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    Oakland, CA, USA
  1. Currently, the only 2 options are to view or not other objects while inside a group. It would be great if we could see them grayed and snap to them too, as is available in alternate layer and class viewing settings, so that they can be used, but then it's harder to forget that you're inside a group while editing it. Thanks,
  2. YES! I'm so happy someone else is having this problem. I've tried changing the grid display, as mentioned above, but it doesn't help. I thought I might add that this is a new problem in our office, it only started happening when we upgraded one of our macs (now use a new iMac running OS X 10.5), but VW 11.5 was running just fine on our older mac minis that have OS X 10.4. This background pattern makes it basically impossible to draft, unless we switch to the black background option, which we'd rather not do. I think it's a serious bug that needs to be adressed.
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