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Bas Vellekoop

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Everything posted by Bas Vellekoop

  1. Are the commands from the 3 modeling palette part of the Marionette nodes. The shell command would be very handy.
  2. Playing with marionette, fun to do! Looking forward to some tutorials. Now only made an extrude of a circle, yeah! Some comments/wishes: - make the nodes searchable - ability to drag and drop from the drop down menu - when hovering over the node in the drop down menu the description of what the node can do would be very handy (the same as under the oip-button) - separate palette for marionette that you can leave open - ability to delete only the connected lines and not the attached node - ability to change the name of the node on the design layer as well as in the oip Sorry Jim.... really happy with all the things that are able and new and shinny!
  3. I dont think so. Renderworks is based on Cinema 4d and that has Teamrender, but Teamrender is not a part of VW. Is it possible to be done in the Cloud services from VW?
  4. I have the international version, last years it was the same day I think. But I can be mistaken...
  5. But but but.... then i have to stay up till tommorow morning.... In dont like timezones
  6. But the time is now Jim We aren't getting any stuff done this way
  7. I thought the Dutch version of VW already has a gutter object in his workspace, but i don't know how complex or simple that tool is. Maybe somebody with a Dutch version can tell us that?
  8. I wish that DIN 917 was part of the fastners toolset. Din 1587 seems to be part of it already https://www.rvspaleis.nl/moeren/dopmoeren/din-917
  9. Mostly extra contrast, some fake ambient occlusion, the line drawing on top of the rendering, and some effect to give it a little bit of a sketchy feel. The line drawing: You can do this in VW, but if you want to use the Artistic style of VW the lines can become a sort of pixelated if you lay them on top of a rendered viewport. Everything done in VW is always better. Maybe we can ask Jim to combine VW en PS ;-)
  10. This is what I ones made. Did some PS work to it, but I cant upload a psd-file to this site so hereby a link to onedrive: http://1drv.ms/1JhrGVk
  11. I use the non-localized version so you did the hard work for me Thanks for confirming the issue!
  12. I have a drawing with several same sized screws. If I want to change the size of the screws by selecting them with the select similar tool I can change the size of them in the OIP but then I get unexpected results. 1 or 2 get the selected size, but the others stay the same. Is this a bug?
  13. Ok, thanks for the update!
  14. Any notes on windows 10 and VW? I installed it on my old/hobby pc, but not on my work-pc. Is it 'safe' to install it?
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