page Setup and Printer Setup to allow you to set the scale at which to print. After you print, just to the same in reverse. As for the PDFs, why not just send 100% sets and tyhen set to 50% when you print the PDFs? If you don't trust the contractors/clients/engineers to be able to scale down the full size when the print them, why would you trust them to not print your 50% size scaled down even further to letter size or some such nonsense? Pat
  17. Turn on the Working Planes palette. and select the Ground Plane mode in the bottom left corner. Pat
  18. The cased opening should cut the wall. My guess is that either you did not get teh opening into the wall, but it is sitting on top, or that you have somehow have two walls and the opeingin is only cutting one. Try this. Drag tyeh opening out of the wall. Then drag it back in. When you drag it in, make sure that the tip of the cursor pointer is inside the wall before you release the mouse button. This will make sure that opening snaps in the wall. Also check that you have the insert in wall mode turned on in both the 2D symbol insertion tool and the 2D selection tool. Pat
  19. Or go into the Stack Layer Options and check the Show 2D objects button. Pat
  20. You can refernce a file from anywhere you can find it. Your hard disk, a network server, or even a USB drive or (I think) a CD/DVD. Katie, can you please expand on your import into VW2008 comment? Do you mean there is an import VWX command somewhere or are you talking about copy and paste? Pat
  21. Take a look at Workgroup references and/or in VW2008 Design Layer Viewports. The basic idea would be to establish the reference to bring in the data and then break the reference but keep the data. Pat
  22. The serial number is stored where most serial numbers are on the Mac, in the Preferences folder. You need to go to you Home folder and then go to Library:Preferences amd delete the file net.nemetschek.VectorWorks.plist. If there is a file with .saved after it, delete that one also. In VW12, the file in the Preferences folder is VectorWorks 12 Prefs Pat
  23. Are you familiar of the concept of stacking order? When you draw objects in VW, they go into a "stack" (my term, not VWs). As you draw each successive object, it goes on the top of the stack. If you are using filled objects, in many cases you can not see objects lower in the stack as they are hidden by the higher objects. The same applies to selection. If you click at a point, VW will select the highest object in the stack that is at that point. If you need to get to a lower object, you will need to move the higher object. You can either move it in the view (X/Y) or you can use the Send commands. The send commands change the stacking order of the objects. There are commands to Send to Front, Send to Back, Send Forward, and Send Backward. In most cased Send to Front or Send to Back will be what you want. If you have many objects, Send forward (or backward) will only move the object one place in the stack. If there are 10 objects (or 1000) between the objects you are interested in, it will take many repetions of the command to get where you need to be. Often it is best to select all the object you are interested in and Send Front on them together. Then you can use Send Forward/Send Back to get them in the right order. I hope this has not been pendantic. Pat
  24. Select one or more rows in the schedule and then drag either the rising bar "button" or the falling bar "button" (right above the row headers) into a column. It will add the icon to the column header. In the window schedule, there are already two sorts applied. First is the prefix and the second is the window ID. If you don't want these to be the primary sorts, just drag the sort "button" into a different column. Each sort button has a 1, 2 or 3 on it. They will sort in that order. So sort 1 will be done first, then sort 3 will so a subsort inside of sort 1, and finally, sort 3 will do a sub sort inside sort 2. Pat
  25. "A" series serial numbers (at least in the US) do not require a dongle. The "B" Series serial numbers do require a dongle and you can only run VW on a machine that has the dongle plugged in. But VW can be installed on multiple machines with the same serial number awaiting the arrival of the dongle. Pat
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