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What to add to a VectorScript for ... "Increase or Decrease by a factor of 2" 

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What to add to a VectorScript for ... "Increase or Decrease by a factor of 2" 


"Increase by a factor of 2" or "Decrease by a factor of 2" are under Miscellaneous key shortcuts ...

     not in the Menus (?) ...

          not found in the  https://developer.vectorworks.net when searching for "by a factor of"




What can be added to a VectorScript to execute a keyboard key shortcut command (⌘-1 for example) ?

     ... and does this need to be the original VectorWorks key shortcut ?



Any applicable answers and appropriate advice, as always, are aptly appreciated.



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There is no Vectorscript command to execute a keyboard shortcut.  The closes is DoMenuTextByName the you can use to execute a menu command. IF you can figure out the correct name to use.  @Jesse Cogswellwas it you who published the list of DMTBN names?


There is no Vectorscript command that is the equivalent of Command 1/2 Zoom In/Zoom Out.  Best equivalent would be to use GetZoom and SetZoom and do the math yourself.

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I don't have any DoMenuTextByName information outside of what's provided in the Function Reference Appendix H.  I could have sworn that we've talked about this very issue before, I remember discussing the difference to the compiler of using *0.5 vs. /2, but I'll be damned if I could find it in my post history.



Found it.  We've answered this question before. 


Edited by Jesse Cogswell
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Extrude would be handled through the HExtrude command.  I linked the appendix in the post above, that will be everything that DoMenuTextByName can do outside of calling custom menu commands.  In general, I would shy away from using DoMenuTextByName wherever possible, and instead invest in learning the Vectorscript/Python language and functions.  The Function Reference and the Vectorscript Language Guide are fantastic resource for getting information.

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Thank you again ... 


@Pat Stanford @Jesse Cogswell@michaelk


current project that requires editing many long extrudes in different odd views.


When editing these extrudes the result, more often than desired:

          VW shows the Layer Plane fundamental shape completely off the screen some where !


So the work around is: 

      Select Extrude / Edit Extrude / Command-5 / Command-6 / Command-2 (... proceed with the editing)


or this script




PROCEDURE DoMenuTextByNameExample;
DoMenuTextByName('Standard Views',1); {sets view to Top/Plan}
DoMenuTextByName('Fit To Objects',0);




I assume that there is chaff in the above, but I find any attempts to clean it futile.


      ¿ My VectorScript experience ? If it works  - just leave it alone !

Thanks again


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