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  • Closed Group  ·  46 members  ·  Last active

    In an effort to improve the Vectorworks user experience, we are seeking your input to help us evaluate our upcoming Door and Window Assemblies tool, which will let you combine multiple symbol, door, window, and other types of objects into a single assembly that can be inserted into walls. You will gain access to a special Vectorworks 2025 version build and be asked to provide feedback in a private Forum group after testing. Disclaimer: the special Vectorworks build used in this focus group will be a standard English US version. The new Door and Window Assemblies tool to be evaluated in this version only supports standard US version door and window objects. Requirements: You will need a Vectorworks 2025 version license of Architect, Landmark, Spotlight or Design Suite. You must have a Vectorworks Forum account to participate.
  • Closed Group  ·  23 members  ·  Last active

    A closed forum group for the discussion and exploration of exporting Vectorworks model data to the PHPP (Passive House Planning Package)
  • Closed Group  ·  189 members  ·  Last active

    The New York City Spotlight Users Group. Leaders: Kevin Lee Allen, Diana Kesselschmidt, and Steve Backo.

  • Closed Group  ·  30 members  ·  Last active

    The Seattle Community Group. Leader: Benson Shaw

  • Closed Group  ·  31 members  ·  Last active

    This private forum is intended for discussions and feedback about the Vectorworks Quest VR app.
  • Closed Group  ·  124 members  ·  Last active

    In an effort to improve the Vectorworks user experience, we are seeking your input to help us evaluate our Showcase feature, which will let you run a dynamic pre-visualization and use a 3rd party console software to drive a Vectorworks scene interactively.
  • Closed Group  ·  7 members  ·  Last active

    教育機関向けライセンス導入校のグループです。OASIS登録校様向け教材の配布や各種ライセンスに関する案内を掲載しています。 本グループ内で提供している情報はOASIS加盟校向けのものです。

  • Closed Group  ·  81 members  ·  Last active

    This private forum is intended for discussions and feedback about redesigning Vectorworks’ main application interface. Participants can both create new posts and reply to posts here.
  • Closed Group  ·  21 members  ·  Last active

    Schematic views group to discuss workflow improvements and desired visual output for vertically placed stage equipment.
  • Closed Group  ·  4 members  ·  Last active

    This club hasn't provided a description.
  • Closed Group  ·  27 members

    This club hasn't provided a description.

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