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Jonathan Pickup

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Everything posted by Jonathan Pickup

  1. my situation not with a standard VectorWorks dialog box
  2. Yes, that would be nice. Another thing I found I can do on a windows machine is to use the scroll wheel to scroll through choices in a pop-up menu.
  3. Travis, could use an image to ?texture? a 2D object?
  4. i think the installers are still on the same disk, I know I have used the same disk recently to install VectorWorks on both platforms. If you have Toast for burning CD?s you can make this kind of disk.
  5. on a Mac, use the shift key to select all the layers or classes in the list, or use the command (Apple) key to select specific items in a list. This works in all dialogs in all programs.
  6. i would like to see the scroll wheel work in all dialog boxes. It is really annoying when the scroll wheel doesn?t work, so I understand your frustration... For those on a laptop, you may be able to use 2-Finger Scrolling on the trackpad. I have installed it and it works brilliantly on my little ibook. Check it out, and be warned that you need to read the installation notes carefully http://www-users.kawo2.rwth-aachen.de/~razzfazz/
  7. OK, send me the file... I'll look at it as soon as I can jon@archoncad.co.nz
  8. rather than alter the layer scales, and all the work that that involves, try the scaling on the page setup or print setup command. From the Menu Bar choose File > Print Setup (or Page Setup on a Mac)... On this dialog box you can scale the whole drawing to fit an A3 Drawing. Try a ratio of 42/48 and see if this is close. Of course you may find the drawing border doesn?t fit completely.
  9. hi Christian, well, I couldn?t see you on ichat...
  10. the object has to be a circle not a polygon, not a group, a circle...
  11. Delmer, when I use 3D views in viewports, I put the dims and notes in the viewport annotations. For me, it?s a better place to have them, and they work well.
  12. I do not annotate much in viewports and I have a general strategy for where to annotate: plans, sections and elevations; annotate directly on the design layer 3D model views (live elevations, perspectives, window schedules) and details, annotate in the viewport annotation.
  13. this is where user groups could be so useful. We cover this kind of discussion in a user group so that we can get everyone?s opinion...
  14. I didn?t realise that this was a hidden feature, it has been in my VectorWorks Architect tutorial for ages, and I?m sure that it used to be in the Architect Manual from NNA If you ungroup a roof then it should become roof faces, which are editable... then use the fit walls to roof to get the walls to match the roof
  15. Cristiaan, the Mac version has been more stable than the Windows version, thus you have found it more stable. I have found OS 10.3.8 troublesome, so i am trying OS10.3.9 on my laptop to see it it?s better (but I see you are already there).
  16. try using polygons, not polylines. I found that you only need a few point in each curve to describe it..
  17. upgrade to VectorWorks 11.5. The addition of viewports makes this a valuable upgrade and well worth the money (in my opinion)
  18. version 11 has viewports but all the previous versions did not.
  19. You shouldn?t have layers becoming active as you click, but I also recommend that you don?t use the layer option, ?Show/Snap/Modify others?. The danger with this option is that you could start modifying the other layers without realizing it. there are reasons to have text on a layer, for example if you are using Work Group Referencing. I you are not, then like Brendan, I suggest that you use a class for the notes. I use classes for notes and Dimensions: Notes-Foundation Notes-Framing Notes-Electrical Notes-Sections Notes-Elevations This gives me the ability to put the notes and dimensions on the layer as the plan (allows for associative dimensioning) yet I can make up all the viewports that I want...
  20. I understand your frustration, but I guess I?ve never noticed this because I use doors as symbols, I don?t usually leave them as plug-in objects. When you are working on big projects, you will usually have a limited rage of door types, so making symbols is not so bad. using symbols also lets you put parts of the symbol in different classes so that the doors can appear different in the floor plan, electrical plan and reflected ceiling plan. You can assign your door record to this symbol and not have to worry about the record changing.
  21. i use and recommend the method that Travis is suggesting. Work Group reference first, then layer link this to a layer where you will use it.
  22. I have written an Architect Tutorial manual that covers all the roof tricks that I know. I'd answer the questions here, but it would take me too long... https://vesta.safe-order.net/archoncad/manuals/manuals.php
  23. i thought that was how they built anyway... ;-)
  24. yes, that?s true, and that?s why we can all have sight graphic differences so that we don?t all look the same... of course we could sketch the details...
  25. my Manuals show you how to set up drawings this way...
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