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  1. I'm attempting to label plants using a custom data tag. I have shrubs, perennials and trees. When it's necessary to add a leader, everything works fine, but very often if I want to fine tune the leader end, to point to a specific plant or group, it is attempting to tag a different plant or group. Is there a way to force the leader to "connect" with the original tagged group, or to select a specific group? Holding "b" doesn't seem to let me "look through" other plants...
  2. I cannot figure out how to get the size of a steel (wide flange 3D) into a new data tag , looking to make a simple tag with steel size and length ? Can get the length ok but not the size (ie. the 203 x 203 x 46 part)
  3. We are running into an issue where data tags placed in viewport annotations continually lose their connection to the data and sometimes even shift locations to way outside of the original viewport bounds. Obviously this is a problem if we are trying to use them to annotate viewports in complex construction document sets because we shouldn't have to constantly re-spend the time associating the data tags with their objects or move them around. This is likely similar to the issue stated under this thread.
  4. Apparently we're unable to tag walls in Workgroup Referenced files with the new Data Tag tool. I'm pretty sure a loss of functionality as I believe we used to be able to do this with the old ID Label tool. We'd need this functionality please. And my preferred way to bring this functionality back would be to get rid of Workgroup Referencing and replace it with something else:
  5. I have a Symbol which I've named G-01 in the Object Field of the Data tab (of the Object Info Palette). This is different from the actual Symbol name (which is A-Ss_25_30-M_Gate_G01). When setting up my tag, how do I configure Define Tag Field to use the Object Name field of a standard Symbol?
  6. Does anyone know how to use a formula in the 'formula' field in the Space Setting Additional Data section? (Vectorworks support didn't know, but the help manual says that is what it is for). My goal is perform a calculation of number of occupants (=#Gross Area#/#AreaPerOccupant#), to then report on a data tag. However, whatever I put in the formula field just shows up as text when reported... (Attached is a sample file in 2019). Any suggestion of how to solve this, or other ways to get the number of occupants to show up on the data tag would be very much appreciated! Occupancy Data Tag.vwx
  7. You can create a database of "Data Tags" but it can't seem to filter by style, or display the style being used. Any Ideas? Optimally I want to create a database of all data tags used in a file with a certain name and call up the parameters to check their values.
  8. I've been playing around a bit with the new data tag tool, great addition. Just wondering if there is a way we can easily edit what is displayed in the tag (other than the pre-configured options). I usually have additional information showing in plant tags such as the ID and I was hoping to be able to customize the data tag to show similar info. Love the new tool as it makes it easy to label various plants without worrying about class visibilities, and I hope customization becomes easier. As a side note, I noticed that you can 't make any font or font size changes unless you enter the edit mode.
  9. Im trying to get a data tag to display a date in the MM/DD/YYYY format (so January 3 2019 would display as 01/03/2019). I have downloaded the stock "Date Stamp Date-Time-Name No Fill" which says it is formatted as MM/DD/YY (01/03/19, which I would settle for) but it is displaying as 1/3/19. I have tried to modify the tag field definition but that doesn't seem to allow me to manipulate the format. Is there a way to change the format of a date in the data tag tool? Thanks! Simon
  10. I have some placed data tags (room tags) disconnecting from record object (Space). It looks like it is happening after updating Data Tag Style. I am not sure what I should do to avoid that. We will place hundreds of different tags through many sheets of drawings, I don't want to be worried that some of those tags will show blank.
  11. Hi, I found two landscape area-related data tag bugs. Is this the place to report it? Dynamic Text Bug 1: #Landscape Area#.#distRate# is returning TRUE, DistrCust or FALSE instead of the actual distribution rate of each species. See below Tag field window and Landscape Area 3 to 5. Dynamic Text Bug 2: #Landscape Area#.#percType# is giving me Plants/sqft instead of Plants/sqm, while area unit (and all other settings) is set to Square Meters. See below: #Landscape Area#.#percRate# is working fine (see Landscape Area-6 above) but it is not so useful for us because our planting rates vary within and across landscape areas.
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