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Vectorworks, Inc Employee
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Everything posted by Hugues

  1. Hi Mark, Thank you for pointing this out. This looks like a text encoding bug in the clipboard. There is nothing wrong on your side. Use the "Export Worksheet" command for now. Thanks Hugues NNA
  2. I suspect that your row is locked to a specific value. You basically lock a row height by setting the value manually. To unlock it, select the row and go to the row height menu and select "Auto Fit Row Height". If that doesn't work, then there is a data corruption somewhere. Can you reproduce this problem consistently ? Thanks Hugues NNA
  3. Mike, the object name in the Object Info Palette is not part of the Record Format. If the names need to be saved in a record, you can edit the record formats and add a field for that. If all you need is having them listed in a worksheet, you can add a worksheet column and type "=N" (without the quotes) in the database header. Hope it helps. Hugues NNA
  4. Nicolas, no you cannot zoom within a worksheet editor in VW2008. To get around this problem, you can increase the font size in the worksheet editor, place the worksheet in a viewport and scale the viewport. Hugues NNA
  5. Are you familiar with VectorScript ? You can use the CreateWSImage() to place a worksheet in the drawing. This is a script for you. PROCEDURE PlaceWSInDrawing; VAR listID: LONGINT; { List ID for worksheet resources } listCount,index: LONGINT; hWS: HANDLE; hImage: HANDLE; x,y: REAL; { worksheet image position } BEGIN {procedure begin} listID := BuildResourceList(18, 0, '', listCount); IF listCount > 0 THEN BEGIN x := 0; y := 0; FOR index := 1 TO listCount DO BEGIN hWS := GetResourceFromList(listID, index); IF ((hWS<>NIL) & (GetType(hWS) = 18)) THEN BEGIN hImage := CreateWSImage(hWS, x,y); ResetObject(hImage); x := x+1; y := y-1; END; END; END; END; RUN(PlaceWSInDrawing); Hugues NNA
  6. Hi CS1, the recalculate command in the right click menu recalculates all worksheets throughout your file. You don't have to use a script unless you just want a particular set of worksheets to be recalculated. Hugues NNA
  7. Do you mean that the text wrap is correct in the worksheet palette but not on the drawing? Does the text wrap at all or are the line breaks inaccurate? Hugues NNA
  8. boxjoint, pat and all, There is another solution for accessing PIO names that doesn't involve using the VS Plug-in editor or scripting. You can do this directly from the worksheet using the Paste Criteria command. Proceed as follows: - Enter the equal sign in the formula bar - Click on the "Paste Criteria..." command in the worksheet menu - The Paste Attributes dialogs opens , then click on the 'Custom' button. - Now in the Criteria dialog, select the Field Value criterion, pick your PIO field and make sure you set the criteria operator to 'NONE' (third pulldown menu). - Click OK and you are done. We are well aware that accessing PIO names from the worksheet isn't straightforward and intuitive. This area is on the radar and we are working on better solutions. Hugues NNA
  9. Hi David, RecalculateWS operates on the worksheet object itself not the worksheet image on the drawing. You need to get the worksheet object handle from its image. You do this by calling GetWSFromImage Your script should work if you modify your procedure like this: PROCEDURE RecalcWS(h:HANDLE); VAR h2 : HANDLE; BEGIN wsH := GetWSFromImage(h); RecalculateWS(h2); SetSelect(h); END; Hugues NNA
  10. Hi Richard, You can set the thickness, color and style for each cell border individually. In the format cells dialog, pick the line attributes first and then click the border element you'll like to apply the attributes to. Repeat as necessary for other border elements. Hugues NNA
  11. The workaround for this problem is to turn off the Quartz imaging preference when printing.
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