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Everything posted by AndiACD

  1. My sentiments exactly. It needs looking at and fixing.
  2. Hey Pat, Does model remain fully Editable once grouped, or does it have to be ungrouped every time to work on it. i met up with Dan Monaghan and Biplap for "Demo/Questions meet" a few years ago in London and they suggested i stopped using the Grouped option for a similar reason, but that was back in the birth of VW 12 days. Thanx i'll give it a try.
  3. MCH, yep, that's the simple type of solid i refer to that VW is able to cope with. It's the moderately more complex stuff when VW trips over it's own boot laces.
  4. Thanx Marteen, but i haven't been able to find anything referring to "Stack Layers". Where should i hunt for it? Pallets, Prefs, Menus?
  5. i desperately need to be able to rotate a 3D Symbol/Object/Solid in ANY view, But, VW insists on complaining that you can't do that with a Hybrid. The models i'm attempting to rotate are not Hybrids(no sign of 2D objects to be found anywhere in the drawing, at ANY level). This obligation to follow NNA's ideal may be helpful to those that need a 2D representation of the drawing that mirrors the whole image, but being restricted to only one view in which this operation can be carried out(Plan) is a blinkered attitude to say the least. There should be an "Off Switch" for this parameter so that, regardless of what VW thinks it might be dealing with, it WILL rotate the item from any view. An Option MUST be available to rotate everything from anywhere if required. If VW could join us in the 21st Century(but should be forging into the 22ndC) a Hybrid could be rotated from any view and the "Look at Working Plain" function used to view all(both 2D + 3D) from the top/plan view if necessary. Those that don't need the the "Off Switch" could simply leave the Preference "On". If on the other hand there is already an option of this kind that i was unable to find while testing 2008 or indeed any previous incarnations of VW, i would be grateful for any pointer in the direction that will lead me to it.
  6. Hey Pat, is there anything like this that will enable me to totally eliminate any traces of 2D objects from a solid/symbol/object so that i can rotate in any view other than Plan? Even if i can't find any traces of 2D in my symbols, VW still insists they are Hybrids. help!
  7. That would be a nice touch. ploughing through endless files to find what you need is a chore.
  8. i think you might be flogging another dead horse here with NNA, i've asked many times about a solution but still have had no sign of improvement on the Fillet/Chamfer front. Something other CAD packs accomplish without flinching, but VW often falls flat on it's face if anything more complicated than a simple but joint is required. is there anybody out there?
  9. Editing/Creating with "Extrude Along Path" has always been a dodgy subject for me as i can very rarely get it to do what it is supposed to do, at least not what i would like it to do. Like several of VW's tools they seem to be unfinished operas . . . . . .
  10. i 3rd that!!! being able to snap to items that belong to the whole would be a godsend when editing separate parts of an object/symbol!
  11. Innovations? Innovations? Now i know i've heard that word somewhere before, just can't seem to recall what it's supposed to mean in NNA terms. Now i remember it was the big Buzz word when NNA produced the 1st episode of the VW soap. If only!!
  12. P.S. Object Hierachey(i'm sure i spelled that wrong) Trees would be a good thing too! But get the rotate tool sorted first! Did i mention i'd like the rotate tools to work properly under ANY conditions?
  13. i've had issues with the rotate tool in ALL of it's forms. A rotate tool should do JUST that! Rotate!! If, some bright spark at home base has a good idea to integrate a new aspect of rotating an object or profile, Great. Good on him, add a pretzel to his daily intake of coffee expenses, but don't force it on us. Add an option/choice/additive/exclusion/destroy on installation button. i still can't rotate some Symbols/Objects because VW is convinced they are Hybrids even if there are "No 2D items of any shape or form included in the Symbols"! THIS IS PATHETIC! A CAD program that does not give you the option of rotating an object/symbol because the tool designed to do the job will only rotate in PLAN view. Mechanics and Engineering design requires many objects to be rotated though composite angles and curves. GIVE US THE OPTION!!! Please.
  14. Yes! Anything that uses simple, plain, straight forward logic and common sense. Brudgers . . . . me? i've got a red van . . .
  15. Seems a reasonable request. Could be a while before you get any return on a requirement of this kind though.
  16. With you on this one!! You should be able to set up Shortcut keys that work for each individual tool, so that, for example, Command+Option+a would provide a different tool option for each tool used if desired.
  17. i use mostly 1:1 with my drawings, but i'd like a few modeling scales to be available 1/32nd, 1/24th, 1/16th, 1/8th too, not essential i know, but sometimes really helpful to save playing with numbers. Being able to select them from the prefs would help.
  18. Or go to the Apple Menu recent files, if it's a current project . . . . . . and select it from there.
  19. As i keep saying . . . . VW really is in need of a "Ground Up Rebuild". time to cut the wheat from the chaff, catch up and show the rest how it's done, lead not follow as MiniCAD and Sketch(Avid) did in the day . . . . . . . Just my 2c!
  20. Only NNA knows!! Answers please on a postcard . . . . . . NNA? Are you listening?
  21. i just made a copy of the prefs file when i first bought the VW upgrade from MiniCAD, after setting the desired options and copy paste it into the prefs folder when i have to reinstall or if the pref get dodgy/corupt. Throwing your copy of prefs into the minions prefs folder should sort it. But, true, Christians idea saves all the hassle.
  22. Amen to this!!!! Simple, uncomplicated, speedy, precise. Aren't these wonderful words? NNA, please take note!
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