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PVA - Admin

Vectorworks, Inc Employee
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Everything posted by PVA - Admin

  1. So in Vectorworks it looks fine but it is faceted after export? What format are you exporting to and with what settings?
  2. What rendering mode are you in? If its OpenGL, make sure to use View > Rendering > OpenGL Options to set it to high or Very High. I believe it still defaults to Low, which would show faceting on any 3D geometry regardless of the 3D Conversion Res setting.
  3. The ID is moved directly by using the blue selection handle, it appears so you don't accidentally grab/move the door itself. As for aligning it, do you mean the text direction aligning with the leaf? That's normally controlled by either enabling or disabling "Keep Tag Horizontal" in the doors Object Info palette. However I do not think you can customize the rotation for the ID label for openings that aren't at right angles.
  4. They will also not remain in the list of Vectorworks crashes or is force closed.
  5. ^This. For a 4c/8t Xeon you'll want around 8GB of RAM or more. A good rule of thumb is 1GB per core(thread).
  6. Mainly it's Vectorworks catching up. Once it has caught up it will be ahead of hardware for quite awhile, but at the moment hardware has outpaced what our software can take advantage of.
  7. Once you open that file in 2014, use File > Save As, then you can select the original file to save over. If you want to do that to all your files all at once, you can use Batch Converts "Convert in Place" mode. However I recommend keeping backups if you are going to upgrade past that many versions at once. Batch Convert: http://kbase.vectorworks.net/questions/784/Batch+Conversion+of+older+Vectorworks+files
  8. No. Unfortunately that logically SEEMS like how it would work but in practice, regardless of the application that isn't how it is. An application would have to specifically support multiple GPUs which I have not yet seen any mention of in improvements to Vectorworks. Also, the OS cant choose to split functionality across multiple cards truly. Normally using more than one card involves using them together acting as one card in either SLI (Nvidia) or Crossfire (AMD). Yes.
  9. I may have submitted this recently, if so I will add it to that case, if not I will submit this now.
  10. It shouldn't be a problem much longer in any case. The palettes/dialogues in Vectorworks are being moved from Carbon to Cocoa as part of the overarching upgrade from 32bit to 64bit, once complete I am told they will be able to override this happening. So holding down CMD will still show the shortcuts in the future but once CMD and Shift are held together, the hints will vanish and resume showing the regular text, which I have seen demoed successfully here in testing.
  11. Shift-Command-4 or switching focus away from the application (clicking on finder then clicking back on Vectorworks then taking the screeshot) normally works for getting shots without the Apple hints, that's how we do it here for videos/articles. Shift-Command-4 and then pressing Space also allows you to screenshot a single window without having to marquee around it, which also allows screenshots without the hints appearing. However, this behavior seems to vary slightly from Mac to Mac, I have yet to figure out exactly why.
  12. Graphics cards will only affect OpenGL speed currently, but will directly affect wireframe and top/plan speed (more than it does now) soon. Renders performed using Renderworks modes are all purely dependent on the CPU only for the foreseeable future. Grant is correct, cards geared more towards gaming work as well as well if not better than the cards marketed towards "Workstations" or CAD in general and are significantly cheaper. For example Nvidia's GeForce series and AMD's Radeon series are much better choices than their Quadro and FirePro lines, respectively, as far as price vs performance goes.
  13. Do you think the OIP is the best place for this info to appear, or should it be similar to a tooltip pop-up next to the cursor to make it more noticeable/easier to hover over while reading?
  14. It looks like something similar to these two have been requested separately already. I will add this thread to those requests. Submitting as a new request now.
  15. Please post it, we need any examples we can get.
  16. Within the next few days, Apple will start to send out a beta/incomplete version of OS X 10.10 to users who have signed up to receive it. This is a break from their tradition of normally only pushing betas out to developers. This article: http://kbase.vectorworks.net/questions/1253/Tech+Bulletin%3A+Mac+OS+X+Yosemite+Beta explains its support status and will be updated as time goes on. This is an early part of our efforts to be more proactive and to provide information as early as possible.
  17. That actually seems like it should work, but is broken. If it wasn't intended for Heliodons to be edited in this manner, then the Edit option shouldn't be available in the Visibility palette as it is here in my testing. Also, I just get an error chime but no message stating what went wrong or was done incorrectly. Submitting this as an issue first, if it turns out the design was intentional I'll file it as a wishlist item.
  18. I think this may already be in progress, if not I will add a new request.
  19. Specifically for OBJ format I use NetFABB basic to convert to 3DS, which you can then impot into Vectorworks directly, but I have not used it in conjunction with 3D scanning.
  20. This is possible now within section viewports "Section Line Instances" in the object info palette of Section Viewports, you can select from the menu of all viewports which ones you would like to display the section line instance in. submitting request to have it made available in the other scenarios.
  21. Vectorworks Nomad is moving in that direction. The end goal being a bit more than you request here.
  22. For Viewports you select the viewport, then under "Background Render" you would set Hidden Line, then click the "Background Render Settings" option to change them there. Make sure to complete the Renderworks Getting Started Guide in order to cover these basics: http://www.vectorworks.net/training/getting-started-guides/renderworks/ Also, do you just have Fundamentals? Only Architect, Spotlight, Landmark or Designer can perform sketch renderings. Make sure to add your computer and application information to your signature to avoid this confusion in the future
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