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Plant Record information in Spreadsheet Cells - (Not Database) - SOLVED

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I want to be able to retrieve information from specific plants into various Cells in the Spreadsheet and not the Database inside my Worksheets. This can easily be done for several built-in objects in VW, not least for Materials. I am unable to find a solution for how to do this with information on specific plants. Information contained in the 'Plant Record'. I want to be able to retrieve various data from the 'Plant Record' into various cells in my Spreadsheet where I search for the plant's 'Latin Name'. An example is that I want to have a Spreadsheet in VW with similar layout as we have in UK Landscape Institute PDT Flora 6.1 - 28/06/2016(see image and attached excel file). Appreciate being guided on the right path.



Image shows how I would like to be able to display data in the same way as PDT.


Image shows my countless attempts to retrieve data from the plants' data located in the Plant Record. I know I'm not good at this, but I didn't think it would be so difficult 🙂(My file is attached)



The reason I don't use Database for an entire row is that I want to be able to vary the layout of where the information should be in a Spreadsheet.


Here are some other points that I have experienced when setting up many rows as a database;

1. On large files that the program takes a lot of time to calculate data when I have set up many rows as a database.

2. When I copy several database rows, I only get one row as database and the others are changed to Spreadsheet with text and numbers from the previous database.

3. When I copy a row, I have to go in and set up summation and sorting again for each and every column. This takes time so I had hoped the program remembered this when I copy.

PDT_Flora6_1.xlsx Test Worksheet- Plant Record in Spreadsheet Cells 2024-01-04_v2024.vwx

Edited by aage.langedrag
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Åge - 


This is a rather detailed and specific challenge you’re presenting. I know there is work being done on the Plants, Plant Record, and reporting in Vectorworks. 

Let me coordinate with a couple colleagues, have a look at your files, and get back to you asap. 

You’re not in a hurry, are you? 😉

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I was playing with ObjectData('Universal Value") over the weekend and could not make it work properly. I think I was missing the INOBJECT portion of the criteria.


Be careful with Universal Value.  There is an optional parameter at the end that is not present in your examples.  In that extra parameter is set to TRUE, the function should return the Record default values instead of the values associated with the specific object.



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  • aage.langedrag changed the title to Plant Record information in Spreadsheet Cells - (Not Database) - SOLVED

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