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Class attributes not applied to objects (in this case, cabinets)



Hi all,

I keep encountering this issue - I'm using classes for cabinets so that changing colours and other attributes can be done in as few steps as possible. However, it seems that when I change class attributes, they just don't get applied to some objects even though I have those objects assigned to that class AND am telling the attribute (in my example, Fill colour) to use the class.


In my example below, the cabinet below the sink (as well as the ones on either side as they are in the same class) should be red, but as you can see, they are not.

Does the ORDER in which you assign things to classes matter? Would it matter if they were copied & pasted at one time?? I'm really scratching my head over this issue and I run into it all the time. I can't see what is different between the objects that ARE working as expected and those that are not. I don't think it's anything in the Object Info Palette or in the Attributes pane since I've combed through those 1000 times.

This is driving me bonkers! Am I missing something??

colour attributes do not apply in VW.PNG

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Of course, I figured it out AFTER I posted it online forever. 😉

That tiny little arrow makes a huge difference. Looks like you have to have Class Style selected AND go into the colour selection and click on "Color By...". Clunky but it works.

Hope this saves other people some time!

colour attributes do not apply in VW - solution 1.1.PNG

colour attributes do not apply in VW - solution 1.PNG

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7 hours ago, Marci said:

That tiny little arrow makes a huge difference. Looks like you have to have Class Style selected AND go into the colour selection and click on "Color By...". Clunky but it works.

If you click on the small down-arrow at the bottom of the 'Attributes' palette + select 'Make All Attributes By Class' this will set everything to by class at once

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