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Everything posted by AlanW

  1. As long as you have your snaps on you will lock in on the points pretty well, even just holding the curser over a corner I find the best.
  2. The file structure is exactly the same in your user folder as your program folder ( if set up properly) also if you use work group folder for an office setup. As Wes said put all your special stuff in these folders rather than the main program folder as when you have an upgrade to the program all will not be wiped by the upgrade. When you call up for a new title block (or texture or wall style etc) the program searches User file first then Workgroup folder and last the program folder. If you have your special title blocks in your user folder and all the files and folders named the same as in the program folder the program will stop at the user folder and show your special title blocks and won't continue to the program files. Great way for limiting what you see, especially wall styles where ther are heaps in the program file. HTH Look at the sheet border. Jpg post earlier you will see the path to my workgroup folder and if you look at the program file structure you will notice all the names and folders ar same from workgroup on as in the program file right down to the name of the file "Custom title block.vwx". Has to match exactly otherwise it will not work.
  3. Have you tried drawing the largest roof face on plan as a polygon and then AEC create roof face, do this for both and you simply drag the 2 roofs together in 3d. Not at computer but am sure you can draw a roof all as one polygon and create roof and then switch the ens to gables, so both ends and section in centre. You should get the desired effect with no join. HTH
  4. Adobe illustrator will do it also. Didn't know about the drag drop option great tip.
  5. Hi, I find if you hold your curser or click on a point it gives you the co- ordinates of the point in 3d. Shows on the bottom right of the screen. Then you simply move by 3d the Z height and you have it. HTH
  6. If you type in "Space settings" into Vectorworks help you will get a lot of info regarding labels etc.
  7. I recall you need to tick a check box in a few locations to carry the information to all titleblocks. Also when you set up the titleblocks how you prefix the record info dictates if it carries to all the title block or just sheet specific. Look up creating custom title blocks. HTH
  8. Select Window > Palettes > Save Palette Positions to save the current show/hide status across Vectorworks sessions. To revert to settings established when the custom workspace was created (in the User Data and Preferences folder), click Reset Saved Settings from the Session tab of Vectorworks preferences. This comes from "viewing resources in the Vectorworks 2015 help. HTH
  9. Works for me Shift+Alt-double-click (Windows) on the class group header
  10. Sorry I must be missing something but when you create a new wall style you simple Make a style and select "save preferences as wall style" you get a dialogue bos and name it the say ok. Then your wall style is available in the drop down menue above the line at the top. Created style Wall 01 New. HTH
  11. Don't try to copy the file go to your resource browser and export the symbol to the file in the program file. If you prefi it with 00- it will appear flist when you go to add it. Better still add it into a user folder or workgroup folder as if set up correctly the program searches in order of priority user folder then work group folder them program folder. If your title block is in your user folder then it will open that first. Set your user folder from preferences . HTH Also there are VAA title blocks and there are the ones that attach to the sheet borders. I have used the Sheet border one for the simple title blocks and the VVA for my complex title blocks as you can do a document issue and have the transmittal automatically created from it. File / VAA revise issue print. See attached as I have my title block (main one) in the VAA folder in my Workgroup folder. When you open the file the drawing is blank but in your resource browser you Have all the title blocs you created. The others are in the Sheet border file. See Attachments. HTH Couldn't have got all this to work without the extensive resources of J. Pickup.
  12. It may take an hour for the VW file to be processed depending on the complexity before you can download it into Nomad. If you send up the full VW file all your sheet layers will be processed as PDF's and the vw file will also be there as a 3D walkthrough with all your saved views. Good idea to do saved views because you model will start a logical spot rather than having to zoom in from space to get down to your model.
  13. When you double click on an object in top/plan mode the program automatically switches to top mode. Not on my computer but others in office. Any ideas as to how to stop this. Thanks
  14. It would be good if you could position post and specific centres, currently the post only occur at mouse clicks and you get 2 posts, so you make it start only and you are left with none at the end and you have to add a single post to complete the rail. Thanks
  15. It would be good if you could locate the handrail posts in form the face of the stair and to be able to place the posts at a position on each tread as desired. Also the earlier legacy stair that allows you to ziz zaz a needs to remain or put in current tool as often you need to turn a stair in the opposite direction and better if you don't have to start a new stair and tack it on. Thnaks
  16. Would be good if there were more option with this tool, at least like the stair tool. Currently you cant locate the handrail in from the edge, the landing cannot be shorter than the width of the ramp, you cannot have the handrail beyond the end of ramp, etc, etc. Thanks
  17. I guess if you have different options you could use different classes and used saved views to switch between the options. If more complexed you could utilize the Xref viewport and have options in another drawing and place a 3d xref viewport in your final. the viewport can be on different classes, option a,b c etc and switch between the class of the viewport all the new design swaps. This is pretty easy and swaps in and out whole drawings into one master.
  18. If you have a wall that steps down you can double click on it and lower sections of the wall using add vertices so you don't have to join and risk the line. Also you can use fit to roof
  19. Hi, I use http://learn.archoncad.com/ with Jonathan Pickup and have found it invaluable. The yearly subscription is not a lot and divided over 12 months for what you get I have learnt so much. All the Movies and Manuals are Tips and Tricks available and monthly conferences over the internet. I looked at the Lynda one originally and did not find the site as user friendly as Arconcad. I thought I knew the program until I joined and was I mistaken, so many little things. So good luck in your learning.
  20. This file wasn't provided by another reluctant Architect was it?? Because if a Client brings a Cad file from another Architect you are getting his intellectual property so sometimes the other architect hands over Sad files with everything exploded and all on the one class to make your life as difficult as possible because he has lost the job. In which case you got a bit of work to do, which is his hope.
  21. That seems weird Because I can only update 3d Site model by clicking on the "update Site" in the OIP. You are not in any render mode other than open GL or wire frame are you?? If you are in a Renderworks mode or the like every time you move your view it will re-render. HTH
  22. Hi, I always keep the original measured drawing as a base. Then the sections of wall to be demolished I put on a Demolished layer,I actually break the section of wall to be demolished off and convert it to polygons so I am left with the remaining 3D original house and a class for demo which does not need to be 3D, then I do my new on a new layer in 3D. Always keep the original in as a master file so if need be I can copy sections back. This master is kept as a measured drawing as a separate file
  23. I think you are almost there, yes after you save the style you copse back to same dialogue box then click OK again to close. Then up top in wall style you should see your new wall style, or click the preferences and your new style will be above the line. HTH
  24. When you save a handrail style or construction in the stair tool does it save this in the drawing or the User preferences. I did work on Home computer and opened on Work computer the styles did not exist. If this is correct how can you share a drawing around the office with the styles staying in the file, or am I missing something again? Thanks
  25. Hi, is there a way to locate the first post of the handrail on a stair back from the edge of the tread?? I can select and have a post on each tread (centred) or position it at approx centres but this puts the post at the start and edge of tread and the middle ones land where ever. Am I missing something. Thanks
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