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Found 13 results

  1. We've used text as symbols for years to annotate our wall sections. Within the last 18-24 months, there are many files where the wall sections are updated and the text in the callout is microscopic. To fix it, we have to double click to edit the symbol, go into the symbol and double click the text, exit the text, exit the symbol, and it is the correct scale. We've modified nothing. There are two pieces of text in each symbol -- the dumb text that indicates "typical wall assembly" then the callout text explaining the parts 'n' pieces of the assembly. Only the callout text is screwed up. This seems to be getting reset to microscopic scale whenever another user opens the file or we change the name of the file to the appropriate date. Also, why do I need to keep confirming that I'm not a robot as I type this message? 4 times, now. Images show the text scale issue. When "editing" the symbol, no changes are done -- just double clicking the callout to edit it and then escaping. Problem fixed. . . .painfully. We waste a ton of time updating every single text callout on every sheet of wall sections before sending pdf's. Help, please! -Carol (Still not a robot)
  2. I'd like an option when copying and pasting a Callout for the first time in a file for a pop-up to ask: Would you like this Callout to: A. Remain associated with the Keynote it's currently associated to. B. Associate to a Keynote on the layer being pasted to or generate a new Keynote if none currently exists. [with a choice of existng Keynotes available on the current layer] Remember my choice in this file. If the user chooses option B and 'remember my choice', from that point onwards: Callouts will automatically be associated with a Keynote on the layer being pasted to if there is just one Keynote object. If there are multiple Keynotes on the layer being pasted to a popup would appear asking the user which Keynote they want the Callouts to be associated to. When copying and pasting a Callout on the same layer (i.e. without moving it to a separate layer) it would simply stay associated with its current Keynote. I almost never use workflow A, which is the current default behaviour. The only question is should this behaviour also be triggered when using the OIP to move Callouts from one layer to another. I think not in this case. They should just remain associated with their current Keynote by default. I wouldn't want popups appearing when moving objects between layers using the OIP. And I when I do keep Callouts and Keynotes on different layers the OIP is probably what I'd use. What do you think?
  3. When I'm producing details (in the Annotation layer) I often find myself having to send Callout objects forward because they've been obscured by other objects in my detail. To avoid this I'd like an option to persistently float Callouts and maybe other objects (e.g. text, elevation benchmarks) over everything else.
  4. I'm trying to help a user with these issues. I'm making this post to gather more information to either inform my bug report or provide an informed solution to the user. Primarily, I would like to establish if anyone else has experienced the following symptoms/issues when using Callout Notes and Keynote Legends, with a Notes Database. Issue 1: Notes previously in the database no longer being there. (As evidenced by inspecting a copy of the backed database file). Issue 2: Keynotes and their respective listing in a Keynote Legend disappearing. From what I understand, these issues occurred under the following conditions: New Vectorworks document created from template. Previous Notes Database file duplicated for use with this project only. (Database is stored on a local network server, but the Vectorworks file is on the computer being used). Callout Tool Preferences used to select the duplicated database file. Notes placed as Keynotes, on Sheet Layers in Viewport annotations. (Notes Manager 'Prefs...' set to save changes when dialogue is closed, 'OK') Keynote Legend/s created on Sheet Layers (not in Viewport annotations). File saved, then closed. File later reopened. Some Keynotes and the respective items in the Keynotes Legend are missing, but other instances of these Keynotes are still present on one other Sheet Layer and listed in the Keynote Legend on that Sheet Layer. The Keynotes that disappeared were not present in the original database before it was duplicated for use with this project. They were created during this project. When using 'Reconcile Notes' the following error comes up for some notes: "Cannot find the selected note in the Database". - All the notes in this instance start with the same prefix / naming convention, 'GF-PF' and are found in varying quantities in Keynote Legends on several Sheet Layers. I see potential for this discussion to start a torrent of contribution, so please note I am not the user so getting more info from them or testing every remedy offered might be limited. The conditions supplied above are intended to inform what variables might be involved for others with these issues to consider, and to help inform the scope of these issues. The most important factor for me is to establish if anyone else has experienced the following symptoms/issues. Thanks! Jeremy
  5. Is there a way to equalise size of Callout bubbles + centre the text on centre of the bubble?
  6. I'm curious to know how many people use the Database Filter in the Notes Manager and Edit Callout windows in the way it's designed to be used: that is, for creating a list of saved searches and retrieving those saved searches. For instance I use it but only because there's currently no other search function for note text. I almost never chose a previously saved 'filter' because I find it faster just to type out another one, therefore using it more like a search field.
  7. VW keeps crashing when I try to add general notes from the database that comes with it. Of the start VW offers to get data from two sets. No matter what I select VW will crash more than 70% of the time. What am I doing wrong?
  8. The company I work for is in need of a callout that links to database sort of how vectorworks and lightwright speak to each other. I want it still to have the functions of a callout but the text needs to be editable on both sides of the database and VWX. Does anyone have any ideas?
  9. The reshape tool used to be able to be used on call outs but it now seems to have no impact. Bug or no longer a method to use?
  10. I spend WAY too much time arranging callouts on my drawings... I wish that callouts could be arranged by their text bodies (as if they didn't have leader lines) using the "Align/Distribute Objects" command. And I wish that their leader lines could then be adjusted without affecting the text itself (i.e., I wish moving the "shoulder point" didn't also drag the "label point" along with it). Maybe the "Align/Distribute Leader Lines" tool is useful for creating "Parallel objective liens," but otherwise it doesn't really seem all that useful: 1.) it's methodology is inconsistent with and contrary to the simplicity of the "Align/Distribute Objects" command; 2.) it distributes callouts vertically by their shoulder lines, with no option for equal spacing between callouts with differing numbers of rows of text; 3.) and it distributes callouts vertically based on the vertical distance between the top two callouts, rather than distributing them between the top and bottom callouts. VWIS018
  11. Noticed an issue with the callout tool. I've placed a callout in a design layer. When it's in a viewport on a sheet layer, it's fine. However, if I used the viewport advanced properties to scale the text, the callouts scale and move. I won't argue if this is a bug, a feature, or it's supposed to work this way. Callout Issue.vwx
  12. Good afternoon everyone, I've been working on a set where i have alot of callouts for plans, elevations and sections that seem to be repetitive but not parametric, and i've been wondering... Is there a way to combine notes database with a callout tool or perhaps a bubble revision tool? I've been thinking of a simpler way of marking up notes by using annotation bubble revision markers and linking them to notes that are shown separately on the sheet in list form. There are multiple reasons why this is a useful feature 1. CSI can be embedded into notes parametrically - unifying elements in the project to specifications without any deviation to notation 2. Simply the callout process in plans - and eliminate clutter by referencing notes beside the plans. 3. No errors in documentation 4. Information is centralized - and modification to notes or finishes can be made remotely. 5. Notation tool does not need to be updated independently from the bubble revision callouts - they're intended to work simultaneously. Method - My current method is simple - i created a 2 custom record fields one for number, the other for description of the object - and reference those records in a table for that layer only. I however - end up having to make one table for each layer (floor plans, rcp, tenant protection plans, fire safety plans, etc...) which is the only nuisance. I end up having 10 - 20 worksheets just for that set. Is there a way to combine this method with the notation tool? and is there a way to eliminate duplicates? perhaps a method that would allow us to use one worksheet dynamically? Either way, I know this feature doesn't exist, but i figure , if anyone has any ideas how to combine these tools, i'm all ears? perhaps Nemetchek will hear us? Thanks everyone!
  13. Dragged copies of Callouts lose their Text Style and become <unstyled> . I have also submitted a VSS Support Request for this. STEPS: 1. Create a Callout with a Text Style. 2. Click-drag a copy of that Callout; 3. Either drag the Callout leader so that the Callout flips sides, or double-click on the Callout to edit the callout text. 4. Upon finishing editing the text of the Callout (or making it flip sides) the Callout will lose its assigned Text Style and become <unstyled>. I sure hope the new Vw2017 Analytics reporting feature can see how much time I spend on stuff like this.
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