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  • Occupation
    Cabinet Maker
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    United Kingdom

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  1. @CADinet Maker @somma I have sent invites to you now via dm
  2. I have messaged @Ride now with an invite to the group. Feel free to join. Re 2025 release I would look on the german website, follow the german youtube, or if you are emailing to ask do it in German.
  3. @wonde wag I will sent invite to the interiorcad discord. Custom parts or objects can't be connected to the door and move with it. If it's for visual I would create duplicate in order to have two different groups in e.g. 'shoe rack open' class and 'shoe rack closed' class.
  4. @rafaelkarpati97 I will send you an invite to the interiorcad forum on Discord if you want to delve into the detail more thoroughly. Usually in my experience part names change either when duplicated, like you say, or if you have to repair any object connections, whereby the part names will reset.
  5. Thanks @Tom W. @John Beaves we are in UK and using interiorcad. We are also exporting to a CNC machining centre. I will DM you with my phone number shortly and you can call me. There is a very small user base in UK although I set up an international user community on discord.
  6. If you do give a talk I would be interested, although our needs are much, much simpler than an architectural practice. I think the simple P01 C01 method would work for us, either using the decimal postfix or a letter. I'm not sure we would need a status code. We currently put it in the title block. The other challenge we have is folder organisation to ensure drawings go in the correct location, as we have drawings issued for internal review and drawings issued for external review. Separate subject...
  7. https://icmanual.scrollhelp.site/im/2023.a/ @Trooper If you are an interiorcad please DM me for an invite to the global user community discord server
  8. Thank you this is very promising! I had tried to google the ISO19650 recommendations but clearly didn't get far! I will have to figure out if my team get there their heads around implementing this, instead of simply REV A, REV B, etc.
  9. Does anyone have any best practice suggestion re document/change control: I'm attempting to standardise our control of drawing revisions. Typically we have e.g. REV –, REV A, etc. that is issued to the client for comment/approval. However I need a simple way of recording revisions that occur during internal design reviews that do not interfere with the client issued revision. Industry is bespoke cabinetry. Any ideas appreciated!
  10. Unless you have found the answer already I would be interested to know this but you might be better off asking the question in the interiorcad discord I set up, someone there might know. I will send you an invite.
  11. @Josh Cain I don't know if vectorwop is activated with the trial version, maybe it is. What are you wanting to output to, i.e. what CNC machine or CAD CAM sofware are you running? You are not going to find much in the way of literature. With a little bit of graft / outside assistance it is not very hard to get running. Like @Tom W. says you need to be running 2023 so you will have to hold on tight until next year to install 2024. I would maybe wait until a few IC service packs are released before installing it. J
  12. Try Steve @ cadscchool.co.uk I imagine he can help. You can say Jake recommended him.
  13. Not with Biesseworks or Biessenest but I have with the 2D dxf export to a few different CNC machines. It should be perfectly possible anyway. There is a user on the discord who has a Biesse Rover so perhaps he can help. Otherwise Brendan is also on the discord and he is a specialist, so he could get you up and running. I've seen you DM I will send you the discord invite
  14. Jeremy thank you for all this, this is really helpful. I will report back with the results
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