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342 Spectacular


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  1. Thank you @Pat Stanford This solved our problem, so good to have you on the list, always helpful!
  2. We are experimenting with the graphic legend, I hoped it was possible to summarize each door type based on opening (swingHingSide) I can sort of get it with a long list, see below but I would have preferred Opnun: Left 7, Opnun: Right 8.
  3. Fabulous! Just updated and can confirm its working now
  4. I have tried architect workspace, design suite workspace, architect-BIM workspace and no-one have revit import option
  5. Its the same here, Greyed out "RevitImport not in Plug-ins folder" & "RevitBatchImport not in Plug-ins folder" messages and no Revit import options in the workspace editor. Its seems Revit Import is totally missing frim the instalation. I have tried repair and install manager saying nothing to repair @Dave Donley can you help?
  6. Im on a Intel Imac Ventura 13.6.7 My Cloud version is 13.5.2771
  7. There might be a possibility to use the Data Manager and assign a class or record to every HULLDEKKE to make it simpler to isolate or select them. I have only limited experience with the Data Manager so I can't really help
  8. Hei Stig Runar! I would try to set up a worksheet, searching for IFC and field values You would get a rows for every item and could the right-click each row to select the item.
  9. I would start with the purge command to see if some classes are imported but not used. Then you can choose the class you don't need and delete it, you get an option to replace it with some of the other classes.
  10. You can drag the tabs to separate each pane and have as many as you want open.
  11. I think it could be solved vith a DataViz. https://app-help.vectorworks.net/2023/eng/VW2023_Guide/Views/Creating_a_new data_visualization.htm?agt=index
  12. do you have a sample file and an explanation of what you want what to do? @Amanda McDermott
  13. I am not sure, still a quite new tool and we have recently started using it for schedules. But there are lots of options possible inside the tool. Graphic legends, data tags and dataviz are my favourite new tools of VW. Maybe @Nikolay Zhelyazkov can explain what is the limitation of the graphic legend
  14. We use graphic legends mostly for setting out window and door schedules or listing building elements by symbols. I discovered the possibility to report with fill attributes when we needed a plan diagram with different functions of uses. Criteria was space and attributes by class. You should be able to report landscape area as criteria and attributes by style or class
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