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Found 17 results

  1. I don't know if these are known bugs or where to submit them, but -- since updating to VW2025, we have had many issues with the planting tool specifically. We had to favorite the PIO files we have saved for our custom symbols for them to appear in the "Plant Style" selection drop down when using the planting tool -- oitherwise those workgroup library files do not show within these tool submenus, even thought they show in Resource Manager. Anyway....main issue right now is in previous versions I used to be able to select all of these plant symbols and toggle on the tag for every style and adjust the class of it at the same time. In 2025, when I select all the plant objects I have, it greys out the options to edit most things in the Object Info panel (pic 1). Even if I just select one style of plant at once, it still is grey until I manually go into the submenu of these plants to turn it on. (pic 2)
  2. Why doesn't this work? Landscape Areas, Hardscapes, Furniture, etc. can be marked in the model, right-click and select the functions "Locate Plug-in Style in Resource Manager", "Locate Symbol In Resource Manager". Why not with plants? In a large project where you manage as much information as possible on objects by Style, I want to be able to quickly find the objects in Resource Manager. It is very frustrating when this does not work for plants.
  3. Hi forum, Is there a way to make polygon based - image prop for plant objects? I know there is a way to generate from image. I am looking for polygon based approach so I can have more control of line and fill color. Something like what Revit is having now. Thanks!
  4. Hello, I have some landscape area tools with plants attached/containing: problem #1: the plants (3D objects) are only visible when the active layer ist the one containing the landscape area problem #2: only the landscape area exports to my ifc file, the plants are missing. (note: got the plant tool (any everything else i use) mapped to my preferences - so a missing ifc assignment is not the problem) an unacceptable workaround would to "explode/convert to group" because I export my files on a regular basis and don't want to redo it before every export. any solution, anyone? Cheers
  5. Hi, I'm trying to build a workflow that can create plant symbols from data supplied from a spreadsheet. Since create plant style function is not available, my idea is to duplicate an existing plant symbol then replace the record values. I have customized a node which contains CreateDuplicateObject (to create a duplicate of the original symbol), SetName (to assign a name to the new symbol) and Plant_UpdatedTranslat (to give the new plant symbol a different ID). It seems doing the job. I can see that the symbol has been created, the name and ID have both changed from the Resource Manager preview. But things became strange when I inspect the plant style setting. The duplicate has the exact same name and ID as the original which means the data preview in the resource manager is incorrect. I'm not sure what I did wrong. I suspect some of the plant data cannot be updated by script such as Latin Name, Scheduled Size etc. as the 'Set Record Field' node does not seem to work on tree symbols. If someone can help that would be greatly appreciated.
  6. Hi, I was wondering if anyone could tell me what's going on. I'm using the plant tool, adding some new plants as I go.. and having no trouble using "Generate" in the Edit Plant Style > Graphics > 3D Graphics to create some models for the trees. ..until suddenly they no longer appear as normal shaded models, but instead only as wireframe. All the options (volume, shell etc are affected). I have no idea why. I didn't change any graphics/render settings. Now every time I go to set that, they only show as wireframes. I can view the previous ones I did as shaded models, but if I go to edit them they will only give me wireframe, so I have to cancel to back out. I can't see any 'setting' that makes them appear differently, and I tried closing and restarting to no avail. Has anyone had this before?
  7. I'm having difficulty sending plant objects to the Site Model elevation using the Send to Surface command. Meanwhile, simple symbols send to surface in replacement of the Plant Objects without problems. I'm in VW2020 and it's been awhile since I've tried this command with plant objects...long enough to question if Plant Objects lost this functionality in VW2020 going forward? Thanks.
  8. I always import my plant symbols from one design into another design, but all of a sudden it doesn't seem to work.... As soon as I want to copy a plant symbol which I created previously into my current drawing I can’t select it and it doesn’t display any graphics only an outline. When I double click on it to enter the 2D Graphics, it is empty and then the image also disappears from my resource browser. The definition is still present. What am I doping wrong.
  9. Hello, Im using Vectorworks 2021 SP1 and I just tried to use the VBvisual Plant Tool - More Plants but it gives me an error page and I can't download more plants. Do you know any website where I can download new plants to complete my design? I'll prefer not to use the Plant tool because the Top Plan view is mostly terrible. Best regards, Martina
  10. https://paper.dropbox.com/doc/Land-Kit-BETA-R9DujKA3zEYp69LBbOjbq Talking about logarithmic design, this is the direction that VW should look at!!! Really makes me consider start learning a new software https://tse2.mm.bing.net/th?id=OGC.ec3def206059f4eae13c2385248ab72b&pid=Api&rurl=https%3a%2f%2fmedia.giphy.com%2fmedia%2f1AhNXmfWcHnfq%2fgiphy.gif&ehk=pFLrEQLMUvjQm0dyb4U7RFvNbT8549QxTAx3T6VJr0w%3d
  11. It would be great to have some additional "Tick Styles" for massed plants - very often a 3 small dot multi-trunk representation would be useful.
  12. Hi guys, I've been working with some tools to improve my planting schemes. The Plant tools already a very complete tool but there's a lack on it: random planting schemes. The normal reply would be the Landscape Area Tool. Take the following example: a certain area, choose 3 species and there you go. There is one problem: it doesn't give us the individual planting scheme in 2D, but it appears in 3D mode: I explored a very interesting Marionnette Object that would help: The result: But there is a problem: it doesn't give you the control that the Landscape Area Tool allows (qty/m2, %, etc.) So, am I missing someting or maybe this would fit on the Wishlist Forum? It's obvious that the information is on the Landscape Area object (otherwise it wouldn't give us a 3D representation and quantities). Why don't make it available on 2D representation? This would be important for Executive Plans, sometimes it is a little to vague to let that information missing. Thanks!!!
  13. In VW2019 and now in VW2020, after the new creation of Plant Styles, there is a problem with the way the Plant Tool operates... Upon picking a precisely defined Plant Style to use with the Plant Tool, the tool does not have the ability to place the plants using the Style Definition for Spread, Height, or Spacing. This means that when plants are placed using the tool, they automatically are placed using a custom Spread, Height, or Spacing. This may or may not match the Style Definition, but that is a mere coincidence. The only way to make a plant placement respond to the Style Definition for Spread, Height and Spacing is by first placing plants and then by going into the Advanced Plant Settings, Size Tab, and switching from Custom Spread, Custom Height, and Custom Spacing to Use Plant Style. This is a SEVERE regression and a problem with current workflows. Instead please allow for the ability in the Plant Tool Preferences to utilize the Plant Definitions Spread, Height, and Spacing as a DEFAULT. @Bryan G.@Tony Kostreski @Eric Gilbey, PLA @Vladislav Stanev
  14. We have been experimenting with Project Sharing and are having some difficulties. On this particular project, a team member with Admin access to the file made changes to the Plant Definition and 2D symbol for a few of the plant resources in the file. He also moved them around and and added a few here and there...save and commit... When I open the file and refresh (I'm also an Admin), I can see that the Plants have been added and moved around, but the Definition does not change...the plants still appear at the same size, spacing, etc. as I had them prior to his changes, and the 2D symbol changes don't appear either? This is odd and only one of several abnormalities experienced with Project Sharing. We are in some desperate need of education regarding Best Practices for Project Sharing and would welcome any input. Thanks.
  15. We have a new issue, never encountered prior to VW2018. Currently we are having difficulty with Plant plug-in object visibilities...I've attached 2 screenshot videos (no narration, sorry) that show what we are encountering, but I will do my best to explain. We have (8) different classes we use to control the internal visibilities of our Plant objects. Currently, these classes are not responding to simple on/off/gray controls unless you go into each plant individually, after changing the visibilities, and then exiting the plant. Then and only then do they look correct. To make things worse, this error is compounded by the fact that as soon as one database worksheet plant schedule is recalculated, all of the active visibilities and buggy visibilities revert to a pre-altered state. I know this isn't the most clear description and I hope the screen captures do it more justice. Ultimately we need this fixed ASAP. This is a bad bug that affects our ability to produce any documents. Plant_Symbol_VW2018_Bugs.mp4 VW2018 Plant Bug 2.mp4
  16. Submitted on behalf of a client. "I have multiple landscape areas containing the same plant mix throughout a site. I would like to add another plant to the mix without changing the attributes of the landscape areas, especially the tags as these are a lot of work to place on the drawing so they are not overlaying other important information. I have found so far the easiest way is to add the plant to one area and use the eyedropper tool to paste the attributes to other areas. the problem seems to be the plugin parameters that contain the updated plan info also contain the tag info and there is no way to isolate these so I can change the mix of plants without moving the tags. Let me know if there is a better way or please consider this for a future upgrade."
  17. Hi all, I am now trying to use the built in plant database and plant record system. I have created a lot of plants and everything seems to work well. I have one plant that shows on my planting schedule worksheet under column =('Plant Record'.'Symbol') with the wrong "Symbol", the only place I can see to change it is under the plant ID but when I do that it has no effect. I see no place to change the plant record "symbol". Any ideas? If I select the symbol and look in the object info data tab it shows under plant record (read only) , its the first line but I see no place I can edit that. I understand I can pull the plant ID instead of =('Plant Record'.'Symbol') but want to know why this doesn't work. Thanks.
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