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Posts posted by elepp

  1. This wish is an enhancement request for worksheets and the data manager. I would like to have the sorting order in the data manager matching the one in my record. Same goes for creating a worksheet with the dialog. Atm they are sorted alphabetically. For a small amount of fields I can manually sort it, but now we have a record with 30 fields and I have to reorder them again. If I import the record into another file the whole thing starts again. There is a reason why I create record fields in a certain order and I would like to maintain that order. That should be the standard and deviation from it can still happen later.



    • Like 1
  2. Sadly this still happens with data tags. It's a different project and a different use case. Very frustrating, because we can't reproduce it and this time it's a project file. So we have to account for even more users. 😞

  3. 3 hours ago, Dave Donley said:

    @elepp You can definitely use Twinmotion and Vectorworks with this export.


    Existing direct link plugins to Twinmotion work by the user pressing a "Synchronize" button in the CAD application, every time they want to push the model updates to Twinmotion.  One click.


    Currently with Vectorworks you choose export and then import in Twinmotion, two clicks.


    There is not yet a truly Direct Link with live connection like there are for Lumion and Enscape, which would require no clicks to update the model in Twinmotion.  This would be a click to establish a connection to Twinmotion and model updates would happen live as changes happen in Vectorworks (like with Lumion and Enscape).  This support in Datasmith is a work in progress and Vectorworks is on the path to this.


    Thanks for clearing that up. Seeing forward to the improvements. For now though it's not usable for us. In our design process we would have to update it too many times. And even if it's only two clicks, in the design process it adds up quickly.

  4. 4 minutes ago, Dave Donley said:

    Hello @MaltbyDesign


    Twinmotion is an independent product from Epic Games.  It does allow you to render your model in real-time.


    To use this with SP3 choose the Export Unreal Datasmith file export command, this saves the .udatasmith file and "assets" (geometry and textures).  You point Twinmotion at that file to import.


    Thereafter you can make changes in Vectorworks to add, modify, delete objects and to override textures in Twinmotion.  To update the model again after the initial export you overwrite the .udatasmith file by exporting it again, and in Twinmotion press the "chasing arrows" icon to have Twinmotion pick up the new import.  Overrides to textures and any geometry you added in Twinmotion from their content should remain unaffected.


    I have to say I am a bit disappointed. We are still missing a viable option for live rendering in Vectorworks on macOS. So far it only exists for Enscape and Lumion. When it was teased in the road maps and presentations, I was under the impression that we would finally get it with SP3. So in the end it's only a nicer export. :(

    • Like 3
  5. Hi. Are these walls by any chance IfcWallStandardCases? IIRC it's part of their standard definition and the clipping of the walls happens inside the BIM programms. Some programms require standard cases, for example Revit. They can then translate them into native walls.

  6. @Michal Zarzecki @Boh I also only have rudimentry understanding of IFC in Vectorworks. Usually IFC-files should be much smaller than vwx-files. If you need them even smaller you should give ifcziop a try. This file type is very suitable to compressions. Ifcxml tends to make files bigger. A few programms prefer xml over standard ifc, for example programms for quantity take off and cost calculations. Since the introduction of ExportOptions in the Datamanger, these options here are not so useful anymore. The checkboxes here treat all objects the same, but you might want to treat every ifcobject differently. So Walls by components but not slabs. The checkbox for "Quantity Take Off" is used if the recieving software can't calculate quantities from the objects themselves. The Solibri Model Checker is calculating its own quantities.

    These are just a few things I have picked up over the years. If you have more questions, feel free to ask.


    Nevertheless I would like to have a comprehensive webinar from Vectorworks regarding the use of IFC. There is always more to learn. Wish you a nice evening from Germany.

    • Like 1
  7. I loved Bluebeam Revu. Sadly it's no longer developed, though you can still buy it, I think. 😞 That was right what we needed. Now we are using PDF Expert and Adobe Reader. I once did some research about PDF Programms, but good ones for Mac are far and few in between. I would give PDF Studio a go. It has some measurement features.



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  8. Iirc it's just not there yet, but the future versions of IFC should be able to do that. IFC 4 has a modell view definition that is called "design transfer view". It's not yet supported by Vectorworks but it should work in that direction.

  9. We are working on a project at the moment where rhino.inside would be a huge help. We are planning a roof structure with etfe cushions. There are already plenty of resources for grasshopper regarding this. The structural engineer on this project also uses rhino and grasshopper. The whole collaboration on a parametric  structure would be much easier that way. We are reaching the limits of what is possible in Vectorworks in terms of 3D-Modeling capabilities. It's very frustrating. 😞

  10. 18 minutes ago, digitalcarbon said:

    with thoughts of removing stumps for a business

    I might join you there. There is something to be said about a "simple" but rewarding task like that. 😄


    Landlines where never a safe option here in Germany. You could hear a crackling in the background, if you tried to call someone in the GDR. 😄

    Maybe the good ol' pigeon will do?


  11. 53 minutes ago, digitalcarbon said:

    As you all know I'm a big fan of Cloud everything.  Been using for 3 years and its virtually flawless...collaboration, no version update headaches, absolutely super!

    I personally feel that I have debunked all the issues thrown at me.


    However, politics aside,  am I now held hostage by these cloud companies who can shut me down if they decide to?



    If I want to use my cloud services to make signs that say "The emperor has no clothes"...will I get shut down for going against popular opinion?


    Still a big fan of the cloud but you have me over a barrel on this one and I have no reply...its a valid concern...


    I guess nothing is really safe...

    That's a very valid concern. I like reading books with the Kindle App. I have it installed on my phone, my tablet and on my kindle device. I can pick up reading my books where ever I am. Lately though I am considering buying physical books again, because Amazon might decide to delete my library for various reseaons out of my control. And legally I would have no means to fight Amazon in court, because I agreed to their TOS. I would have burned my money and have to spend it again. That's why I am a big proponent for open file formats and against drm.

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