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Found 19 results

  1. Hi all, If I try to make a 3D section viewport from a Clip Cube, the viewport on a sheet layer works fine until I try to set it to "hidden line" or "sketch" - then the clipped part always comes visible again. Anyone else seeing this? 2019 VW Designer Sp2.
  2. I modify revision clouds with add and subtract surface commands. For some reason, Vectorworks 2019 remembers the previous configuration and will erase the previous modifications made to the revision cloud. This worked in previous versions of Vectorworks. The lastest service pack vectorworks SP4 does not fix the issue. This does not only effect adding and clipping surfaces.... it effects moves. If you move the revision cloud and then add a surface, the resultant revision cloud will reflect the cloud BEFORE you moved it. I had a similar issue before with a 2D Path Plugin Object that I created, but there was no response. I am having the same exact issue with the cloud revision tool. Adding a surface to the original revision cloud: Then i revise the cloud again by adding another surface: The final shape does not reflect the 1st add surface command.
  3. I recently used the plug-in manager to set the default insertion class for drawing labels and now the drawing label tool appears broken. I can't edit any drawing labels without them disappearing (error: "object creation failed due to invalid parameter(s); please use different parameter(s)") and when trying to insert a new drawing label, VW just switches to the selection / pointer tool. The simple drawing label tool still appears to function fine. Has anyone experienced something similar or have any suggestions to try? I've tried switching workspaces and removing / re-adding the Drawing Label tool but neither made a difference - starting to think a complete reinstall may be in my future... vw2019 SP6 Architect, MBP 2019 2.4 Ghz 8-core i9, 32GB RAM, macos 10.15 catalina
  4. I use VW2019 on two different mac computers and would like to have one plant database so that any changes made can be accessed from both machines. Presumably I put my (Shoot) plant database in the cloud (eg VW Cloud/icloud/Google Drive)and set that as the plant database location? Can I add it to my workgroup library or should be be separate?
  5. Updated to VW2019 this morning. Every time i select a drawing label in VP to edit or delete, i get the spinning wheel and unresponsive application message. how do i fix, please?
  6. Hi, I have made a worksheet that allows me to see what revision the different sheets are in. But when I get these squares in the end of the data. Is it possible to not have these in my worksheet?
  7. Hi, I am trying the new autoturn feature in Vw2019, but have some problems with it. When I open a drawing (created in Vw2018) and send to autoturn online it appear fine in the window. But when i then zoom or pan the window the drawing disappear. Why do this happened?
  8. Hello, I'm attempting to show a couple of different color options to a client for a stage set and am running into an issue where my intensity and color settings are being overwritten on all lights when my drawing renders regardless of whether or not "Use emitter" is selected and affected on individual fixtures prior to rendering. I feel like I'm missing something simple as it is happening across multiple layers and fixtures in the drawing. When I render (custom renderworks) my fixtures all reset to whatever emitter settings are set in the Lighting options. Is there a way to disable that? Thanks in advance
  9. Greetings, I'm attempting to draw and render several arched corrugated walls for a stage design. I should note these aren't just corrugated plastic walls, but strips of plastic printed to spec and then assembled. Currently I'm achieving this by creating walls with the wall tool of the correct length and max arch height and then extruding a 3D solid to match the arch size I want to create. I am now subtracting each wall 1 by 1 (38 per arch) from that solid. It's time consuming, but getting the job done. Just wondering if anyone has a quicker way of doing this. Maybe, breaking the wall and turning it into a single solid somehow? I have to have the corrugated shape and not just a texture for light rendering purposes in the drawing so cant just draw a rectangle and throw the texture in. Any tips or thoughts are appreciated. Thanks!
  10. Just recieved this notification on my macbook pro when opening VW2019 this evening. I added my current VW specs in the screenshot as well First time I'm ever seen this when opening VW. I've noticed some performance issues since installing SP3, but chalked it up to having too many other programs running. Now that I'm seeing this notification, I'm wondering if there is more to it. Any one else having this issue?
  11. Hi, I'm looking to convert the library I have alrady created from Vectorworks 2018 to 2019. Is there an easy way to do this? I opened 2019 and via the migration manager I was able to convert the title blocks etc, but it didn't give me the option for library's. Do I need to save each file individually?...It seems a bit tedious if this is the case. Can anyone help? Thanks
  12. Hello, I'm having an issue with the Publish feature. When trying to publish locally, Vectorworks generates blank pages instead of the sheets I submitted for publishing. I've tried both generating a single pdf with multiple sheets in it and single pdfs containing only 1 sheet with the same results. This is happening over multiple drawings. I've included a screenshot of the publish window/export settings along with a shot of the resulting pdf to get the conversation started. I dont get it, am I doing something wrong? Thanks in advance
  13. I really like the way a link to the mtextur website is integrated into Vectorworks - so you get all the benefits of mtextur's well laid out product browser (try it if you haven't already)! However, I haven't managed to download any textures using it yet. I select the texture I want and then select 'CAD & BIM texture download' icon. Then it freezes and VW crashes. Is this just me or anyone else had success with it (or same issue?) . Is it my system set-up - any ideas?!
  14. Hi all, I am having an issue with my site model. It is a simple model with only 7 3D polygons that have been used to create site model contours. Unfortunately, the model is skipping some of the contours and drawing straight lines instead (see image attached). The red lines are the 3D polys I have used, and the dashed green is the models interpretation. Is this simply the inherent VW 2019 model creation process doing this due to a lack of data, or is it a setting / something I can rectify? Any ideas would be great! Thanks Joe
  15. Switching back and forth from OpenGL to hidden line works until I include the roof. When switching from OpenGL to hidden line, the whole app will often just disappear. Have tried numerous views, roofing materials and the crashes are not consistent. Exclude the roof and things appear to be working. But with the roof, it crashes just about every time. Did this with a fresh file: 4 walls and a hipped roof without any other details and crashed immediately in top view after switching from OpenGL to hidden line. I have seen some complaints about hidden line crashes here but could not find a direct correlation or something from VW acknowledging or doing anything about it. Maybe my searching skills have been subpar but a google search yields much more salient results than the search bar in forum.vectorworks.net. In either case could not find resolution. Anyone else seeing this? And all after getting everything in my setup all current! - Mik Fresh install of VW2019 SP2 Build 463397. Windows 10 Pro for WS v1809, Build 17763.195 New PC: HP Z4 G4 Intel Xeon W-2133 CPU @ 3.60GHz 8.25mb cache 6-core RAM: 32gb NVIDIA Quadro P4000 8GB GDDR5 HPZ38c display
  16. Hybrid handbasin symbol with 2D front view, in plan view: Heres the results of that section cut: Rotate both by 30º no other changes, here's the plan view: Heres the section view...uh oh were's the sink gone? Anyone got any ideas? Test file attached. Untitled 2.vwx
  17. Bug Alert, This works with simple object for example draw a rectangle and make it a symbol, the same behaviour will persist. With a hybrid symbol, open "multiple views panes". Edit the 2D component of the symbol, the 2D objects disappear. Also happens when editing a symbol containing symbols, if a symbol is 2D only it will disappear when entering the root symbol with multiple views on. See Screen recording. Very frustrating behaviour!! Screen Symbol.mov
  18. Hi, I currently have a student account for VW, I've got licences for 2016, 2017 and 2018 on there, along with valid proof of enrollment. However, I can't for the life of me get a licence for VW2019. I've tried multiple different links for the free trial and the learn more link for students and educators, and it just takes me to the home page of https://student.myvectorworks.net/home Is anyone able to help? Thanks, Ben.
  19. After previewing VW2018, I am again excited at some of the new features! Landscape architects using the software can rejoice at: · Multiple Views – This is pretty awesome upon first glance · Better Site Model Contour Manipulation – The updated interface and experience will take a little getting used to, but the added control over 2d-3d contours is a much-awaited feature · Worksheets – The slightly updated interface and interplay with the criteria selection will make some of worksheets’ notoriously difficult to understand elements a little easier to manipulate and interact with. · Irrigation Tool Fixes – Hatches for drip areas and the ability to rotate symbols on a pipe are great additions Knowing that the next Version’s list is already being developed, I would like to reiussue my running wishlist for VW2019 or even the next service pack? For comparison, here is my big list from last year. (https://forum.vectorworks.net/index.php?/forum/19-wishlist-feature-and-content-requests/&do=add) First of all, some of my wishes were granted, or at least partially. With links to the original posts, they are as follows: Create Objects from Shapes – Fixed in 2018! https://forum.vectorworks.net/index.php?/topic/43106-create-objects-from-shapes-alters-vertex-control/ https://forum.vectorworks.net/index.php?/topic/49842-create-objects-from-shapes-fidelity-loss-in-vertex-control/ Irrigation - Symbol/Component Rotation – Fixed in 2018! https://forum.vectorworks.net/index.php?/topic/45311-irrigation-tools-bug-how-to-rotate-symbols-dripline-outlets-etc/ https://forum.vectorworks.net/index.php?/topic/49849-irrigation-tools-symbolcomponent-rotation/ https://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/cDX33GQh5g Better Tangent Snapping for Circles and Arcs – Kind of fixed in 2018? Partial fix in 2018? It seems that some efforts were made on this point, but the problem still exists. Some tangent point appear when trying to connect two arcs with a third tangent to both arc, but they are incorrect. https://forum.vectorworks.net/index.php?/topic/48013-better-tangent-snapping-for-circles-and-arcs/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=umUiKBdLQKM Hide Database Headers on Export – Kind of fixed in 2018? OIP for worksheets now includes a checkbox to hide database headers. I would still love to see this as a checkbox option in the plot/publish menu. https://forum.vectorworks.net/index.php?/topic/44341-hide-database-headers-on-export/ So…that leaves us with a running list of all of the wishlist items that still remain. These are prioritized based on our perceived level of importance in day-to-day workflows. Note that I have also attached an excel spreadsheet we use internally to categorize our wish list items. Design Layer and Sheet Layer Hierarchy - No changes in 2018 https://forum.vectorworks.net/index.php?/topic/42924-project-sharing-design-layer-and-sheet-layer-hierarchy/ File Size - No changes in 2018 Many of our files are getting too cumbersome to work with. As the ideal workflow seems to be the idea of project sharing, where everything is located in one file and team members check out that file to work simultaneously, we are at a standstill. Right now our workflow contains 5 files (L-Hardscape, L-Irrigation, L-Planting, L-Details, and L-Base) all referenced together to create our drawing set. Each file can top out at over 1 GB of size, making combining all of this information into 1 file impossible. Can you imagine a 3-4 GB VW file...we can. With that said, finding a way to dramatically reduce file size and/or the draw on the computer is going to be vital for us going forward. The projects and demands being placed on us aren't getting any easier, so we need a software that is nimble and can react with us and VW seems to be heading in the opposite direction. IN VW2018 - A bare bones 35.68 MB file becomes a 36.08 MB file. Albeit a relatively small increase in file size, this is going in the wrong direction from our perspective. Text Handling – No Changes in 2018 https://techboard.vectorworks.net/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Main=43962&Number=220315#Post220315 https://forum.vectorworks.net/index.php?/topic/40696-paragraph-editing/ Irrigation Pipe Jump Autosize – No Changes in 2018 https://forum.vectorworks.net/index.php?/topic/49883-irrigation-pipe-jump-autosize/ Offset irrigation Pipes – No Changes in 2018 https://forum.vectorworks.net/index.php?/topic/49884-offset-irrigation-pipe/ Sheet Layer or Viewport Linking Text – No Changes in 2018 https://forum.vectorworks.net/index.php?/topic/42925-sheet-layer-or-viewport-linking-text/ Tag/Callout Based on Record Field – No Changes in 2018 https://forum.vectorworks.net/index.php?/topic/42971-tagcallout-based-on-record-field-label-gis/ Image Function in Worksheets – No Changes in 2018 https://forum.vectorworks.net/index.php?/topic/43284-image-function-in-worksheets/ https://forum.vectorworks.net/index.php?/topic/45671-image-function-is-better-but/ Hardscape Components – No Changes in 2018 https://forum.vectorworks.net/index.php?/topic/42560-hardscape-components/ Site Model Contour Labelling – No Changes in 2018 https://forum.vectorworks.net/index.php?/topic/44578-site-model-contour-labelling/ https://forum.vectorworks.net/index.php?/topic/50682-dtm-units/ Reference Viewport Classes – No Changes in 2018 https://forum.vectorworks.net/index.php?/topic/43817-reference-viewport-classes/ Viewport Visibility - Save Settings – No Changes in 2018 https://forum.vectorworks.net/index.php?/topic/48660-viewport-visibility-save-settings/ Document Management - Viewport Crops and Annotation – No Changes in 2018 https://forum.vectorworks.net/index.php?/topic/48655-document-management-viewport-crops-and-annotations/ Dashed Line Endings – No Changes in 2018 https://forum.vectorworks.net/index.php?/topic/43207-dashed-line-endings-roundedsquare-option/ Civil3D Integration – No Changes in 2018 https://forum.vectorworks.net/index.php?/topic/45097-civil3d-integration/ Referenced Titleblocks and Project Based information – New Tool, problem not solved. I haven’t had an opportunity to do more than a cursory look over the new Title Block tool and it seems a little complex! Maybe too complex? That being said, I am pretty sure the referenced file workflow updating project based information between several referenced project files will work with this new tool, just as it didn’t with the Sheet Border tool https://forum.vectorworks.net/index.php?/topic/41885-bpreferencing-titleblock-symbols-in-different-files-but-same-project/ Enhanced Clip Cube Operability – No Changes in 2018 https://forum.vectorworks.net/index.php?/topic/42923-enhanced-clip-cube-operability/ Auto Color Classification for Data Visualization Viewports – No Changes in 2018 http://webhelp.esri.com/arcgisdesktop/9.2/index.cfm?TopicName=Standard_classification_schemes https://forum.vectorworks.net/index.php?/topic/46022-auto-color-classification-for-data-visualization-viewports/ https://forum.vectorworks.net/index.php?/topic/45692-data-visualization-auto-range/ Select Similar Tool to Work for Plant Objects – No Changes in 2018 Fixed, I guess? Select similar by Object type will select all of the same plants, but select similar by Symbol Name will not! https://forum.vectorworks.net/index.php?/topic/42968-select-similar-tool-to-work-for-plant-objects/ General Notes Needs Columns – No Changes in 2018 https://forum.vectorworks.net/index.php?/topic/43206-general-notes-needs-columns/ Floors inside symbols don't export to DWG – No Changes in 2018 https://forum.vectorworks.net/index.php?/topic/44318-beware-floors-as-part-of-symbols-do-not-export-to-dwg/ Constrain Image Dimensions on OIP Resize – No Changes in 2018 https://forum.vectorworks.net/index.php?/topic/44481-constrain-dimensions-resize/ Stake Tool - Read Elevations of Objects in Addition to Site Models – No Changes in 2018 https://forum.vectorworks.net/index.php?/topic/50352-stake-tool-read-elevations-of-objects-in-addition-to-site-models/ Create Class from Object – No Changes in 2018 https://forum.vectorworks.net/index.php?/topic/50964-create-class-from-object/ Calculating Quantities Across a Database Header – No Changes in 2018 https://forum.vectorworks.net/index.php?/topic/50023-calculating-quantities-across-a-database-header/ Site Models and Aerial Imagery Textures…gotta be a better way – No Changes in 2018 https://forum.vectorworks.net/index.php?/topic/49258-site-models-and-aerial-texturesgotta-be-a-better-way/ https://forum.vectorworks.net/index.php?/topic/46557-draping-map-over-dtm/ Railing Fence Tool - Corner Posts – No Changes in 2018 https://forum.vectorworks.net/index.php?/topic/49024-railing-fence-tool-corner-posts/ Irrigation Calcs for True Looped Mainline – No Changes in 2018 https://www.irrigationtutorials.com/using-a-looped-mainline-for-irrigation/ https://forum.vectorworks.net/index.php?/topic/50586-irrigation-tools-and-a-looped-mainline/ Thank you for reading this far, and if you are a VW staffer, great work on 2018, don’t let this list get you down. Get some rest. PCLD Wishlist.xlsx
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