Sort of. It depends on how you are managing your symbols and the wattage info. If you're simply changing the wattage of the symbol and don't care about showing it on the plot, other than a legend or tag, the symbol remains the same. If you use the actual symbol in the resource library with the 750W cap, then it's a separate symbol. You get a bit creative depending on how you want to show the info and how you want to report it.
Here, I have 11 bodies of a 26° light. In the symbols area, I have 10 at 575 and one w 750. In the Plug-in area, you see I also have 11 bodies, but I've entered different wattages in the wattage/power field of the light.
On the right, I have 60 bodies at 575 and just three with different wattages. Notice that "750" is treated differently than "750 W"