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Round up to nearest 5

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If you are scripting I think you have to use Trunc(). (I'm pretty sure it will work on Integer and Long Integer types as well as Real. Or at least I hope it will.)

INT isn't a vector script function.

I thought there used to be DIV and MOD script functions, but I can't find them in the function reference.



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I was just doing a whole heap of distance calculations and had never used LONGINTs before now. Used them when I realised that it was levelling out on higher number sets.

Is there a low limitation to using LONGINTs more often? What are the advantages/disadvantages? Presumable they are slightly larger data wise which may cause an accumulative slow down in loops... But what else do they do?


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Integers (short int) have a value range of -32,768 to 32,767 = 16 bits = 2 bytes


Longint (long int) have a range of -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 = 32 bits = 4 bytes.

For most purposes a short integer will be adequate but if the result of an operation is also a short and the value falls outside the limits of the integer, the result will be truncated to the lower/upper limits.

This is why Trunc is declared as a LongInt. If the real value is 100,000.736 and it is assigned to a short Integer, the value will be truncated to 32,767 but if it is assigned to a LongInt then it will be 100,000 as expected.

Moreover, rgb colors have a range of 0 to 65,535 and are declared as LongInt to hold the upper values but in reality it is an unsigned short integer meaning it does not have negative values.

As for DIV and MOD, they are still part of VS but they are operands for integer Division and Remainder.

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  • 9 years later...

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