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Posts posted by jbtroost

  1. 1 hour ago, Jan-Burger TROOST said:

    Thanks! I'll have a look... 😉

    Come to think of it, wouldn't it be nice to have 'intelligent' textures that can unfold in 2D the same way they are projected on an object?



    Forget the intelligent textures, why not have our skates on and let #Marionette take care of it! Anyone in the room willing to try & complete the ‘unfold double curved surface’ challenge?

  2. 1 hour ago, Claes Lundstrom said:

    I probably have the best program for complex unfolds such a boat hulls and all other parts of a boat for that matter. It does not just try and say if it works or not. It allows you to adjust the shape interactively as a part of the hull fairing, and it's probably the only program on the market that does so. I typically use this dynamic interaction to optimize the design so that it uses a minimal amount of material, and also interacts with the nesting of the panels. The example shows a 34 foot stainless steel boat having just under 200 parts plus various profiles, which we ran directly into laser cutting from the CAD files provided. The laser also added on skin marketings so that for example frames and bulkheads could be fitted without really measuring. We just placed the parts on the reference lines, which dramatically decreased the production time. The model was 100% generated in one program except for the renderings, and some documentation drawings done in VW. 





    SSY 10,5 Plates.jpg



    Hi Claes, this is awesome! But you leave me no other option than to ask the name of the progam you use for the unfolds…

  3. 4 hours ago, Claes Lundstrom said:

    VW is probably not the first choice for boat design. It's NURBS features are simply too limited. A few steps could bring VW to say average (like say Rhino), for example the ability to nudge control points (like with mesh points), the ability to edit any number of control points in any number of objects at the same time, etc. Rhino is probably the most commonly used program in boat design, though in my opinion it's a misconception to say that Rhino alone is a professional grade boat design software. It's not. It still lacks fundamental stuff like hydrostatics, dynamic cross sectioning, etc. You need to add a set of plug-ins called Orca, though I have to say after having evaluated it, it very much feels like an after construction. It's rather clunky to work with compared to dedicated boat design programs. It's therefore not a top contender in my opinion as a professional designer. 

    Hi Claes,


    Thanks for your comment. My main concern is how to unfold a double curved surface as the hull of a boat is. I'm trying to help out students with their technical drawing and CAM files for the boat they're planning to make & was hoping VW could have the genius option (somehow) for the trick 'other' CAD programs lack...

    • Like 1
  4. 41 minutes ago, Jim Wilson said:

    I had a truly fantastic time at this summit. I spoke and shared a few rounds with @Wesley Burrows, @willofmaine, @michaelk, @Pat Stanford, @Jan-Burger TROOST, and at least a half dozen other regulars here on the forum and they were treated to the dubious honor of having me pour words out at them in person. Which I am told is similar to being near a running jet engine.

    The main complaint I heard from most of the folks I talked to was a sore brain from trying to store all the things they learned, and that they wanted it to last even longer than it did. Which in my opinion, are two very healthy "problems" for an event to have. Once I hear tell of where we might be hosting the next one; I'll try to spill the beans on it at soon as possible 😉

    Next time... MORE messy selfies after Old Fashioneds.


    Sore brain? RDF you mean! 🤓


    At the Summit all was fine, back in school I learned a Reality Distortion Field has that name for a reason… 

    Looking forward to all the future contributions of y’all — be it summit or the forum. Thanks again for hosting the event the way you did! 

  5. 1 minute ago, Jim Wilson said:

    No idea how we are handling the recordings yet, but I know that for non-attwndees it may be awhile before they go live.


    I would suspect the keynote to come out first though, and soon. Odds are it'll just have auto subs.

    Actually I ment the instruction videos in the LMS… 😉

  6. 34 minutes ago, Jim Wilson said:

    My boss @JuanP shares some details on the upcoming LMS (Learning Management System) which will be the new home of all our training, in addition to introducing a Certification program for the various Vectorworks specialties!



    This is just SO freaking awesome!!

    Can’t wait to have it used by my students. Will there be an option to select subtitles to the video’s rather than translation voice overs?

  7. Hello,


    How do I rotate along line in 3D?

    Let's say I have two extruded hexagons that are connceted side by side (see attachment). I'd like to rotate the left one 90 degrees to the right one, like there is a hinge between the two.

    2 small details: the connceted side is not and should not be aligned to the X or Y axe & rotating the left hex along the side of the white cube is not the preferred method.


    I'm looking for a Vectorworks 3D-function that will do the trick for me...


  8. 19 minutes ago, line-weight said:

    If we were free to model each tread, riser, balustrade segment, etc directly with whatever solid form we liked, I don't see why either couldn't be 'parametric' even if all that the tool really supplied us with was a definition of heights at top and bottom, going length, and number of risers. So, taking the second one you'd model each tread individually but they would be attached to that basic geometry. This would allow VW to understand the object as a 'stair' but also, it would mean that if, say, the difference between floor levels was adjusted slightly, then a situation where each riser needed to be extended by 20mm could be achieved instantly without any redrawing. For a non-parametric object that kind of thing can be very tedious and time-consuming to adjust (and inevitably it then gets reverted back to the original at some point later in the design process!)

    Wow, if that could be achieved! I now hold my students from using the tool, since it seems counter productive the way it collects all parameters, but your suggestions would help explaining it to them in a clearer way!

  9. On 9/15/2018 at 1:20 AM, line-weight said:

    The tool needs to be flexible enough that we could model *any* of the staircases below, without having to resort to bodges and directly-modelled add-on bits that VW doesn't know are part of the stairs. I think that means full control of geometry on an individual tread and riser basis if necessary.


    I'm not that bothered if the tool can't work out everything automatically for me; it would be too much to expect it to know what to do with the end of the handrail in the spiral-ended one for example; what we want is maximum flexibility in what we can model and still have understood as a staircase element.


    Conceptually I don't think that a choice between concrete, timber, etc should be a starting point, and neither should 'U type' or 'L type'. That's how the current tool feels, you start off down one of these predefined paths and then try and bash it into something vaguely similar to what you want. Instead these should be nothing more than 'useful presets' or styles. The starting point should be basic geometry - top and bottom, rise and going, then you fiddle around with flights/landing combinations, something like that.




    Your first image would be awesome to do parametrically. The second and third I do manually. They are too specific/custom to have in a tool, I guess. 

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