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Found 14 results

  1. Label Legend is allowing me to select [Use in 3d], but then doesn't show labels when in "edit 3D layout." When I select "done" in the Label Legend Manager, and then return to "edit fields" in the Manager, all the [Use in 3D] boxes are unchecked. I've tried all different methods of creating a label legend for a front elevation view, but can't seem to get it to work or show. Any ideas? Link to Google Drive here. Cheers, Matvey
  2. when I open package manager - none of the previews of the libraries show. downloaded image fill library to see if it works, it just dumps all the files into the applications folder as per second image? (os. 15.3 and vectorworks 2020. SP.3)
  3. Hi all, I think this bug hase been reported previously, but it's still there. The OIP dies = doesn't display the selected object, this happens occasionally. The remedy is to close the file and re-open. Any info on a correctional update? Thanks
  4. Oaky so service pack 3 is out for 2019? Then why is vectorworks telling me Im up to date when I click "CHECK FOR UPDATES"? How do I get/install service pack 3? Even when you go to downloads and click 2019, nothing shows up, not SP1 or SP2, nothing! Whats the deal? So many bugs in SP2, I really need this SP3 installed. Somebody, please help. #sp3
  5. I'm having issues with markers in 2018 SP3 on Windows 10. In old versions, markers drew perpendicular to tangent of the line they were marking at the REAR of the arrow (IE, how you would expect an arrow to be drawn. In 2018 SP3, the behavior has changed and now draws perpendicular to the tangent at the NOSE of the arrow, resulting (especially when using the freehand tool) for the arrow head to be misaligned badly (ie, having the arrow hanging off the line by its nose.) Anyone else having this issue? is there a workaround?
  6. @JimW This may be broader than entertainment only so feel free to move this to General if that makes more sense. Basically, why does the Visibility tool work differently on Design Layers vs View Ports as it pertains to what class get's highlighted when hovering over Symbols and PIOs? For example.... when I use it on a Design Layer over a generic run of P&D with the Softgoods Tool, it will highlight whatever the assigned master class of that layer is. IE: Scenic-P&D, so the item level. However, highlighting that same piece of P&D on a viewport it highlights 4-SGTS-Drapery (the pieces level) why is that? The same thing seems to happen with symbols. As @C. Andrew Dunning would say the Macro vs Micro. Class Breakdown from Softgoods Toolset.
  7. I share files with a freelance LD (who is also on 2018, and we've been on the same SP's when working together) and he has said in files that originate from me, he is unable to 3D rotate a lighting device to be a floor fixture. I simply do the below and it works fine for me. And when he originates a document he can rotate them this way too, but not one from me. Just curious if anyone has any ideas.
  8. Is anyone else having issues with the class drop down menu not scrolling in windows 10 vw 2018 SP3? I have tons of class definitons that I use and it can't scroll past what is visible.
  9. Hi I noticed another bug in 2018 SP 3 on windows 10. If you use the eyedropper tool to copy the properties of one dimension to another, it does not carry the witness line override settings. does anyone have this issue as well? OSX ?
  10. This happens randomly. Sometimes the line representing the top of the door is there, sometimes isn't. Any ideas? I have to draw the lines by hand, for the council would wonder.
  11. Just got off the phone with tech support but no good solution. My working theory is that this is SP3 related as it just started happening and am reverting to SP2 to confirm, and maybe get some work done. Anyone else seen this?? My current major project has a master file with 6 linked vwx files The linked files are fairly simple DWG imports in the classic shuttle file method for working with AutoCAD users. These files have been moving around between closing the master file and reopening it. Not every time, and they don't all move together or even the same distance or direction. Oddly enough if a DLVP has a crop, the crop element stays but shows a different part of the source file. All DLVPs have "lock position" checked and are also Locked objects. Recreating the link doesn't help. One linked file is 2 months old most are a couple of weeks old and the issue is a few days old. To make matters worse my work is moving as well. Everything (except the linked files) stays together. That includes the crops to the files mentioned, locked items, and even the layer print page. There isn't any trouble with sheet layers. The last time it happened links on a 2nd design layer did not move (most are on a single layer.) Layers without DLVPs are fine.
  12. Hi, Maybe there is a way to do this, but: Often SLVP's display several designs layers. Currently, the right-mouse-click option "edit design layer" picks one the design layers, according to some unclear logic. It's impossible or difficult to choose a certain design layer for editing using this method. Perhaps a selection menu like with "select coincident objects" tool has?
  13. My dropbox folder is on an external raid array, I am unsure how to tell cloud services where my dropbox folder is as I can't find a setting that allows that. Anyone?
  14. Thought I would copy in a discussion happening on the chat list that some users are experiencing an issue which seems to be related to SP3. Pretty much you need to zoom to refresh the screen, so if you join a wall you will not see the change until the page is zoomed or panned. Same situation with most other tools as well. The problem seems to be both on Windows and Mac and looks like it is happening on file imported from a previous version and new files created in VW2017. I even built a new PC to try fix it but looks like it is a SP3 issue... Any suggestion, ability to downgrade to SP2, a quick hotfix to SP3 to fix this?
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