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2025 - Object Level Visibility - New Feature Video
herbieherb replied to JuanP's topic in News You Need
Can we control the visibility by data visualization? -
Use the function to move the drawing to the VW-Origin. (Don't know how it's called in english.) This function moves the entire drawing and preserves their position in the layouts. Just draw a huge rectangle around all your geometry with it's center point at the new desired origin. The function moves the objects so the new origin sits in the center of all of the geometry in the drawing.
Tobias Kern started following herbieherb
The grass shader is intended for small patches of detailed grass in the foreground as it produces a huge amount of geometry. If you're showing grass in bigger patches and you're viewing it from farer away like in your example you can use a parallax shader to achieve almost the same effect but without additional rendertime.
HebHeb started following herbieherb
round to 0.5: round(x*2)/2 round to 0.05: round(x*20)/20 round to 0.1: round(x*10)/10 round up: round(x+0.49999999999) round down: round(x-0.499999999) round up to 0.05: round(x*20+0.4999999999)/20
Something else you could try: Vectorworks has been optimized over the years for plans that use OIP's and are highly structured. Therefore pure line drawings sometimes run better in older versions. I have tested it down to version 2016 and it was able to handle a lot more single lines (but a current Vectorworks can display a lot more geometry as long as they are structured with OIP's, symbols etc.). Try to get the oldest version you have and test your drawing there. It is possible that you can work easier there. I wouldn't go any further than 2016 though, that's when I think the earliest form for GPU acceleration of 2D plans was introduced.
Nvidia generally offers two driver types. "New Feature Branch and "Production/Studio Branch". The "New Feature Branch" is called differently for the Geforce graphics cards, namely "Game Ready Driver", but it is the same concept. The idea is that new features are released first in the "New Feature Branch" and "Game Ready Driver" and later - when everything is stable - the Studio driver is updated. So most of the time the Studio driver is not the latest, but sometimes it is. If Vectorworks has graphics glitches which are not caused by Vectorworks origin problems etc., you should first upgrade the driver to the latest version. It is best to look at both driver versions and take the one with the newer date. If the glitches persist, try the other one as well. However, this generally has no influence on the speed. The driver settings also have no noticeable influence on the performance. If you have a good cooling system, it helps to select "Maximum Performance". On laptops and depending on the usage scenario, this can also have the opposite effect because the GPU generally runs hotter and thus the boost clock is not kept as long. The same applies to the Windows power settings. Generally with modern hardware, only slightly more performance can be achieved with settings, drivers, overclocking and undervolting. So I would adress your problem in the plan itself: Try to keep as much structure as possible when importing. Make sure that symbols and hatchings etc. remain as such. Distribute the dwg's on different layers and switch on only what you are currently working on. Divide slow layers further by moving certain areas to other layers and making them invisible. Clean up radically: Pack recurring elements into symbols Replace exploded hatches with real ones. Replace circles broken up into lines with real ones. Build the new plan using intelligent objects: Walls/Doors etc.
Camera Vertical Tilt Correction
herbieherb replied to herbieherb's topic in Resource Share - Vectorscript
If you take a photo without vertical tilt and without special lenses (tilt-shift lens), the horizon (i.e. the two vanishing points) is always in the center of the image. If you want the horizon to be further down, you have to crop the image afterwards. Vectorworks does not have a tilt-shift function for the camera, so the only option is to crop the image using the viewport crop function. -
Automating the Render All Viewports Process
herbieherb replied to Jayme McColgan's topic in Python Scripting
Here is how you woul'd send Vectorscipt/Python commands from windows: -
The darkest RAL color (9005) has a brightness level of about 5%. It is so black that it can only be printed on paper by high end printers by adding a primer of magenta and cyan under the black ink. The darkest NCS color is NCS S 9000-N. It has a brightness of about 11%!
Get reference photos! Our perception is strange and often things are different than we think. For example, a black surface no longer appears black when it is hit by light. Our brain calculates from the context that a certain light gray surface is actually black. So don't be afraid that some black surfaces in your picture are white when they are directly under the light source. That is the reality. What you need is context. For example in this first photo: the top wall is almost white under the light. The black wall at this point has practically the same brightness value as the white wall at its brightest point in the second photo. The only difference is the context. Nevertheless, the viewer realizes that the wall in the first foto would actually be black. So what is needed is cleverly placed contexts e.g. some brighter left lying around platforms of the seating, or a brighter floor. Btw: this one is 99% black. So you can use much brighter values for what we consider black in everyday life.
Look at the cinebench scores. It performs about last years MBP16 i9. The GPU is about something in between GTX 1050Ti and GTX 1060. Memory is shared between CPU and GPU and limited at 16GB. Bandwith to CPU a bit higher than usual, bandwith to GPU a bit lower. It's about having a machine with very decent CPU, 12 GB RAM and a mediocre GPU with about 4 GB of VRAM. With Vectorworks it will probably perform about last years MBP16 with i9. So very impressive values at this price tag but no revolution for CAD-Users. I think the actual chip is most impressive for youtubers. Very decent video-editing skills because of its image signal processor and fixed functions for decoding/encoding. This first generation is in my opinion not the big gamechanger for CAD users. Not enough RAM and no descrete GPU-Support and also not that big performance boost neither single-core nor multicore. Maybe the next annual edition will change that. Until then, this is a very solid recommendation for mobile users at this price tag. Hope Vectorworks gives it a go to work on it soon.
Window and Door Tool maturity
herbieherb replied to Christiaan's question in Wishlist - Feature and Content Requests
Woul'd be really helpful, but it sure is hard to implement without impacting on the performance too much. In this case I woul'd just use multiple walls for each height. Draw them in 2D and change it's height in the OIP. As these insulations are added in a very late phase of planning, I wouldn't be worried too much about moving walls. When the geometry is more complicated, I'd also consider drawing them with the 3D-tools and put them in a symbol or auto-hybrid-object. I tend to avoid scaled symbols as soon as ifc-export is a thing as they don't export scaled. At least that was the case with my last export of these objects. Nonetheless they are very handy in early planning phases where export isn't a thing and you do a lot of changes. I'd love to have the opportunity to manipulate the wall components individually just to solve these rare situations, when the standard connection fails. -
Window and Door Tool maturity
herbieherb replied to Christiaan's question in Wishlist - Feature and Content Requests
Just don't connect them. To prevent this you can disable the autoconnect-feature temporaly or group the insulation-walls. Wether the walls are connected or not you can still use the paint-bucket-mode of the room-tool and similar functions of connected roof/floors etc. Beside own perfectionism nothing forces you to have walls connected. -
Window and Door Tool maturity
herbieherb replied to Christiaan's question in Wishlist - Feature and Content Requests
I have only skimmed this thread as it is very long. I hope I didn't miss the point. First of all: The window tools needs improvement. But in which aspects? The Benelux windows are great with the variety of shapes they offer and of course the live preview. For the German version I would be disappointed about the level of detail, which somehow seems to be quite limited. (Maybe I'm wrong there, as a German user I only know the Benelux-tool from the various impressive videos). Users of the English version would probably curse the overly complicated settings of the German version. These localized tools also reflect the local way to plan and build. I don't know where the journey for the Vectorworks developers is heading and hope that the holy grail of window tools will finally be found. 😄 Now to all the display problems that come with the current limitations of the tools: In sections, I tend to use stacks of SLVP's to generate most elements automatically (including terrain, hidden objects dashed lines, some of the details via the new symbol side views etc.) and only add very few details. In floor plans, however, I want to see the correct view while drawing and solve display problems directly at the drawing elements, where they occur. I think this is the more logical way, because in the ground plan in contrast to the section all objects are directly accessible. Since we draw our plans completely in 3D, but BIM data is secondary for us, we tend to use symbols instead of PIO's very often. The Stairs tool is not even touched anymore. Standard windows are solved with the tool, but will surely get additional symbols in later construction phases. Unusual windows are directly drawn with 3d-symbols. If BIM data is desired, we pack PIO's into symbols and, where necessary, supplement the representation in this way. We solve the insulation situation above with separate walls which include only the insulation. There is a disadvantage with wall openings, but to be honest, it often takes a lot more time to adjust the tools until you solve such a situation than to model it with a few additional walls. We also often use Symbols to model such situations completely without any PIO's.