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Marissa Farrell

Marionette Maven
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Everything posted by Marissa Farrell

  1. Currently I'm working on an algorithm to generate random triangles within a source shape. Here are some images and a video of my progress. When I find it more stable, a vwx file will be available.
  2. c='Apt Construction' def DoIt(h): vs.SetClass(h, c) vs.ResetObject(h) return() criteria="(INSYMBOL & INOBJECT & INVIEWPORT & (SEL=TRUE))" vs.ForEachObject(DoIt, criteria) Maybe this will work?
  3. ^ This. This is why I like my job. (Well, one of many reasons, really.)
  4. @Oachl Kini I attached Sarah's files back to her original post! Let us know how it goes for you!
  5. Currently there is no Join Walls node in default content, but I'll try to dig the file up that has the one I made a while back. As for the READONLYREFFILE, I haven't posted anything on that yet. It's completely safe to remove that entire line when you change a node, though, so until I get some proper documentation going, feel free to do that! EDIT: I attached the file "JoinWallsMarionette_2" to it's original post above. That includes the modification to the wall node I mentioned.
  6. Okay, this is the absolute least elegant way to get what you want, but it does work. I'll try to slim it down a bit later, but hopefully you can follow it a bit as is? All the nodes are in default content, there's just some sort manipulation going on with the extra nodes... Pipe Labeling_sb_pt_MFarrell.vwx
  7. Right?! Marionette Maven totally takes the cake on "Coolest Forum Title."
  8. Another method, aside from Jim's, would be with the path object selected, go to Model > 3D Power Pack > Rebuild NURBS... You can keep the same number of vertices. Only issue I ran into was when using your profile shape as-is, the orientation is skewed following the path, but this can be remedied by either drawing your rectangle in Top/Plan or editing your Profile position after you've generated your EAP.
  9. Thank you, thank you, I picked it myself With the approval of @JimW, of course.
  10. I'm going to agree with Kevin's assumption that it's because the profile is a 3D poly instead of a 2D shape.
  11. I think you will find that this isn't as easy as you're hoping. A camera object is considered a plug-in object, and currently I'm not aware of any exposed functions to create one. I tried using a camera as Control Geometry, but it appears that you can't activate it if you do that. For now, I hate to say that I can't see a solution to this, but I'll keep it in mind and report back if I find any promising leads.
  12. Yeah, the only way that I know of would be to copy/paste into the node. The top part of a Marionette script is only run when opening/closing the script editor, so there's no way to populate it by running a script unfortunately.
  13. Update: I actually did get it to work in Top/Plan just using curves, so that may not be it.
  14. Do you have the "Text Type As" field set to surface? (although in Top/Plan you still likely won't see a difference)
  15. If you haven't already, you need to include a "group" node in your network. In my following example, I didn't use the ordered list node, but if you have a particular order you want your curves to be lofted I would advise using one.
  16. ... Just as a quick followup, the Curve node in this file should accept 2D points as input... Marionette_CurveModified.vwx
  17. No problem! We're usually pretty quick on the forums Let us know if you need any more guidance!
  18. Alright, so at a first glance, the most glaring issue I'm seeing is that you're using "Point2" nodes instead of "Point3". I can work on getting a change in where that won't matter later on, but for now try using Point3 nodes with your Z set to zero (assuming that's what you want), and let me know if that works any better.
  19. Can you provide a file, if not, could you provide a screenshot of your error message? Thanks!
  20. At this point in time the information must be written right into the node. We do not have the ability to create dynamic OIP controls.
  21. Version 1.0.0


    ODBC connection is useful for those that have an external database and want to use values from it within Vectorworks. It is also helpful going the other way, allowing users to edit their external database from within Vectorworks. These are more advanced nodes that will require an understanding of setting up and working with external databases.
  22. @ibenjamin.price If you need any help with Marionette (including custom nodes) let me or the rest of the Marionette community know and I'm sure we can help you figure it out. It's good practice for us and provides good resources for other users that may have a similar use case.
  23. YES! Good catch. I'll work on a fix for this. For now, there is a node "Degrees to Radians" in Math>Angular Conversion that you can use for converting your values.
  24. I've never had good luck texturing with Marionette, so I don't bother anymore... However I did investigate this, and with a 'value' of 1.57, it appears to rotate the texture to where you want. I have no idea how 1.57 relates to 90 degrees, though. texture test_MFarrell.vwx
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