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Vectorworks 2015 Viewer

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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

The Vectorworks Viewer does not include Renderworks, so it cant show most materials or the various aspects of OpenGL that are controlled by Renderworks.

This has come up recently here too:


I have submitted some requests for a solution.

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Thanks for this. It seems ludicrous that a viewer created would not show (highlight) the benefits of Vectorworks.

I would have thought it would be a must to be able to show a Client his project with materials and render styles using a viewer on say a laptop that wont run a large file properly.

Here's hoping they add this feature.


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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

Hey folks, I'd like some feedback if you have a moment.

What specifically would you WANT a client to be able to do, in an ideal world, when viewing your model?

Forget the Viewer and Vectorworks NOMAD for this, I'm more talking if neither of those existed at all; what are the kinds of things you'd like a client to be able to view, change and see when they look at your model/presentation?

I'm thinking for starters:

1) 3D Walkthrough (with full transparencies/textures of course)

2) The ability to share your file, or an instance of your file with a user via a simple "share..." interface where you can control what the receiver can and can not see. (By layer, class, sheet layer and saved view)

3) A single "package" that can be sent to a client, no installation of a viewer needed, where your file and the viewing software is bundled into an easy double clickable box that works regardless of the users OS (within limits, sorry Windows 2000 and OS 9)

4)The ability for the client to make notes or comments that could be passed back directly into your Vectorworks file in a non disruptive manner.

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  • 1 year later...

Where's the new thread?... In any case:

+1 !!! (For the first time, I've had a client use the Viewer, and I'm disappointed with the limited OpenGL and the lack of colors (textures)).

Jim, an addition to your list might be the ability to save views that clients set up so that back in the main working file cameras could be placed accordingly.

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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

We ended up just gathering a lot of the feedback from other similar threads into a mega-request. The Viewer has not had any attention for a long time now and Nomad alone in its current state of development is not enough to take its place.

2D plan views used to be plenty, but that was a long time ago. Users should be able to share the full extent of their designs with non-users without having to do so much extra poking and prodding.

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