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Recalculating Worksheets


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Can anyone suggest why this has stopped working for me. The script just looks until I press ESC but it use to work for years.


h := FInGroup (GetParent (GetObject ('Banding Cutting List')));
while h <> NIL do
  if (GetTypeN (h) = 18) then
    RecalculateWS (h);

The worksheet "Banding Cutting List" exists in the sub-folder Worksheets in the Resource Browser. There are only 15 worksheets in this folder and yet the integer loop counter I tested just kept going past it's positive limits.


I must be missing something here.



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It's been like this for years and only recently stopped working.


I can see your point, so that means that VW has ignored the RecalculateWS (h) for years rather than running indefinitely and chosen to run indefinitely.


This maybe the fix but it counts 106 instead of the expected 15 worksheets. I'd like to know why if anyone can help.


h := FInGroup (GetParent (GetObject ('Banding Cutting List')));
p := 0;
while (h <> NIL) do
  p := p + 1;
  if (GetTypeN (h) = 18) then
    RecalculateWS (h);
  h := NextObj (h);
Message (p);


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38 minutes ago, WhoCanDo said:

This maybe the fix but it counts 106 instead of the expected 15 worksheets. I'd like to know why if anyone can help.


The count is higher because there are a lot more objects in that list than Worksheets. If you put another counter inside your IF statement you should get 15 for the Worksheet count.


  if (GetTypeN (h) = 18) then begin
    q := q + 1;
    RecalculateWS (h);


  Message('Total Cnt= ', p, '  Worksheet Cnt= ', q);



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