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Chris Busch

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  • Occupation
    Exhibit Designer
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    San Francisco, CA

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  1. Hi Pat, Thanks so much for your reply. I really need to learn Python as there are so many gaps in basic functionality (still!) with Marionette. I actually had a question out to Dom C about this too, and he replied with a similar answer: Creating Hybrid Symbols with Marionette in VW2022 I think I'll try my hand at creating a custom node that I can pass 2D components through, but I may need a little help! I've invited you to that thread in case you're interested in progress or have any suggestions. Thanks again! -Chris
  2. Hi Samuel, Did you ever find an answer to this? I'm up against the same problem and I cannot for the life of me figure out how to force something into the 2D component of a symbol. I've tried playing with the code in Dom C's custom node but I'm not fluent enough in Python to get it working correctly. I did find this: VS:Set2DComponentGroup I'm not sure if it's a legacy function or will work with new VW2022 workflows, but either way I haven't been able to successfully incorporate it into the script. Any help you could provide would be much appreciated! Thanks!
  3. Hi Everyone, I'm reviving this thread, as I'm having issues creating Hybrid symbols with Marionette in v2022. Has anyone figured out how to make this work without the "screen plane" available anymore? Thanks!
  4. I'm having the same issue as Sasha. When I apply the texture and move the object to a different file, the image is missing from the texture. Does this have something to do with deleting the hPaint object? Thanks!
  5. Hi Everyone, I created a network to generate a set of hybrid symbols from a worksheet using VW 2020/2021. They are basic representations of framed paintings to be hung on a wall (exhibition design) with a 2D "footprint" defined by a width and depth column and 3D geometry of a frame and extruded plane representing the image. I'm a little confused about how to define the 2D vs 3D geometry with Marionette in VW 2022 now that the screen plane has been deprecated. Does anyone know what node I need to use to define geometry that should live in the 2D component rather than everything ending up in the 3D component? Thanks! -Chris
  6. So I just figured out that it only affects objects that use textures with included transparency. My usual workflow had been to create a texture with a PNG and use the alpha channel as the transparency mask, and to put that on the Top surface of my graphic object to simulate cut vinyl lettering. I would then rely on the color fill of the object to create the background in order to maintain consistency as I change the colors to match the walls. This has its own problems, but I haven't found a better way to create cut vinyl or oddly shaped graphics. I've never quite figured out how decals are supposed to work, as they don't render in OpenGL as far as I know. Anyway, for now I'll simply avoid this workflow, but it does seem like the way it interacts with the clip cube is a bug. Thanks, -Chris
  7. I've had this issue for a while, and have tried to solve it different ways, but wondering if it's not just a bug. When I use the clip cube with Open GL or Renderworks, I often get inconsistent texture clipping. It's seems like the texture plane is outside the clip cube within a different coordinate grouping, and it wants to show the clipped surface highlighted in red as if it's at the edge of the clip cube.. These a re Hybrid symbols, which I'm sure has a lot to do with it, but I've set all of my objects to be centered on the symbol locus, and zeroed out the coordinates of the polygons within the extrusions. The texture is applied to the Top texture surface, as these are graphic objects with different content on each side. and I've set the extrusions with a fill color that's not set by class (if that matters). Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks, -Chris
  8. Hi All, I'm coming up against an issue with output from DomC's wonderful concatenate node. When I serve a list into one input, the output list is not indexed, so the apply texture node isn't recognizing the names as a list. Does anyone have a recommendation for how to condition the output of the concatenate node? The attached network has a worksheet with ten inputs, but ultimately I'll need to do this for over 1000 textures. Thanks! ApplyTextureFromList.vwx
  9. Thank you jonasfehr! Working on an automation project and this is exactly what I was missing!
  10. Amazing, that did it! I was suspicious that it was a data formatting issue but didn't know how to fix it. Much appreciated Gregi! -Chris
  11. Hi Everyone, I'm having an issue with the add list node. If I create a list with the ordered list node and run it in, everything works well, but if I extract that information from a worksheet and run it into the node the result is 0 items. I've tried formatting the data as different number types (dimension, general, decimal) but same result. Anyone come across this before? Thanks! -Chris AddList_Debug.vwx AddList_Debug.vwx
  12. Hi Taproot, I’m just starting to explore how Vectorworks data can be moved to Airtable. Automated scheduled or real-time syncing would be ideal, but I know that can get messy. I’ve found it’s easy to move worksheet data to Airtable with a csv export (save for images), but need to look into ODBC for automation. Have you found any smooth workflows for this? Thanks!
  13. Hi Our Spaces, Do you have any tips or resource recommendations for setting up an efficient VW -> C4D pipeline? I'm just getting started seting mine up as a longtime VW/Renderworks user for exhibition design. Thanks!
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