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"view others while in editing mode" Switch ?

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At the upper right of the vwx window (Mac version) are two little triangles. Click the lower one to see options for putting various macros as icons on the menu bar. One of these is the View Others ... (it's an eye graphic). Just click the icon to show/hide other objects in the edit mode.



Edited by Benson Shaw
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You can enable it in the preferences bar a the top of the drawing window. It's the second line, to the right of the tool modes. Click on the disclosure triangle to expose the options. Check "Show Other Objects While In Edit Modes" and an eyeball will appear in the preferences bar.



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Just to pile on. ;-)

If you are using a recent version of VW, you can turn on the preference toggle in the Data Bar. The Data Bar is the right end of second line at the top of the screen. Click on the disclosure triangle to see all of the preference toggles that can be displayed.

If you really want a script, here is a one liner that will toggle between show and don't show others while in editing modes.

SetPref(14,(not getpref(14)));

Copy and paste that into a script and you should be set. If you make it into a menu command you could even add it to your workspace and add a keyboard shortcut.

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It's nice that most of those preference scripts have gone away with recent versions.

The only one I can think of that I still use at all is one to put new dimension objects in the active class.

And that one isn't often needed. I can't think of any more useful preferences to put in the preference bar.

Maybe sound on/off.


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