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How to get angles of a polyline or angles of a surface or are


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Hi there,


i am struggling here with some stuff i can solve.


I have a marionette, making such beautiful parametrical steel parts with a miter on the top. 


The goal is to use the rectangle (its a 3 D poly) for connecting the next marionette. I think about reading out, where the center of the 3D-poly ist (thats easy and working) but i am not able to read out the angle of this "surface" given by my 3D-Poly. Then i maybe can name there variable to get a interface for the next marionette part and i only have to wire the ends (center + angles) for the insertion of the next marionette steel part so they allways fit together.


for me its quite diffucult, because some nodes dont work on all type of objects.


I tried it with:

- "get matrix" but it seems only working for 2D objects

- get angle

- get direction


i Simply need the angles of the poly and the center, but i dont get how to do it.


This i have to do more then once, so i will apply some help-polys for connection additional steel parts on the sides of my steel part.




br kc

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@KingChaos,  I don't think I can help you. At least not in Marionette. I am actually working on something similar to be able to connect parts, but it will require at least Vectorscript and probably SDK to make it work if I even truly get started on it.


When you make the original miter can you use the values you calculated there to provide the angle and store it in a Record.Field to recall when you need it?


@Marissa Farrell Any ideas?

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Thats the Problem, i mited with a subtraction,  because the rest would be too complicated.


I need this get done on a lot of surfaces for connecting parts on the side, so even if it works it wont help me in the end.


WhatsApp wring with this node? Maybe i got a misuse  bec i dont get how to use get Direktion.


But thx al lot 

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I think  it is very comfortable to connect the wrappers with this 3d point and the angle of the 3dpoly. It would help me a lot and saving hours of click and move. So i would be glad to know how "get orientation" is working. Maybe it wont work with 3d poly, then i need to know what handle is needed to make this node working correctly.

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Das Chaos hat ein Ende. 


Habe da etwas in meiner Sammlung gefunden, was dir weiterhelfen könnte...


Test = Winkel finden

Die Schnittfläche mit einem Gegenstand schneiden.

Die daraus resultierende Fläche mit einem Offset verschieben.

Da beide Flächen den selben "Get Gravity Center" aufweisen, kannst du diese mit einem Polygon verbinden.

Mit dem Knoten von @DomC bekommst du dann den Winkel der 3D Polylinie.


Apropos, einen solchen Workflow as einzelner Knoten würde mir die Arbeit deutlich erleichtern!


Glasauschnitte = Profil entlang Geometrie --> Ebene Glasstab

Währe es nicht einfacher, das ganze entlang einer Kontrollgeometrie zu extrahieren und die Löcher mit Rand-Abstand auszuschneiden (ev. Symbole)?

Mit den Nurbs Kurven kannst du eine Art "Glasleisten" erzeugen.

Das ganze kannst du in eine Gruppe auflösen und einzelne Segmente entnehmen.

Interessant ist auch der Materialknoten. Wobei ch die Textur bisher noch nicht mit Laufrichtung (Längs / Quer) festlegen kann.


Apropos, ich benötige einen Knoten, der eine Nurbs Fläche kürzt. --> Negativ Exten Surface...

Wer kann helfen?




Nun wünsche ich viel Spass beim ausprobieren.





Glasausschnitte Controll Geometry.vwx

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