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Vectorworks, Inc Employee
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Everything posted by Vlado

  1. Hey, how many of you would be interested in switching to C#, VisualBasic, Python, Java, F# or what ever language there is these days? For more complex projects for example? Thanks, Vlado
  2. Hi there, I wanted to inform you that Vectorworks 2011 SP1 will fix the following functions: Get3DCntr AddVertex3D GetLocus3D CreateLocus3D GetLightLocation EvaluateNurbsSurfacePointAndNormal NurbsGetPt3D NurbsSetPt3D NurbsCurveEvalPt NurbsSurfaceEvalPt GetParameterOnNurbsCurve GetSymLoc3D Centroid3D CreateContourCurves GetObjExtentsInWall GetPt3D GetPtL3D these routines were overcompensating for layer elevation in the main release. The SP1 will have these working properly, returning z relative to the layer of the object. Regards, Vlado
  3. Technically, it is possible. If you want Win only plug-in it much easier because you can mix .NET and C++ in the same plug-in. But, still you have to do a lot of work. On Mac Mono is working great. I've testing it and it's working perfectly. Actually, you can compile with the VisualStudio and Mono will still run it without problems. The Vectorworks 2011 module plug-ins (http://developer.vectorworks.net/index.php?title=SDK) are designed to start solving the problem of calling .NET and C++. Also, VCOM system can be used to automate the calls between C++ and .NET Unfortunately, VectorWorks .NET plug-ins are in the future.
  4. Hi, the easiest way to start with the SDK is to see the samples. Vectorworks 2011 SDK contain few samples of plug-ins. 1. Install XCode 3.2 on Mac and Visual Studio 2005 on Win. 2. Download the Vectorworks 2011 SDK 3. Inside the SDK zip file you'll find the samples. You should be able to compile the samples right out of the box. 4. Note! in order to run the samples in VW you need to have a short-cut (alias) in your Vectorworks' application 'Plug-ins' folder to the SDKLib output (there will be an output folder created when you compile a sample) Also, in the Vectorworks SDK under WinTools you can find a wizard for the VisualStudio that will help creating plug-in projects. I hope we'll be able to create more step-by-step samples or video one day. Regards, Vlado
  5. Hi all, here you can find the new Vectorworks 2011 SDK routines. http://developer.vectorworks.net/index.php?title=SDK:Vectorworks_2011_New_Functions Note that as of Vectorworks 2011 the SDK has a new Plug-in Module system for extending Vectorworks. See for more details here: Plug-in Modules They are not terribly well documented, but with the time I hope they will. You can register and help out proving the information for each function. Please note that this site is not comment driven. The information for each function should be 100% valid, not opinion based. Let me know if you have comments or questions: vstanev@vectorworks.net Regards, Vlado
  6. Hi all, here you can find the new Vectorworks 2011 VectorScript routines. http://developer.vectorworks.net/index.php?title=VS:Vectorworks_2011_New_Functions They are not terribly well documented, but with the time I hope they will. You can register and help out proving the information for each function. Please note that this site is not comment driven. The information for each function should be 100% valid, not opinion based. Let me know if you have comments or questions: vstanev@vectorworks.net Regards, Vlado
  7. Vlado

    SDK Trouble

    Hi Mark, are you still fighting with this? Anyway, open the cproj file as text file and change the path to NNA_GlobalBuild.vsprops, the correct one is: ..\..\..\SDKLib\Include\OnlyWin\NNA_GlobalBuild.vsprops Regards, Vlado
  8. Hi Christiaan, try 'Reconcile Notes' menu command. Vlado
  9. Have you selected to show proposed model in 3D too? Obviously you have set to show proposed model in 3D, that's why you see the contours change, but you have to explicitly set it for 3D so you see the changed model.
  10. Well, the road object cannot change width, that because of that cannot be used for representing a river. You can make one 3D polygon representing the river and set it into the Modifiers class. This way the Site Model will recognize it as modifier (being 3D polygon means it is a pad) Note that to get better 3D view you should have equal number of points from both sides of the 3D polygon representing the river.
  11. What is the version of VectorWorks you are using? This problem has been fixed for VW12.
  12. It's not clear if it is: '(Chord/Radius)*2' or '(Chord/(Radius*2))' So, you should have: Angle := 2 * ArcSin( Chord / (2*Radius) );
  13. Hi propstuff, actually 'Create Site Model...' menu command does remember your settings. When you use the menu command after hitting 'OK' on the dialog, it stores the settings into 'SavedSettingsUser.xml' file. So, when you run again VW, and when you select the menu command, it will populate the dialog with those saved settings. (this includes the graphic settings) Note that this have meaning only for the menu command. Vlado
  14. Well, it's working ok. You need just to wait for it. The problem is that you have a stair object. This tool works with converting all objects in the cut layer into 3D polygons. And fits the walls to those 3D polygons. The problem is that those 3D polygons may intersect each other, and those itersections are to be found. When you have plug-in object that contains lots of 3D polygons within (like stair object) So it takes time to go trough all the polygons to check them for intersections. Well, this is a known issue, that we are up to find solution, so the performance would be improved. For now, you could either remove that stair from that layer, fit the walls, and move it back .... or just wait for the tool to finish [ 03-02-2006, 05:07 AM: Message edited by: Vladislav Stanev ]
  15. Can you send me the problem files, so we could see what's going wrong, and make it brilliant all the time vstanev@nemetschek.net
  16. Hey, can you send me a test file where the problem exist? Thanks. (vstanev@nemetschek.net)
  17. Hey Michael, can you send me the file where the problem seems to be so I can see what's wrong. vstanev@nemetschek.net Vlado
  18. Hi Bradley, I just tried and I cannot see any problems with the purlin creation on Mac. They get created just fine. So, it probably is some kind of bug that you are experiencing, can you send me test mcd file that I can reproduce the problem? Send it to: vstanev@nemetschek.net Thanks Vlado
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