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Landscape Area tag - force to tag object behind?

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I think @Katarina Ollikainen mentioned this the other day as something you can do using 'b' tool, but it isn't working for me... I have background landscape areas, overlaid by bulb planting areas, and want to tag both. Even when I direct the end of the data tag line to a part of the landscape area not covered by the bulb area, it is only picking up the bulb area in the foreground, even using the 'b' key.


I have found a workaround by exiting the annotation, switching off the bulb layer, tagging the landscape areas, then going back out, switching on the bulb layer, going back into annotate the bulb layer. But this is cumbersome and also if I then want to move tags they flip back to the bulb data!


Hope somebody can advise...





should look like


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This is a perennial problem (sorry!) with Data Tags across the board. I sometimes have objects I simply have no way of tagging where I want them tagged: when I pull the marker to where it needs to go I lose the association. I have to resort to ungrouping the tag in order to have it display correctly in the location I want it.

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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

Hi @Amanda McDermott, I would suggest to first tag everything you can reach. If there are things you for some reason can't get to even with the B-key, go up to the toolbar and switch to the third mode - when you then hover over the design area, everything not tagged will go red and you can click once and get all of them tagged in one go. After that it's easy to adjust the tag to where you want it.


This is also very useful when tagging planting plans and you want to ensure you haven't missed a plant group somewhere.


Let me know how you're getting on


Screenshot 2023-04-26 at 19.08.00.png

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15 hours ago, Katarina Ollikainen said:

After that it's easy to adjust the tag to where you want it.


Is it though? I have had instances like I describe where I can't move the tag where I want it without it losing its association with the object. And @Amanda McDermott I think says the same. I had to ungroup the tag in order to position it where it needed to be (right next to the object I should hasten to say!) + still display the correct info.

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Thanks both,


Katarina's way is a very useful tip - and I can move the text side of the tag once created, but if I move the end point of the line from where it's automatically been put, it flips to the other data. So, not ideal but better than what I was doing... if I'm really unhappy with where the line is pointing I guess I'll have to fall back on my workaround.


One for the wish list to sort out properly please! I'll post on the wish list thread.

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Try and right click on the row header (3.xx) and choose Select Object.  That should select the object and change layer and class visibility so you can see what I causing the blank row.


If it is not something you need, you can delete it.  

If you need it, but it is not a plant, then either edit the object so it is not caught in the database criteria or edit the criteria so it is not captured.

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On 4/27/2023 at 9:28 PM, Pat Stanford said:

Try and right click on the row header (3.xx) and choose Select Object.  That should select the object and change layer and class visibility so you can see what I causing the blank row.


If it is not something you need, you can delete it.  

If you need it, but it is not a plant, then either edit the object so it is not caught in the database criteria or edit the criteria so it is not captured.

This sounded so hopeful, but Select Item is greyed out! image.png.ad3e644ad62f6abf8281f92de4d9ee9d.png

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Add two additional columns to the report temporarily with formulas of =L and =C.  Those will tell you the Layer and Class of the object that is showing in that row. With that information you should be able to track down the errant object.


It is probably inside a group or symbol.

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On 5/3/2023 at 5:46 PM, Pat Stanford said:

Add two additional columns to the report temporarily with formulas of =L and =C.  Those will tell you the Layer and Class of the object that is showing in that row. With that information you should be able to track down the errant object.


It is probably inside a group or symbol.

Thanks Pat, sounds like a useful tip - I'll have a try and let you know how it goes!

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On 5/3/2023 at 5:46 PM, Pat Stanford said:

Add two additional columns to the report temporarily with formulas of =L and =C.  Those will tell you the Layer and Class of the object that is showing in that row. With that information you should be able to track down the errant object.


It is probably inside a group or symbol.

This was very helpful, thanks, allowed me to set a criteria to exclude the layer the thing was on and the row has disappeared!

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