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Vectorworks, Inc Employee
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Everything posted by klinzey

  1. klinzey

    bail out

    No, It's only valid inside the dialog handler.
  2. klinzey

    bail out

    No. GoTo is just about it. In reality you should structure the code so that is is in an If Then Else statement after the dialog is finished. If RunLayoutDialog = 1 then Do Stuff else Do Nothing
  3. klinzey

    bail out

    2: would be the event of the "Cancel" Button but you really want to check the return value from RunLayoutDialog call outside of the dialog handler. If it's not 1 then the user canceled or closed the dialog without hitting the OK button. There are typically 3 default IDs used by the dialog. 1: OK Button 2: Cancel Button 3: Help Box so your first control should be 4.
  4. You should have access to the standard 255 of the classic Vectorworks color palette if you want to pick a color by index. New colors will be generated with indexes greater than 255. The good thing about this is that the first 255 colors will always be the same color from the Vectorworks color palette, previously if the user changed the color palette you would not know what color you would get using the index. You can use ColorIndexToRGBN and RGBToColorIndexN if you need to find or create a color.
  5. There have been a lot of changes since 2010. Check the attributes of the video screen and make sure they are all the same. One bay be set to have a black fill or use attributes or textures by class and causing it to render black.
  6. The event seating looks for other objects placed by the event planning commands to use as a look to point. If none of those objects exists it places the look to point close to the center of the seating layout. From there you can grab the control point and move it to where you need it. The simplest option is to snap it to the midpoint of what you want to be the front of the seating area. It's impossible for the command to determine where the front of the seating is without finding some other object. If you want to place the look to point when you are creating the seating area use the create seating layout command.
  7. There is only one text size for the Seat numbers and the seat area label.
  8. First make sure you are in the Spotlight workspace. If the Light Info Record is attached to the symbol the instrument insertion tool will automatically activate if it is available in the current workspace. If the instrument insertion tool is not in the current workspace it can't be activated.
  9. Try locating and opening the file directly without using the resource browser. Old files can be opened by Vectorworks. The Resource browser can only browse files saved in the current version.
  10. Use the Round Wall tool? If you want to use a simple extrude make sure after you compose into a single polyline that you give it a fill. If the object does not have a fill it will not render.
  11. You can't lock the plan rotation without locking the entire placed object. Locking or modifying the symbol will have no effect. If you are trying to make the 3D geometry remain in the same position as the 2D and not have independent tilt and pan you can edit the symbol and detach the "Parts" record from each part of the object.
  12. Take a look at 2012, all for these problems have been fixed and several enhancements have been added to the way multi-circuit instruments and accessories behave. Kevin
  13. The Octagon shape is created automatically and can not be edited. Shapes should be drawn actual size, it does not matter what scale. If you want a different size Octagon you can just draw one and add it to the file. If you want to use it as your default shape you can change the defaults in the preference dialog of the focus point insertion tool.
  14. Joe, You can add your custom focus point shape symbols to ...\\Libraries\Defaults\Focus Points\ You can either add your own file or add to the existing file. Once you add the shapes you will need to restart Vectorworks in order for the list to update. Kevin
  15. Robert, It's not clear from your description where the problem is. Is the problem that the symbols are inserting as symbols and not lighting devices? If this is the problem you need too have the light info record attached to the symbol before Vectorworks will automatically recognize it. Take a look in the Vectorworks Help under "Instrument and Accessory Specifications" for details on how to properly attach the record. If you are having problems making or using symbol libraries files you can take a look at the "Using Vectorworks Resources" in the Vectorworks Help. Kevin
  16. What is your current render mode? You need to render in OpenGL or one of the Renderworks modes.
  17. The beam color is determined by the "color" field of the lighting device. The only exception is when there is no color, then the beams are drawn in black or white depending on the background. Since you are still using 2010 there may be a bug that is causing the problem. Try setting the color field to something like R99 or (1,1,1) and see if the beams draw.
  18. In order to hide the parameters during the preference event the object must be event enabled. During the preference or setup event you can hide the control using: PROCEDURE vsoWidgetSetVisible(widgetID : LONGINT; visible : BOOLEAN); http://developer.vectorworks.net/index.php?title=VS:Parametric_Custom_Shape_Pane
  19. Make sure you are using the latest service pack for 2011.
  20. 12.5 still uses the Gobo Projector. There is no way to hide the polygon, it it what actually contains the texture. If you do anything to hide it, it will hide the texture and the Gobo will not render. It's the geometry that is actually casting the Gobo.
  21. Any strings used in the code that need to be localized should be exposed as plug-in strings. Localization must be done for each language. Typically this is done by the localizing distributor. There is a tool available for localizing plug-ins available. The tool is not pubically available, please send me a private message with your email address and contact information and I can make arrangements to provide you with the tool. Kevin
  22. You don't say what version you are using but from the looks of it probably an older version on the Mac. First try inserting a different symbol and see what happens in a new document just to make sure the LL did not get inserted in the symbol. The next step would be to try deleting your preferences folder. Quit VW and delete: HD > Users > (User's Home Folder) > Library > Application Support > Vectorworks > (Version Number)
  23. It may not work but it would be: Message(Concat('Increment Dimmer: ',DimVal,CHR(13),'Increment Channel: ',ChanVal)); but I'm not sure if a message window will properly deal with a return character on both platforms. I have some memory of it working on one platform but not the other. Kevin
  24. These are just Warnings and not errors. The only reason you are seeing them is that you have Stop on Vector Script warnings turned on in the Preferences. If you are having a problem it is not due to these warnings.
  25. The lighting device-within-a-symbol problem was fixed for SP2. There was a bug with Undo and the data exchange that was fixed with SP3.
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