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Found 13 results

  1. Hello All I just upgraded to 2024 and I am wondering how to get the libraries back? Specifically I cannot find any tree libraries in the folders. I have plants but no trees? Is there somewhere I can look to find and restore this library? Thank you! Matt
  2. Creating a database of materials and specifications unfortunately is quite a tedious task and not always can be done inside of VW. Currently, when editing properties for materials, all physical / other properties need to be filled in manually. Given the number of permutations for material properties, the task almost seems unreachable when doing this manually (also especially when needing to update the information! ) What if we could populate it from a database (say that has a list of information regarding Building product information in HEAT, AIR, and Moisture Control in Building Assemblies - material properties from ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals,etc..)
  3. Hi All, I have had a brief look on the forum but have been unable to find a similar issue as having been identified or resolved - apologies if i've missed it and am duplicating. Since updating to SP4 (yesterday) i've had the following error message appear when trying to download a symbol from the resource library. It applies to ANY resource which is available to me but not downloaded. I've tried a few simple fixes (library refresh, restarts etc.) but not a fresh install as I'm on the road at the moment and that's not really an option for me. Anyone else experienced and managed to resolve this issue? Any assistance would be appreicated! I'm logged in as the (only user) Admin on my computer, and running a 2016 MacBook Pro, 2.9GhZ Core i7, 16 GB Ram, Radeon Pro 460, fully updated. Error message reads as follows: Vectorworks was unable to download the online resources from the (XXXXX.vwx). Verify that you have write access to the application libraries folder and try again. (Random resource download attempt screen grab of the error attached too) Thanks in advance!
  4. We ran across an error in the Irrigation Catalog for one specific, albeit very commonly used, irrigation component. Under Outlets, Sprays, Rainbird, R-VAN Series Nozzles, the R-VAN24-360 nozzle does not have the correct Performance data tied to it. Instead of the radius ranging from 19 ft - 24 ft based on varying pressure input (see Screenshot 2 attached), the Vectorworks catalog only displays a range from 16 ft - 18 ft (see Screenshot 1 attached). This is an important fix because this is a common standard manufacturer product within the shipped VW library and cannot be easily edited by users. By not allowing for the full radius, this is disincentivizing this particular, solid performing product. I am completely capable of creating an alternative custom outlet type to correct the issue, but this shouldn't be confused for a permanent fix to this error.
  5. I'm trying to manage the shared recourse manager at my company. In the library and on the internet I can hardly find nodes to interact with the recourse manager instead of the design layer. For example whit "objs by crit" I can only select symbols that are place in the design layer. Am i missing something or does someone has nodes i can use. What I'm planning to do: with the programme we use for managing our stock we can get an excel file with art. numbers, description, amounts and dimensions. when we make an new article/symbol and we place it in the resource manager, I want to make an script that checks the name of the symbol (which we will give manually by using the article number) When it recognises the symbol name(Art. number) it wil changes its name in art. number+description. also the extra information will be put in an record attached to the symbol. Problems(challenges) I'm facing so far: obj name and symbol name are different things. missing a node to get symbol name. attaching record is only attaching it to the symbol as object and not to the symbol itself, so when i put information in the record it doesn't change copies of this symbol. A node of some kind to get an list of symbols in the resource manager. No node of some kind to change a symbol name. I already started rewrite code's of some nodes to make them do what i want, but still learning and not much experience with python.
  6. hi to everyone! anyone of you has problems updating library in vision? When I press "update library", the screen stays on "downoading update" for hours and doesn't download anything. See attached image. Thanks for your support!
  7. Maybe a stupid question so hopefully there's an easy answer! I download and save the library file from v2020 resource manager. When opening it all I see is a disclaimer symbol. No other content. I've enabled online content in Tools/Options/VWP/Session Tab etc. All layers and classes set to visible. The same in all views. I must be missing something obvious?!
  8. Looking for a best practice for maintaining standard classes, symbols, line, hatches and such. What I have so far gets me there but its still messy I have had one document to place all of my standard parts, such as Classes, symbols, Hatches. I have a practice of putting everything I may use a second time in one document so I know where to get it. It started off as a dumping ground I started to sort with classes, layers and symbol folders so I can find what I need, and they are ready to use It's now a respectable amount of elements As it has grown I have had to split off the document into 4 or 5 documents to try to manage the size Separating items has problems because things like plumbing and millwork want to work together in a drawings I end up having a document that has plumbing, millwork and appliances My class naming also evolves as the type of info I need to control changes, also the new class sorting has made some naming practices obsolete. I'm at a point where I would like to be able to control classes, lines hatches all in one place, Change it in one document and have it update in the others I believe I understand linking and using project sharing, but I have not found a method that pulls it all together for me. Wondering what others have come up with to manage their libraries.
  9. When trying to add a custom valve to the irrigation library, the software fails to recognize fractional sizes. For example, I have tried to create an 1-1/2" version of a valve made by Buckner Superior. When entering the data for size, regardless of whether you enter it as 1 1/2" or 1.5" the library changes that size back down to 1" upon accepting the settings. I have even tried duplicating an existing library instance of a 1 1/2" Rainbird valve, changing a couple of the settings, and then accepting the changes and it still down sizes the valve in the library? Here is a brief video of the problem, sorry for the lack of audio. @LanceF @Tony Kostreski @Eric Gilbey, RLA ASLA @Bryan G.
  10. Hi there! simply question : its possible to have a full library from Litec ? to works better with Braceworks web:https://www.litectruss.com/products/ Library: - Trusses - Conical trusses - Libera system - High load Trusses - Towers - Flytowers Thanks in advance.
  11. What is the best way to manage Irrigation Resources in a multi-user environment? We have been making great use of Workgroup Libraries for several years now, but we haven't yet figured out how to collectively manage a library for the irrigation components. Right now, everyone still references the Vectorworks Libraries for the basic "out-of-the-box" irrigation components; however, we often have to add other components to the library. When adding to the library, it seems that this information is only stored in the User Folder and there is no way to store this library in the Workgroup Library for collective use and reference. This means that each user must add each custom component to their library individually, or we have to move the library files around and overwrite each time someone adds something new? That cannot be the intent? Additionally I have noticed that when "Library" files are duplicated to the identical tree in the Workgroup Library, the irrigation tools cannot access them anyway. The only place the menu tools know where to look for irrigation components is in the Vectorworks Libraries location. It would be great if someone could address these issues so that we can effectively build libraries with the irrigation tools in the near future. Otherwise we are just wasting time individually managing libraries. Thanks.
  12. Hello, On occasion I get the message that my libraries are out of date. and to update them. It's great that i get updated content, BUT, How can I find out what was updated? I hate to be missing a new symbol that was added tjat I don't know about. Thanks, Jeff Miller
  13. Hello guys, does one of you have Prolyte S52F Library ? Is this trusses to be included in next release or service select library ? Same question for Prolyte ST Towers ; there is only one top part of the ST towers in the Prolyte => Accessories => Prolyte MPT => ST Tower (very surprising to put ST parts into the MPT Folder !!! makes no sense !! developper probably does not know what it is...). I need the full tower... why an "MPT Tower" folder with inside, all the 30/40 truss bases ? no link with MPT towers... maybe a new adapted name would be easier to understand thanks for your answers & update in next versions
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