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Jeffrey W Ouellette

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Everything posted by Jeffrey W Ouellette

  1. The current Window PIO (plugin object) doesn't have round options. But you can create your own custom round windows as symbols and insert them in walls.
  2. Andre, This is why the suggested workflow involves using Sheet Layers and Viewports to create different graphic attributes for different views of the same object. Design Layers -> Modeling/drawing data, Sheet Layers -> Presentation of data. You can do exactly as you wish by overriding the class graphic attributes for your object, or part of your object, in a sheet layer viewport. These viewports are not just "sectional". They can contain plans and non-orthogonal projections. Their power is in their ability to control the view of the data, for a particular purpose (e.g. floor plan graphics of a wall versus reflected ceiling plan graphics of a wall). Your lump, if the classes are done properly, can have the outline change line style, color and weight for each plan viewport by overriding the graphic attributes for that class, in that viewport. The overrides will NOT affect any other viewport or the model/drawing on the design layer.
  3. Andre, I think there is a bi-directional misunderstanding. The Framing Member object is a parametric Plug-In Object (PIO). It has a set of features and parameters built in to cover a large, but not exhaustive, number of configuration of structural members. The user doesn't "draw" the cross-section and extrude it; the user draws the path, selects a profile from a number of options and the tool takes care of creating the 2D and 3D geometry. Most of what you just proposed, would be handled very well by the PIO. You wouldn't have to "draw an "i" shape" if it is a standard manufactured profile. This would be selected from the tools options. To create a custom, non-standard profile, you would draw and create a symbol of the desired cross-section. However, cutting holes in the object is not currently an option of the PIO. To achieve such an object, you would have to create a custom, static, hybrid(2D&3D) symbol.
  4. Yes. In addition to the standard shapes, users are able to select any custom profile symbol to apply to the Framing Member or Column/Pilaster tools to create the desired cross-ection/shape. The plug-in objects will automatically do the job of the hybrid symbol, but be far more flexible and easier to edit on the fly.
  5. You should all be very happy with VW2009 Framing Member, Column and Pilaster tools.
  6. Wow, You guys are harsh... Care to put your work out there, up front for anyone/everyone to critique? We've got a place for it: http://techboard.vectorworks.net/ubbthreads/ubbthreads.php?ubb=postlist&Board=37&page=1
  7. Bob-H, You also have to look at the Apple roadmap for the MacOS and support, or lack thereof, of older hardware platforms. The current scuttlebutt is that the next major release of OS X, Snow Leopard, will drop PowerPC chip support and be Intel only. I think this is in line with what Apple has done in the past, moving ahead and focusing on the future, while mitigating resources devoted to "dead end" technologies. And Apple is not alone. MS continually raises the "lower bar", or tolerance, for a base hardware platform to be supported by the new version of Windows, especially Vista (a major hardware resource hog!!!). That is not bad, just the reality of "advancing" technology. That is not to say the older platforms aren't useful, they just have a limited expectation of their capabilities in light of the technology available today and tomorrow. Believe me, you'll be very happy moving up to a 17" MacBook Pro.
  8. rekjed, Please submit a bug report: http://www.nemetschek.net/support/bugsubmit.php This way your problem will enter the correct channel in the system and be addressed by tech support and/or quality assurance personnel.
  9. Cory, Actually, this was all done on my 1st generation 17" MacBook Pro w/2 GB RAM. I set all my referencing to "relative" and made sure I had a good "root folder" and simple folder structure. Once I completed the project, I copied it all to a server and could access it from there. Things to consider when using networks: 1. Network OS vs. Client OS. If they're are both the same, usually few, if any problems. I know there are plenty of anecdotes of problems, even with the same OS. If a Mac OS is looking for a Windows Server OS, I would be sure to use Mac 10.5, as it is documented to be more robust with WinNetworks. Experiment with both SMB and AFP connections. I've been using AFP on a Win 2003 Server. 2. Reliable wiring and switches/hubs. You'd be surprised by how many problems have been caused by faulty/misconfigured network hardware pipelines. 3. Naming schemes. Regardless of whether a network is used or not, follow the best practice rules of path/folder/file names: a. Don't use any "special characters", period. b. don't use periods, except to add file extensions. c. Don't add file extensions manually, if the program can do it for you. d. Use only any upper/lower case letters, numbers, dash and underscore. e. Avoid blank spaces for cautionary purposes. f. Keep names as short and sweet as possible. As they add up over longer/deeper paths, you can get into trouble. g. Keep folder organization/depth to a minimum. The more complex you make it , the harder it will be to manage and troubleshoot.
  10. Bob-H, The simple reason the file is so big is because I have the "Save Viewport Cache" preference turned on. This preserves the last saved view of all VPs on all Sheet Layers. The Ellicott Heights "Building_Model.vwx" file has many Sheet Layers and VPs to create a Design Development styled drawing set.
  11. I think everybody needs to step back, take a deep breath, enjoy the weekend and wait for Monday's announcements.
  12. Bob-H, Follow the instructions in the whitepaper pdf. The building model in the file "Building Model.vwx" is, in fact, composed entirely of design layer viewports that reference external files in the "Level_Plans" sub folder. I know. I designed it and modeled it myself.
  13. Daryl, Please submit a bug, with the file in question, if it is only one particular file this is happening with. Otherwise, is sounds like a Tech Support issue that requires more in-depth investigation.
  14. mmoriarty, What version of VW are you using? And what platform are you on? VW2008 Design Series products for both Mac and Windows have PDF export built in. There should not be a need to interact with any system PDF writers/printers.
  15. You all should know the drill by now... Add it to the Wishlist Discussion Area...
  16. gmm18, Frank's suggestion IS the current solution and is consistent with VW's current underlying technology and feature set. Any additional capabilities can be addressed in the Wishlist forum. This list is actively referred to prior to the development cycle of any product. This forum, this resource, is about finding real current solutions to users' immediate problems. Challenges to such solutions and functionality is welcome, but are more effective if delivered with a more reasoned tone. Otherwise, everyone ends up walking away with a bad taste in their mouth (or on their fingers?)....
  17. After carefully reviewing Bill's last post, I can see that I erred a bit too hastily with Reece's (M5d) workflow. For details that are used over and over and over, presumably at the same scale every time, placing all the information in one symbol on a design layer seems appropriate. Then create a VP on the desired sheet and place the Detail Label in the Annotation space of the VP. For all "custom" details, in an ideal BIM-centric, best practice workflow, the detail VP is a view of a larger section taken from the building model, then further elaborated and noted in the annotation space of the VP. The idea is to only draw the basic information once and then use views/viewports to create specific views at different scales with unique information/annotation. Building model > Building Section VP > Partial Building Section/Wall section VP > Detail VP. Of course this assumes anyone is willing to work in a workflow that heavily incorporates 3D modeling of the building and use of sheet layers, exclusively, for the drawings set, not design layers. The idea is that design layers are for model/building data and that sheet layers/VPs/annotation space are for presentation/data views.
  18. My response was meant to highlight M5d's post. This is what I would offer as advice to users for a "best practice" workflow for detailing. I understand the concern that it makes "standard" details difficult to reuse. My own experience has proven that, for architects at least, there are very few "standard" details that can be shared on every project, unless you work on a limited set of building types/construction methods. In that case, there is no need to worry collapsing detail linework and notation into a single symbol or using VPs and annotation space of the VP, because you've probably got a system where the scale is set for the same details every time. So, they can be dropped, whole, on a design layer and VP'ed to a sheet, where needed. Again, the idea I mean to convey is a workflow of drawing/modeling data in one "space" and notation in another.
  19. Reece (aka M5d), Finally, a clear response from a user who "gets it". It warms my best practices heart.... This is the best approach with VW's modeling and presentation paradigm. Sky, I hope Reece's (M5d) guidance helps.
  20. Well Jeffrey,I hope you got it right and have included prelim analysis tools like FBDs,BMDs etc... Chris, I can not make any such promises, nor should you make any such assumptions. Today, the intent is to implement a robust and reliable IFC data exchange to support a workflow between VectorWorks and various analysis programs (e.g. structural, energy, quantity take-off, etc.). This will evolve over time as we find opportunities and agreements to support such workflows from other software applications.
  21. Andre, We are well aware of the VW2008 limitations to the Joist and Framing Member. Pursuing extruded geometries and custom hybrid symbols is your best alternative, at this time. The other thing to remember is the use of classes, class attributes and sheet layer viewports to control final graphics for objects. By assigning the 2D graphics of your symbols to use class atributes, you can override the linestyle, weight and color in various viewports, for different representations (e.g. solid lines for structural framing plan, dashed lines for "architectural" floor plan, for example).
  22. Andre, You need to file a bug and attach the file. This is one of the strangest things I have seen.
  23. Andre, Here are a couple diagrams that I hope explain with a little more clarity how the command works:
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