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Viewport Hidden Line Render Colour

Riall Laplante

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Hello All,


Is it possible to change the pen colour of the Foreground Render when using Hidden Line?


I would like all lines – including surface hatches – to display in a specific colour.


In the attached example, I am using Artistic Render (Lines & Shadow) for the Background Render + Hidden Line for the Foreground Render.


PS: I've tried setting Layer Colour, but Hidden Line always defaults to black.





Screen Shot 2022-12-21 at 8.01.09 AM.png

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I could be wrong but the line colour is coming from the objects so you will need to make sure the object's attributes are by class then use class overrides in the viewport to set the line colour you want. Likewise with the surface hatch you will need to create an alternative version of the texture which has a coloured version of the hatch attached to it then use class overrides to get the relevant object/s to use that texture. I think this is right but someone else might know different. I have no experience of Layer Colours...


Data viz would be another way of doing the same thing.



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@Tom W.


Thank you both for the quick response! I've tried the following:


1) Assigned a different colour to the object's class.

= Changes outline colour of object in viewport. No change to hatch / texture.


2) Assigned a layer colour

= Changes outline colour of object in viewport. No change to hatch / texture.


3) Class Override in the Viewport.

= Changes outline colour of object in viewport. No change to hatch / texture.


4) Put specific objects on layers with a dedicated layer colour.

= Changes outline colour of object in viewport. No change to hatch / texture.


Seems like no matter what I do, I can't change the colour of the black Hidden Line Foreground Render overlay. I'll keep researching.





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You need to duplicate the surface hatch you're using + change the line colour in the hatch. Then assign this hatch to a duplicate of the texture. Then in the VP overrides choose this duplicate texture over the original one. In this way you will override the original black hatch with the new coloured one.

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  • 2 months later...

I found this topic whilst trying to make a horizontal section viewport render certain layers in an override colour. Couldn't do that (not sure why maybe you just can't? But I could render colour by class override)...

...but thanks to Tom W. 's suggestion I achieved the desired effect with a data vizualisation. Thank you Tom W.!

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