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Bruce Kieffer

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Posts posted by Bruce Kieffer

  1. 1 hour ago, Tom W. said:

    No I don't think so. This is hard coded. The green text means the Data Tags are page based, the red means they are world based. 

    This is sad. I wish the designers would consider how the colors they choose affect color blind people. It's not just Vectorworks. I encounter this all the time. In this case it might be an easy fix to include allow changing the color in the interactive settings. I will post this "wish".

  2. 1 hour ago, VIRTUALENVIRONS said:

    It appears we are all Mac users.  There is another quirk I see every so often.  Does anyone else see this?


    If I choose the "Flyover" tool for example, the icon on the screen remains the Arrow Cursor.  It still works, but a clue that I should save my work and "Revert to Saved".





    I often see two tool icons highlighted. I assume it's a bug.

  3. OK, so like I considered earlier, I set up a data tag to grab the text from the name field in the OIP. It's a bit of work, but easy enough. I copy the title of the worksheet, type into the OIP Name field "WS: " and then paste the worksheet title text. Then I associate the data tag to the worksheet.



  4. I just tired to create a simple file to send you @rDesign that would show the snapping problem. I opened a new blank file and placed a symbol that I have trouble snapping in my complex file when I drill into the symbol. No problems in the blank file, but still problems in my complex file. I don't know how to show you this problem easily. I will send you a file someday if I ever figure out how to reproduce it simply.

  5. What is the formula to make the name "Viewport-12" appear in a Data Tag? I'm trying to create a data tag to pick up viewport names. I know how to get to the tag editor and the place to input the formula, but I can't find the correct formula from the available options.



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  6. 5 minutes ago, Pat Stanford said:

    Are you using a Text Style, specifically a Class Text Style in those data tags? I believe that is another thread floating around about a problem with Data Tags using Class Text Style and forgetting that style.

    Yes I am.


    5 minutes ago, Pat Stanford said:

    If you have a reproducible case, please make sure to file it as a bug.

    Will do, but first I need to determine the cause, or the sequence of events.

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  7. 4 hours ago, Tom W. said:

    I think the Data Tag Style dialog. All the settings would be disabled + there'd be no text in the Tag Layout so it would be a really quick + easy way to start a new tag from a completely blank slate, which I think is what @Bruce Kieffer was after.

    Yep, exactly. And I agree that constancy with tools would make working with Vectorworks easier. 

  8. 7 hours ago, Nikolay Zhelyazkov said:

    Hello @Bruce Kieffer,


    You need to have an object selected because create data tag style dialog is filled with information from that object. If you have no object selected you would end up with an empty dialog with no data in it -> an empty data tag style would be created. Not really sure if this would be useful.


    Best Regards,

    Nikolay Zhelyazkov

    Thanks @Nikolay Zhelyazkov I understand that is how the Create Data Tag command works, but I am making Data Tags to name Sheet Layers and file names. Those are not objects. Like this where the file name data tag is at the top left, the sheet name is bottom center. I created those tags by modifying an existing data tag (style).


    Screenshot 2024-01-31 at 8.42.57 AM.png

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