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Dave Donley

Vectorworks, Inc Employee
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Everything posted by Dave Donley

  1. Hello @Stig Runar This the Update Mode setting in the Render style Option pane, for Redshift render styles.
  2. Hello @Klisty Renderworks textures might be disabled if the Loading Cineware step of launch takes more than 2 minutes. If you restart Vectorworks do you get textures again?
  3. Hello @T_Lichterman what worflows are you using image generation for? We will be continuing to hook up the Vectorworks AI Visualizer into relevant user workflows over time. Also note that Veras plugin for Vectorworks is now available, check that out as an option:
  4. Hello @Braden Graves we fixed a bug in Vectorworks 2024 Update 4 where the Datasmith Direct Link tool (connecting VW with Twinmotion) wasn't enabled for EDU version. If they were on Vectorworks 2024 they could update to Update 4.
  5. @techdef What are your prompts? Did you try "navy patio umbrellas"? Note that there is a dedicated forum area for the AI Visualizer now, check it out! https://forum.vectorworks.net/index.php?/forum/253-ai-visualizer/
  6. @Mickey If this is connected to the GenerateImage plugin, check for updates and run the latest Update which is 4.1. Update 4.1 fixes the problems with the AI Visualizer plugin.
  7. @Christiaan We will be adding a "Tiled" checkbox option to make seamless texture generation more reliable. You can use hatch lines to give it a clue about where you want planks, or bricks in the pattern. @BartHays The AI Visualizer is currently using SDXL, A1111, and ControlNet
  8. An edge detector looks at the pixels from the VW image and those become edges (white edges on black background), which are then forwarded to the image generation (SDXL). Other than to denote edges, colors of the pixels are not used, nor 3D in the model. However a future release may use the depth from Shaded renderings.
  9. Yes this file just has the two textures mentioned many years ago. You can import the textures to your model to try them out.
  10. @Julia Langsman Believe it or not I had this file in my old saved folders. See if this works Water 2009 v2024.vwx
  11. Hello @dvdvarch if you are on Windows and you are seeing slow launch and performance (unusably slow to do anything) this may be a known issue related to the AI Visualizer and removing the GenerateImage plugin from the Plugins folder may help. There is another update coming to address that problem ASAP.
  12. Hi @Iainy1961 Showcase is a project to add pre-visualization features directly into Vectorworks. There is a private forum group for this where you can get preview builds and have discussion about this set of features. https://forum.vectorworks.net/index.php?/clubs/
  13. Hello @Calbourne this might be happening if you have multiple VCS accounts and you are signing in with one that is not enabled for VSS.
  14. @Iainy1961 You might start a thread in Showcase group about your file. We should be able to replicate what you want, with pre-viz as well. https://forum.vectorworks.net/index.php?/clubs/
  15. @cberg Next time you can try this, try getting to it from the Model menu AI Visualizer (might have to add to custom workspace, it's under recent changes 2024), there are alerts that will show when Vectorworks thinks certain things are not running or connected.
  16. Thanks for that @James Russell logged your wishes for our backlog of items for the next version(s). Can you elaborate on auto-prompting a little?
  17. Hello @cberg if the VCS app is shut down during the lifetime of the Vectorworks session you might get issues like that. Does restarting Vectorworks fix it? You can also try right-clicking and choosing the Reload menu item in the palette.
  18. Turn off Draw Edges in the Shaded rendering. And/or try adding the words "edges", "lines", "neon" to the negative prompt. Pixel color and brightness differences are detected and turned into an image of the edges found. The extra edginess in a Shaded with draw edges on or in a hidden line rendering can cause this glowing edges result. For a prompt you might try being more specific to help the AI understand what it is seeing and what style you are wanting. Like a caption for a photograph. Hope this helps!
  19. @TomKen This feature is available with subscription or Vectorworks Service Select licenses. If you are using multiple logins maybe one of the logins is a VSS or subscription license? If not you would need to upgrade to use the feature.
  20. The GenerateImage plugin may or may not be involved. If removing it from Plugins folder helps that confirms a bug we found here very recently. There is a workaround to try (if it is related to GenerateImage plugin): Launch and sign in to the Vectorworks Cloud Services app Sign out and back in with Vectorworks application (the upper right signin button or from Home Screen)
  21. Hello again @gangotti try one thing for me, remove the GenerateImage.vlb file from the Vectorworks Plugins folder. We saw a problem with the AI Visualizer yesterday but only sometimes on Windows 10. Curious if that is a factor at all.
  22. Hello @gangotti your issue sounds similar to this:
  23. Hello @BartHays US law doesn't allow copyrighting of images produced by AI.
  24. Hello @Jeff Prince and @Benson Shaw We are updating the library used to import LAS and LAZ files and these imports should be fixed in the next major version of Vectorworks.
  25. Might try lower sheet layer DPI values, maybe it is hitting a limit with resolution.
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