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Found 14 results

  1. With HTC's recent hardware announcement and professional focus, has there been any more work towards creating a robust consistent VR experience from Vectorworks? If anybody has tips or workflows they have found helpful I would appreciate any insights. We have a client who has used this with their architect and now would like the same experience for our landscape. I'm excited to dig in, but some direction at the beginning would be helpful.
  2. I have recently been searching for videos on Augmentative Reality and Virtual Reality. So far without much success. I am pretty sure some time ago there was a very good one with an architect designing a building and then taking you around the inside of the building. I have looked here on this site, on VSS and You Tube and have only found one video and this is on You Tube entitled Web View and Virtual Reality in Vectorworks 2017, but I am sure there was a better one. Any thoughts?
  3. I’m looking into VR workflows for walking clients through models of the shows we build for them. I’d like to start with using the web app but am looking for suggestions for headsets for an iphone. Do people just use google cardboard? These headsets look like they might have better lenses and block out light better. https://www.wareable.com/vr/best-iphone-virtual-reality-setup I’m also planning on trying out the panoramic views and panoramic video workflows described here at Scenic Mentor. Be good to hear what people’s experiences are, and what gear they’ve found works best to view without going down the exporting to external VR packages (eg. Unity) route.
  4. I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this, if not please redirect me to where that is. I'm considering purchasing an HTC Vive VR headset for my business. With it, showing models to clients would be a lot easier and more immersive (and I could play VR games in my spare time). I've researched how Vectorworks interacts with VR and received varying opinions. Many people recommend exporting my project as a web view, and I've also seen exporting as an object and playing around with Unity. The web view option is a lot easier, but would that work with Vive? I've only seen that with cheaper systems that you put your phone in. If not, what other options do I have? I just want to know how much of a hassle it will be to do this as the headset is a big purchase. I'll probably only use this setup a few times per year, but it would greatly improve the experience.
  5. Hi, I was trying to use the VR/AR functionality of the Vectorworks Cloud. After some trial and error I realized that only materials applied to the wall or slab will be exported and shown in 3D. This renders the usability of this function almost useless for us. We can not use it beyond the very early stages of design. No where is it documented that you have to export it that way. Am I missing something? Is there a box to check? Help is very much appreciated. Eddi
  6. Hello, I need a link where Vectorworks says that Oculus Rift and other variants are supported. I've been searching for such and can't find. Is there some place where Vectorworks states that? If yes, please provide me the link. I really need that. Thank you!
  7. Hello everyone I'm interesting in searching some market improvements about virtual reality tools and new ways to find a better experience for architecture scenes maded in Vectorworks. Some people here talked about this. @Alan Woodwellfor example made some videos about this type of interactivity, and @Jonathan Reevs7 made some videos about interactivity between TwinMotion and Vectorworks and his videos looks great. I would like to start a discussion about Unreal Engine and the new Datasmith plug in. Unreal Engine is a very powerful software with them the users and programmers created video games, but on the VR industry they started to creating something to give a better and easier way to create an immersive project scene. With Datasmith plugin they said users can have a better and easier way to import some CAD datafile (fbx, obj, step etc). Now here is a free beta program util November 2018. I think could be very interesting to find a fluent workflow between Vectorworks and this applications type. What do you think about this? here is an event https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RWZYitnw9To.
  8. Has anybody worked with a VR camera before, creating backgrounds? I have seen the Ricoh Theta, and the LG 360 for example.
  9. I've been using VW web view export quite a bit recently. It's really good, but I'm looking for the next step up in terms of control/ quality - ie. that I can easily import VW model and tweak (not a unity style rendering engine)! Anyone have any suggestions for vectorworks compatible rendering packages for generating vr type models? I've tried sketchfab , anyone tried any of these: twinmotion lumion enscape prospect vizor yulio vr
  10. Hi, I work for a big company in Belgium. I want to start to use Webview, at this point the server to upload the webview gets blocked. I am trying to convince the network specialist to open the connection. While this is happening is there another way to get my webview on the Vectorworks server?
  11. Hi everyone, I have some trouble with the webview/vr that came with vw2017. Lately I observe, that the export takes like forever. 3D-model hast 123MB export in lowest quality gains 44MB but takes 10+ minutes to create (when choosing not to upload on vw-server), it has 79MB and takes almost 30 min+ to create. It also takes the same time when uploading to the VW-server, this was way quicker a few days/weeks ago. What happend here? Def. not a problem of my internet connection - see screenshot for speed. I can't do anything with vectorworks while it is exporting because there is that beachball constant spinning. I also exported just the logo, and this took also more than 10 minutes....?! //Way quicker when every lettre is seperate and not in a group. ;-) When opening I get a lot of script-issues...see screenshot. It says script is not answering and might be damaged. Some 3D-Elements look weird now - e.g. screenshot Wish Change the opengl at least to 3.0!!! 2.1 feels like doom or duke nukem back in 1998 :-/ This is not state of the art and customers are very unhappy with the quality atm. FYI: MacBook Pro Late2013 i7 2,3Ghz // 16GB Ram // Firefox latest So is there anything I did wrong? Is there anything I could help? I really think this is a great feature and I want it to be better! All the best from germany, volker
  12. Hi there everyone, atm I am checking the webview but so far i couldn't turn on light and create a night scene. could someone give me a hint how to create this? So I want a night scene with not more than 8 lights - cause this is max. atm Would be great to get some help on this one ;-) Cheers from germany, Volker
  13. Any recommendations for decent VR goggles to showcase webview capabilities to clients? Plenty on the market of course, but keen to get something that's tested with VW...
  14. I am having issues getting a webview to interact immersively with my Vive HTC. The Web View works fine on computer and the phone but does the Vive need an extra Program to put it within the plan in a 3d manor? Because the best I have is using my Vive on desktop mode which isnt really VR. Max
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