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panning in VW 12

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Originally posted by ISTEWART:

Hi, just upgraded to VW 12 on Mac g5 dual and am not able to use the pan function with the wheel mouse I am using (microsoft optical blue wireless 5.1). Can someone recommend a mouse which will allow full functionalty of these new and excellent software features?

Many thanks, Ian

Go to Prefs and deselect the Mouse Wheel Zoom.

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  • 7 months later...

I am having the same problems with a Logitech MX510 mouse. Just loaded VW12 and then I try to use the pan within the scroll wheel and nothing happens.

I have even erased my preferences to Logitech in the Library and re loaded my driver for the mouse and still nothing.

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I purchased a logitech wheel mouse. I found that if I used the default Mac driver the pan function worked. If I used the logitech driver the pan function did not work (I mean the pan function where you only have to depress the wheel mouse).

Also why would I want to have to depress the spacebar in order to pan? If I did then I would have to put down my coke in order to free up my left hand.

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Also why would I want to have to depress the spacebar in order to pan? If I did then I would have to put down my coke in order to free up my left hand.

If you have a mulit-button mouse, program one of your buttons to activate the space bar. That way, with the combination of left click and spacebar-button, you can pan in the the most direct way - and still only use one hand.

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Hi All,

I have found that you need to uninstall all the mouse driver software supplied by the manufacturer and use OS X's built in mouse driver. Also remember to trash your mouse driver software '.plist' file in your preferences directory.

Your middle mouse button should work for panning and zooming.


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