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Everything posted by Ozzie

  1. Ozzie


    Any answer on this??? Or should I just keep talking to myself?
  2. Ozzie


    Have a look at this thread in General Discussion http://techboard.nemetschek.net/ubbthreads/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=90955&page=1#Post90955 NNA has not said a word
  3. My Callout tool has never remembered 'towards text mode' or '3 point mode' between sessions and you are right the OIP does not work for Max Text Width. Also if you have the Leader to the right and the Bubble Style to the left with 'Left Justify Text' selected - the text still justifies to the right
  4. Ozzie


    Having found a couple of minor bugs in VW 2008 - just wondering when there will be another 'bug fix' release??
  5. It is though obviously a bug - the Callout Tool has been changed a little since 12.5 and this did not happen then
  6. Has any body noticed this?? I have done this several times in the same file and after two reboots it is still the same and for me happens in new files too Enter text into a Callout - all lower case - double click the call out and change the first character from lower case to upper case - for me the character will not change cases If you delete all of the text and replace it - that works
  7. I do not know if this is what you mean. I have a template file in the Templates Folder with just None Class and Dimension Class. As I normally draw at 1 to 100 the Document Settings are set to that as are my other VW Prferences. In the Standards Folder I have another file which has all of the Classes, Layers, Sheets etc etc I normally use. Here also live all of the supplied VW ones so you can choose what you like - generally I use my own. When I begin a new drawing I start with File New and choose my template file and as I draw and need a new Class I get it - assuming it is there from my Standards Drawing. In the Navigation Pallette I right click and in Classes, Layers, Sheets or whatever and select New - the second radio button Import Class, Layer whatever depending where you are references back to the drawing in the Standards Folder allowing you to select the Class, Layer, Sheet - again whatever and use that in your Current File. That drawing I add to if I think I will use that Class, Layer, Sheet in the future
  8. I know I am only new here but I did not think this was just a Mac only forum. In a previous post I wrote Of course not - really I think Windows is a piece of ???? I have been threatening for awhile to make the leap into the great unknown Can you run CAK 2006 on a Mac? Very obviously the Pdf function on a Mac is great and I see Windows users have only shared how we can have similar tools. It depends too on how you work - I work with two machines running - my Desktop just for VW really and my Laptop emails. Internet, Word docs, bookeeping etc and of course CAK. So copying and pasting from VW to an email just does not work but Faststone makes it a breeze especially because my computers are networked.
  9. Just tried it on with Windows XP Total files in source folder: 334 Total files successfully converted: 131 Total current version files copied: 29 Total files not converted: 174 Not a VectorWorks file: 174 Unsupported VectorWorks file version: 0 Unknown reasons: 0 I have been through and opened several and with only a quick look appear to be OK but I would not just trust that. A big one was 26 mb - about 10 A1 sheets with lots of hatches, plant symbols and the like - interestingly when converted it became 29 mb. Most of the folders had lots of other stuff like Pdfs, Jpegs, Word docs etc
  10. I use Fastsone Capture too - great little tool and Cute Pdf is ok too. Another great little tool for resizing images is PicSizer. And whilst on it Office 2007 has a downloadable Office Add In - Microsoft Save as PDF or XPS. I run Vista Business on my Laptop but do not have Vectorworks installed on it - will have to install it and see if there are any differences between it and XP
  11. But that does not solve the immediate problem Ozcad's Worksheet On Drawing will do it www.ozcad.com.au
  12. How about when you join this forum you have to provide those details
  13. Of course not - really I think Windows is a piece of ???? But my Commodore 64 was way cool I have been threatening for awhile to make the leap into the great unknown Can you run CAK 2006 on a Mac
  14. So Christiaan said This could be extremely useful when you just want to someone on the other end of a discussion to see what you're talking about. So in the middle of a drawing you would just go oh quick send of the email. Nah - Save first and use that file Don't you reckon
  15. Maybe but in VW select small area and CtrlC - Word 2007 CtrlV - there it is. Again - big file - 75 townhouses fresh from AutoCAK - whole thing into Word - do not have email on this machine print to A4 beautiful Dunno about accurate scaling though Thanks though never knew about this
  16. I asked that because apparently VW looks in either the application folder or the user folder first and then the other. Just thought that may have been happening
  17. Just wondering - where are your Plants stored in your User Folder, VW Application Folder or???
  18. Ozzie

    Title Blocks

    In VW 2008 and 12 just do a search in Help for Creating a Custom Title Block - there is a great tutorial in each that you can follow
  19. Every time I export a resource from the RB to another file ? Library File - boom crash and VW crashes. This is on my Desktop I am right clicking in the Resource Browser and choosing Export Anyone else experiencing this.
  20. Very first thing I would do is contact HP
  21. Some software has little icons at the top for this function. Possible?
  22. The Place Plant Tool in Landmark has a bug as far as I know. I think Ozcad over here reported it as a bug. When using it in Poly-Edge Spaced Mode - creating a path - and Panning with centre mouse button in the middle of the placement it lets go of the Plants and picks up again where it failed when the Pan is finished. This did not happen in VW 12 - similar
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