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Everything posted by Christiaan

  1. Why does my Marionette menu look like this? Is this for any one's own commands?
  2. I'd like to be able to drag and resize multiple selected Structural Members at once. In Unrestricted Interactive Scaling Mode VW suggests you can (by the multiple selected handles), but only one of these gets resized:
  3. I usually do beam and block simply as slab components but I want see if this is a better way. I don't think there's any way to create the custom profile symbol so that can make use of these settings is there?
  4. Thanks Tom. Had my blinkers on because I had a Style selected, so Member Type is greyed out. You have to convert to Unstyled first.
  5. Quite a popular wish, including one from me back in 2007: https://forum.vectorworks.net/index.php?/topic/102316-nested-layers-wanted/ https://forum.vectorworks.net/index.php?/topic/96185-design-layer-groups/ https://forum.vectorworks.net/index.php?/topic/87753-group-layerssheets-and-viewports/ https://forum.vectorworks.net/index.php?/topic/66960-group-layers-like-in-photoshop/ https://forum.vectorworks.net/index.php?/topic/55984-separate-sheet-layers-and-design-layers-in-pull-down-menus/ https://forum.vectorworks.net/index.php?/topic/56819-organising-grouping-sheet-and-design-layers/ https://forum.vectorworks.net/index.php?/topic/60380-collapsable-sheet-and-layer-folders/ https://forum.vectorworks.net/index.php?/topic/58271-organisation-design-layers-saved-views-sheet-layers-viewports/ https://forum.vectorworks.net/index.php?/topic/43404-better-layer-orginization/ https://forum.vectorworks.net/index.php?/topic/42924-design-layer-and-sheet-layer-hierarchy/ https://forum.vectorworks.net/index.php?/topic/16256-ability-to-group-layerssheet-layers-like-classes/
  6. Workspace management should be enhanced in some way to deal with this. Perhaps by being able to turn off the auto-saving of palette positions?
  7. Is it possible to do this shape with the Structural Member tool. It's a beam, for beam and block flooring.
  8. Oh duh, thanks, don't what I was doing there! 😆
  9. It would be great if we had strikethrough as a text formatting option when writing posts, along with bold, italics and underline,
  10. It is about time. What I've found is that I want to use Layer Import for referencing my own files into each other (because this provides better control of Class and Layer visibilities and overrides) but I want to use Design Layer Viewport for referencing third party files because I don't want to contaminate my file with their classes/resources and I want to be able create viewports that I can move into the correct position relative to my model. Layer Import should never have been called 'old' or 'legacy' as it once was. They're both useful for different things.
  11. This is what we need apparently: I've also attached an example of priming ChatGPT to write code. In this example it's being taught to write prompts for Midjourney. Not nearly the same level of accuracy required as Vectorscript but it's example of how to paste a series of prompts that will train, provide examples. We'll just need some further prompts to correct errors. gpt4_midjourney_priming.txt
  12. That would explain why it spits out rubbish Vectorscript so confidently. But could we still overcome this by feeding it the lossless version within the confines of a single chat? I suspect not but I don't know. One thing I've experienced is that even if you correct an error it will apologise but can repeat the error later in the same chat, presumably because it's falling back on the snapshot of data it was trained on. As an example it was implying to me that the Code for Sustainable Homes in the UK (withdrawn in 2015) was still relevant. When I corrected it, it apologised but fell back on the error later in the chat. Weirdly if you ask it directly what CfSH is it will correctly tell you that it was withdrawn on in 2015. Only certain lines of discussion would trigger the error.
  13. Here you go. LT_8_Vivien_v2019.vwx
  14. I just added it to the internal JIRA. That usually helps get it in front of more eyes.
  15. One reason is that you then work with two different workflows. A simple 2-3 storey structure is an opportunity to practice using Stories. I wouldn't work without Levels now. They're a great way to make changes, maintain consistency, and label levels on sections and details. It's a quality control feature.
  16. It's true that you can't have more than one layer per Story Level (i.e. Level Type), but you can have multiple layers per Story (and with the same Elevation). You just need to create additional Level Types. So you could have Level Types for FFL-EXISTING, FFL-DEMOLISHED, FFL-PROPOSED, FFL-ASBUILT, all with an elevation of 0. I've actually done this a lot in the past, to split up main shell of the building vs internal layouts onto different layers. I stopped doing that on my last project because there was a Internal Elevation bug that messed up Internal Elevations at creation. But that might be fixed now. As an aside, I don't understand why we can't have more than one layer for each Story Level. If anybody at VW reading this knows why I would welcome a explanation.
  17. ChatGPT-4 still spits out rubbish. Funny how it does it so confidently. And it'll just keep trying each time you tell it it's rubbish. Presumably though we can teach it to write it properly within the confines of a single conversation? Perhaps also Marionette. Are there any documents explaining Vectorscript or Marionette that we could simply paste into ChatGPT?
  18. Yes you're right, there are some slight scale problems. And that is Castle Street. Someone else also pointed out the scaffold at the other end, pointing again to the use of photos. It's a very effective graphic technique though.
  19. You could still put these things on separate layers if you like; the Stories feature doesn't preclude you from this workflow. But another way is to organise these things by Class. Put existing, proposed and as built walls all on the same layer for each floor level, but then each of would have a different Class. e.g. Walls-Existing, Walls-Proposed, Walls-As Built
  20. Yes, agreed, I think this is a wish for the door tool rather than the window tool.
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