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Matt Overton

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Everything posted by Matt Overton

  1. It would be good (ie Faster working) if the same file could open multiple tabs with different views. Better if certain navigation operations were configurable to do this automatically. Such as navigating into design layers from a viewport making it easier to switch back and forth. Great for leaving one task as it is, then jumping to another part of the file for builder phone calls or team coordination discussions. Then quickly get back to working view.
  2. More than one is time-consuming and repetitive let alone 4 min for each project. Add on top of that we move elevation line from boundary to just outside wall line between council application and construction drawings. Add in all the things we need to do to translate information the computer knows about but can't display and well yes there is an awful lot of time that could be saved from Drafting and directed to Architecture.
  3. Google didn't turn up anything possibly due to bad search terms on my part. Is there a 3rd party python code editor that features syntax highlighting and code completion or vs.python? The function documentation is hard to find things in but I reckon I could get very close with a few keys with code completion. Certainly, works in xCode and Swift foundation to find the right function.
  4. Surprised it's taken this long for AR to get a mention in these forums? I think there is a stack of interesting things you could do with both ARKit and Vision-ML for the cad world.
  5. You can also change settings so that any topic you post in is automatically followed.
  6. I think the advice you'll get from VW here would be along the lines of using service select to send the long running render to the cloud and get on with other work. Which of cause brings up a parallel wish for subscribers to be able to push a render to the cloud then import it (or have it magically appear) back in the file so project files can stay together. Better still if from a button on Object Info. Better still if we if rendering had say a preview fast render before dispatching the longer job. Still, pausing would also be handy for overnight rendering if we could line up a bunch of renders pause them then have them un-pause one as the last one finishes instead of having them all competing for the processor and slowing all of them down with context switching.
  7. All of the above and maybe some stretch goals:- - Sheets should always show in the correct order by drawing number in every list. - Group sheets into packages so it's easier to add and adjust numbers in big sets. - Set a titleblock / Drawing label style that applies to all drawings the set or group.
  8. A few simple things would be great as well. Like the being able to press enter (alt-return) to set the wrap width of text while typing. I don't think we should have to rely on shuffling in an out of a word file to get what should reasonable features for modern programme like live spell checking. Sure would be useful for many but it doesn't negate the need to improve the basic text tools.
  9. You know what they say "don't judge a beta 1". Ok they don't say that but they should. First betas are bad and will break things that could well work perfectly later in the release even maybe beta 2. It's a brave soul who installs the first beta without being paid to do so.
  10. Sorry yes as below Objects have both lines and fill. We override the line colour all the time but keep the fill colour as the class fill colour. I've seen this in many offices as a common way of working and would be great to make it a single toggle. Instead of select all edit line colour to black. On every veiwport, then having to come back anytime a new class is created.
  11. Still would be nice to have a central place where we could change all viewports of a certain style in one operation. Also would be nice to have a single control to make say all lines Black but respect class colour.
  12. I thought the maxed out macPro on Apple Store had been always up around $16k mark. So why is this estimate so alarming. Now convert to Australian dollars then its alarming.
  13. It's a mystery given Betabot is the highest contributor and yet hasn't posted anything.
  14. Yes, and you can use a slight bump map to push the tiles up and show off the grid. Really depends on how visible the grid will be.
  15. No problem with tiles (other than issues noted) although I'm thinking an interface which is easier still and more procedural. It's not just about making it easy It's also about making class or material definition something more expressive. In that, a procedural hatches variables would be what is most important about that pattern and could form part of schedules.
  16. The hatch editing is to be kind gangly and hard to use. Still, it does allow some fairly complex hatches to be made by people with patience far exceeding mine. Maybe that is the problem as 90% of the hatches we use are fair simple in set up and follow some basic patterns. We need to adjust these all the time in many projects. i.e. Herringbone is always far harder to get right and breaks very quickly from the origin if not accurate. Could there be a simpler version of hatches that say can be built with a couple of simple settings? So all the standard tile patterns would just need us to set tile length and width and boom accurate hatch ready to use. Maybe they could be driven by a Python script.
  17. We haven't heard any updates of where this discussion got to in the end. However, it sounds like your wish could help with this discussion of materials
  18. I suspect the real product from Apple could be vastly different to this developer preview. How different I wouldn't even guess as there seem to be at least two very different ways it could go.
  19. Hoping that means VW not likely to push up to needing 8Gb video cards as OpenGL is at it's highest demand now and will only get better with optimisation. Well until we get used to it and load bigger and more detailed models and bring to back to stall speed.
  20. The current lightning keyboard is the same. Plugged in cable in works with Bluetooth not connected or just not pairing for reasons that took a while to just mysteriously resolve themselves.
  21. Yes. Which one for Vectorworks, 575 or 580 Radeon Pro?
  22. Why don't Render Styles work like Door or Window styles? They should controls to allow any part of the setting to be exposed or hidden in Ojbect Info.
  23. It would be good if some classes could ignore the fade requirement. I mean just look how much better that elevation would read if some of the lines didn't fade. Namely building outline and maybe window outlines so we keep the mass but fade the detail. Edit: If they used decent pen variation in the sample image if might work ok as is.
  24. or just create a single scale Bar at 1:1 as a symbol. Then create symbols for each scale by scaling the base bar inside the symbol. Now if you want to change look and feel just change base symbol and done.
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