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Adding other devices to the Instrument Summary


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I would like to be able to add various other types of instruments to the instrument summary for final presentation.

As you can see from the image attached I have got as far as adding a truss symbol into the summary by attaching a light info record to the 2D symbol which has then meant it has appeared in the build list.

However, whilst this is great, i'm struggling in getting the count working properly.


Please can someone advise on how to get this working? I've tried altering many parameters in the light info record but i'm unsure as to what data the software uses to calculate the "count".


Many thanks





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The Instrument summary is designed to show lighting devices and is coded to fulfill this function. 


The best way to show an inventory of truss parts is to use worksheets. If you go to the Create Report command in Menu > Spotlight > Reports you will be able to set up criteria to do this.

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22 hours ago, trashcan said:

I'd love to see counts work for other type of "Count" devices - like Speakers, Projectors. Seems like an obvious need to me. 

That is done using “reports”. 

Thing 1: make sure you are using classes (or layers) to organize your drawing 


- Create Report (You can title it here or later) 


- select Advanced Criteria (edit criteria)


- in the first drop down select “type”, in the second “is”, and the third “Symbol”


- select “more choices”


- select “class”, “is”, “whatever class you need”


you can add as many pertinent classes as you want. “Including components of:” will probably be set to symbols and possibly Plug-in objects depending on your usage. 

select from: “Functions”


then add “count” and “SymbolName” to your report columns. Also select “Summarize items with the same “SymbolName”


That creates a report. You can make modifications to its appearance and formatting. You can close it out. 

in your Resource Browser will now be a worksheet Instance. Double click on it and it will show up on your desktop. 

My usage of these is to have my various worksheets pre set on my template file. They reside on a designated layer that holds iterations of any worksheets I need and my symbol summary. I then have viewports preset that populate the necessary item to their associated sheet layers. It pretty much automated the entire process short of recalculating the items (which you do by right clicking in this case) 


Hope this helps. 

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