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Pier Luigi

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    VideoCOM CEO
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  1. Hello Tom so you are suggesting that the tool modes that allow to create an angled truss are not intended to make trusses to attach lights? With regards Pier
  2. Hello all I try to reiterate the problem. Probably here we all know how to use Vectorworks. The matter here is the fact that when you create an orbit animation, there is not a way to define the inclination for the camera - you can just change the camera in each keyframe with a mouse click, but the result is erratic. When you create the orbit, of after that, there is no control on the inclination and you could adjust it only with the mouse in each keyframe, but you cannot have the same exact angle, so the result is really ugly.
  3. I agree with Kazemester I was not able to find a way to create an Orbit animation flying from above the ground and looking for example 30 degrees down. There is not a way to define the inclination for the camera - you can just change the camera in each keyframe with a mouse click, but the result is really erratic.
  4. Hello Dom it seems that this node is no longer compatible with Vectorworks. I tried to use it with 2019 and it always shows an error. I look at your video, but I was not able to convert the wrapper in an object node - the wrapper disappears. Regards Pier Luigi
  5. Did my suggestion solved your problem? I had experience with our tech support here in Italy with some clients: trashing the Preferences folder solved slowdown problems.
  6. I think you have corrupted preferences in user folder. Trash the Settings folder and it should work back the normal way.
  7. We have a similar problem with two PCs running Windows 10 with Quadro video cards. Vectorworks 2018 SP2 shows the RW option just for some seconds, them these options disappear from the menu. OpenGL works as expected. The sad think is the fact that 2017 works on the same computers without any problem. Any hint on how to solve this problem? Thanks Pier Luigi Antonini
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